


Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking effects




Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin

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Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin

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Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin

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Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin

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Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin

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Wednesday 14th September 2022 LOVI can explain how different drugs affect the body. drugs paracdand cocoine weed pain Killers heroin Drugs -a drug is any chemical substance that affects the central nervous system. 4 • medicinal drugs and recreational drugs - medieval drogs = drugs that presribed by your dators and give you good health benefits -recreational drugs they are drugs that people take for enjoyment, to help them relax or help them to stay They normaly have no health benefits and in many are harmful avata casses لت If your body gets card to the changes caused by a drug, i мому. this person the dry. This mean become dependent on. that you need the to keep taking the drug to feel norm happens you have an addiction. If with an addiction tries to stop taking the drug, they may suffer withdrawal symptoms. These can be very unp! and make it the dung. Withdr. even harder to give up. symptoms include headaches, anxiety, and sweating. Thursday 15th alvelis. 220% Boxygen o or nitrogen create There are millions of alveoli in a large surface area. and are only one cell thick. This exchange can occursy quickly and September 2022 carbudioride fred wire ☆ What is Alcohol? Alcohol contains the dag ethanot. When you drinke alcohol, ethanol is absorbed into your bloodstream. It travels Jorain, where it affects your oystem. This chemica nervous to your is called a slows deppressant because it slows it BH-SXNT down your body's reaction. A regular alcohol drinker is often called Calcoholla". an How a person would be affected. no alcohol they your lungs and They also have then walls means that...

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Alternative transcript:

gas easily. excessive alcohol generally relaxed and happy drunk - person loses control of their muscles making it difficult to walk. Slurred speech blurred vision unconsciousness blacking out death You can consume 2 units. of alchol * dangers of alcohol drinking large amounts of alcohol over a long time can cause stomach ulcers, heart disease, and brain and liver damage Your liver breaks dowen varmper chemicals (including sthanol) wito harmless masure products, which are then excreated from your is aly. As a result of having to break down large amounts of athanit the liners. their or heang drinkers Wher works become scarted. This Chemicals in • Nicoline an per day means les's egiciently, taking longen to break down alcohod and other chemicals. This condition is called cirrhoses of the liver and can result in death. drinking while pregnant can cause misscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, and low-birth-uusight babies. It can also damage the baby's developing organs and the brain dendops It can result in children with learning disabilities, facial problems and immune systems. poor #dr drinking can reduce fertility ( getting pregnant). Smoking a cigarette smoke. adductive day that is a stimulant. black, sticky chemical that •Tar-u 1• Carbon Monoxide cells from carrying oxygen • Particulates the dust particles in tabacco smoke which the cilly of epithelion cells. damage cousers curcer (carcinogen) a tokic gas which prements red blood Diseases caused by smoking lungs. •cancer e.y. thout, -Emphysema * heart disease • Asthma. •Brunchitis "Heart Sailure • Bluckage in the arteries. Wednesday 21 September 2022 Smoking Starter Tor • ethand •nicotine •Lungs "Liver addicts * depressant & slow down the transmission of messages in the nervous. Effect: • Takes longer tor process information. • disorted vision • feeling unwell or mouth Examples: Acohol •Cannabis •Heroin • cancer ☆ Stimdants: increase the rate at which messages transmitter in the nervous system. Effects! 8 energetic Insompia headaches Examples • drinks containing caffeine cocaine • ecstasy. effets of smoking -liner cancer ● on health. • dental hygiere problems • menstrual problems •mouth, lip and throat cancer •facial wrinkles • cervical cancer • stomach cancer SMOKING KOLLS storp today and make a difference. asthma •Kidney cancer heart disease.

Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking effects







Revision note

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Princess Amankwa


Comments (1)

Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin
Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin
Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin
Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin
Wednesday 14th September 2022
can explain how different drugs affect the body.
drugs paracdand
Killers heroin

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Wednesday 14th September 2022 LOVI can explain how different drugs affect the body. drugs paracdand cocoine weed pain Killers heroin Drugs -a drug is any chemical substance that affects the central nervous system. 4 • medicinal drugs and recreational drugs - medieval drogs = drugs that presribed by your dators and give you good health benefits -recreational drugs they are drugs that people take for enjoyment, to help them relax or help them to stay They normaly have no health benefits and in many are harmful avata casses لت If your body gets card to the changes caused by a drug, i мому. this person the dry. This mean become dependent on. that you need the to keep taking the drug to feel norm happens you have an addiction. If with an addiction tries to stop taking the drug, they may suffer withdrawal symptoms. These can be very unp! and make it the dung. Withdr. even harder to give up. symptoms include headaches, anxiety, and sweating. Thursday 15th alvelis. 220% Boxygen o or nitrogen create There are millions of alveoli in a large surface area. and are only one cell thick. This exchange can occursy quickly and September 2022 carbudioride fred wire ☆ What is Alcohol? Alcohol contains the dag ethanot. When you drinke alcohol, ethanol is absorbed into your bloodstream. It travels Jorain, where it affects your oystem. This chemica nervous to your is called a slows deppressant because it slows it BH-SXNT down your body's reaction. A regular alcohol drinker is often called Calcoholla". an How a person would be affected. no alcohol they your lungs and They also have then walls means that...

Wednesday 14th September 2022 LOVI can explain how different drugs affect the body. drugs paracdand cocoine weed pain Killers heroin Drugs -a drug is any chemical substance that affects the central nervous system. 4 • medicinal drugs and recreational drugs - medieval drogs = drugs that presribed by your dators and give you good health benefits -recreational drugs they are drugs that people take for enjoyment, to help them relax or help them to stay They normaly have no health benefits and in many are harmful avata casses لت If your body gets card to the changes caused by a drug, i мому. this person the dry. This mean become dependent on. that you need the to keep taking the drug to feel norm happens you have an addiction. If with an addiction tries to stop taking the drug, they may suffer withdrawal symptoms. These can be very unp! and make it the dung. Withdr. even harder to give up. symptoms include headaches, anxiety, and sweating. Thursday 15th alvelis. 220% Boxygen o or nitrogen create There are millions of alveoli in a large surface area. and are only one cell thick. This exchange can occursy quickly and September 2022 carbudioride fred wire ☆ What is Alcohol? Alcohol contains the dag ethanot. When you drinke alcohol, ethanol is absorbed into your bloodstream. It travels Jorain, where it affects your oystem. This chemica nervous to your is called a slows deppressant because it slows it BH-SXNT down your body's reaction. A regular alcohol drinker is often called Calcoholla". an How a person would be affected. no alcohol they your lungs and They also have then walls means that...

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Knowunity is the # 1 ranked education app in five European countries

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Alternative transcript:

gas easily. excessive alcohol generally relaxed and happy drunk - person loses control of their muscles making it difficult to walk. Slurred speech blurred vision unconsciousness blacking out death You can consume 2 units. of alchol * dangers of alcohol drinking large amounts of alcohol over a long time can cause stomach ulcers, heart disease, and brain and liver damage Your liver breaks dowen varmper chemicals (including sthanol) wito harmless masure products, which are then excreated from your is aly. As a result of having to break down large amounts of athanit the liners. their or heang drinkers Wher works become scarted. This Chemicals in • Nicoline an per day means les's egiciently, taking longen to break down alcohod and other chemicals. This condition is called cirrhoses of the liver and can result in death. drinking while pregnant can cause misscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, and low-birth-uusight babies. It can also damage the baby's developing organs and the brain dendops It can result in children with learning disabilities, facial problems and immune systems. poor #dr drinking can reduce fertility ( getting pregnant). Smoking a cigarette smoke. adductive day that is a stimulant. black, sticky chemical that •Tar-u 1• Carbon Monoxide cells from carrying oxygen • Particulates the dust particles in tabacco smoke which the cilly of epithelion cells. damage cousers curcer (carcinogen) a tokic gas which prements red blood Diseases caused by smoking lungs. •cancer e.y. thout, -Emphysema * heart disease • Asthma. •Brunchitis "Heart Sailure • Bluckage in the arteries. Wednesday 21 September 2022 Smoking Starter Tor • ethand •nicotine •Lungs "Liver addicts * depressant & slow down the transmission of messages in the nervous. Effect: • Takes longer tor process information. • disorted vision • feeling unwell or mouth Examples: Acohol •Cannabis •Heroin • cancer ☆ Stimdants: increase the rate at which messages transmitter in the nervous system. Effects! 8 energetic Insompia headaches Examples • drinks containing caffeine cocaine • ecstasy. effets of smoking -liner cancer ● on health. • dental hygiere problems • menstrual problems •mouth, lip and throat cancer •facial wrinkles • cervical cancer • stomach cancer SMOKING KOLLS storp today and make a difference. asthma •Kidney cancer heart disease.