


Kamikaze anntotations






that this is
This is about a Kamikaze pilot setting off on a mission. He turns
around and doesn't go through with it. His daughter imagines

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that this is
This is about a Kamikaze pilot setting off on a mission. He turns
around and doesn't go through with it. His daughter imagines

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that this is This is about a Kamikaze pilot setting off on a mission. He turns around and doesn't go through with it. His daughter imagines because he saw beauty in nature. The pilot is shunned when he gets home, even by his family. conflict- cultural expectation and inner conscience. The pull between the two. Kamikaze 1 5 isn't sure 10 simile 46 now he is Playing with death each stanza has 6 lines, tighty controlled. Poem is written in free verse and uses enjambment (b. 1938) Rising sun is military flag Beatrice Garland sense of a journey/ mission creates a japan is known as the country of the rising sun Third person-pilot's daughter. uses Her father embarked at sunrise reported speech with a flask of water, a samurai sword in the cockpit, a shaven head He's been brainwashed, influenced by full of powerful incantations patriotic propaganda and enough fuel for a one-way He isn't coming back journey into history His actions will be remebered forever changes direction. He turns around but half way there, she thought, The pilot has no voice recounting it later to her children, 'She shows she doesn't want to be The transparency of the sea lets him see with a new clarity and beneath them, arcing in swathes like a huge flag waved first one way Flags are a symbol of national identity direction 15 then the other in a figure of eight, he must have looked far down associated with her...

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Alternative transcript:

father due to the shame at the little fishing boats ironic, he should have been aiming at strung out like bunting the enemy ships, but the boat catches on a green-blue translucent sea his eyes. The bunling-celebration the dark shoals of fishes sibilance, reflects the smooth movement flashing silver as their bellies of the fish in the water. sense of energy samurai sword, ironic. The pilot is turning away from combat. swivelled towards the sun 20 his brothers waiting on the shore cains are used as landmark for death built cairns of pearl-grey pebbles innocent activities which contrast to to see whose withstood longest war. Thinking about his childhood and remembered how he and the turbulent inrush of breakers bringing their father's boat safe repition at safe- memorising his memories. Nature is described-why would the man deprive the people on the boat he is meant to destroy the oppurtunity of enjoying it. Sea-traditional way of life. family life- repeated reference ☐ AQA English Develop your learning on AQA English e-Library e-Library tightly controlled stanzas represent brainwashing. * personal shows the impact of war on the family-The fall out of the pilots actions. Ironic- GCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE they act as though he's dead PAST AND PRESENT: POETRY ANTHOLOGY even though he chose to not die. references to national service reduces as the poem progress to show his mind set is changing. 25-yes, grandfather's boat-safe Thinking about the impact to his family to the shore, salt-sodden, awash softness direct with cloud-marked mackerel, The listing shows his love for, and the black crabs, feathery prawns, beauty of nature. the loose silver of whitebait and once Speech Contrasts tuna Punctuation makes us stop and 30 a tuna, the dark prince, muscular, dangerous. Think Tuna fish is the most daughter's voice. And though he came back my mother never spoke again in his presence, nor did she meet his eyes and the neighbours too, they treated him ironic. Powerful part of the poem-element of danger. Daughter feels slightly quilty + forgives her father - Things have changed. 35 as though he no longer existed, only we children still chattered and laughed - The innocence of the children- the gravity of what happened. not understanding children were being brainwashed to believe their father was a bad person. till gradually we too learned to be silent, to live as though he had never returned, that this 40% was no longer the father we loved. Hints that the pilot was changed by And sometimes, she said, he must have wondered this experience which had been the better way to die. < fragia ending. Pilot's Choice to return was fuille The pilot chooses his Physical life over actual death, but suffers an emotional death instead. Structure the absence of his voice Shows he's been cut off by society. - final two stanzas are written in direct speech. не may have wished that he'd fulfilled his mission. Either way, his story ends with a kind of death. shame emotional distress vividness of life contrasts dissapoint ment of return * fall from grace death Shift from 3rd to first person shows the conflict that the speaker feels. Themes Patriotism dark language is contrasted with Positive language, symbolising his Inner turmoil Power of kamikaze- nature guilt memories regret Narrative poem (line 1) Power of nature v-s power of men nature Divine wind. 47