


The Elements of Music




The music Elements.
por how fast
or slow the
Dynamics, how loud or quiet the
music IS.
"Pitch - how low or high the

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The music Elements. por how fast or slow the Stimme Dynamics, how loud or quiet the music IS. Tempor "Pitch - how low or high the music/particular part is. meg in music is Sonordy (timbre) - different qualities of by different in Sounds made instruments. Texture how many you many layers of music can hear? Lots ? (thick) Not many ? (thin) 30 Structure, the overall plan of the sections of music durations how long the notes are.

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The Elements of Music








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Comments (1)

The music Elements.
por how fast
or slow the
Dynamics, how loud or quiet the
music IS.
"Pitch - how low or high the

key word revision sheet all yrs

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The music Elements. por how fast or slow the Stimme Dynamics, how loud or quiet the music IS. Tempor "Pitch - how low or high the music/particular part is. meg in music is Sonordy (timbre) - different qualities of by different in Sounds made instruments. Texture how many you many layers of music can hear? Lots ? (thick) Not many ? (thin) 30 Structure, the overall plan of the sections of music durations how long the notes are.

The music Elements. por how fast or slow the Stimme Dynamics, how loud or quiet the music IS. Tempor "Pitch - how low or high the music/particular part is. meg in music is Sonordy (timbre) - different qualities of by different in Sounds made instruments. Texture how many you many layers of music can hear? Lots ? (thick) Not many ? (thin) 30 Structure, the overall plan of the sections of music durations how long the notes are.

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Knowunity is the # 1 ranked education app in five European countries

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