


Bipolar, Depressive, Anxiety, and Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

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Bipolar, Depressive, Anxiety, and Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders - AP Psychology Study Guide


Hellooo, aspiring AP Psychologists! Get ready to dive head-first into the fascinating world of mood and anxiety disorders, where our mental rollercoasters sometimes take us to dizzying heights or plunge us into the depths of despair. It's way more thrilling than any amusement park ride, though you might not always get to choose your emotional pit stops. 🎢🚀

Mood Disorders

Mood disorders are like having mood swings that make regular ups and downs look like the bunny slopes. Several flavors of these disorders await you:

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Imagine life's most awesome party, but you totally miss it because you’re stuck in a black hole of sadness and apathy. That’s MDD for you. Individuals with MDD experience a sustained period of depressive mood and loss of interest in almost everything that’s fun. This could last weeks, months, or even years. People with MDD might find it tough to get out of bed, sort of like having an unwanted marathon binge-watching session of the world’s most depressing TV show. 📺💤

Dysthymic Disorder

Think of Dysthymic Disorder as the grey cloud that’s always hanging around—drizzling and never quite going away. Also known as Persistent Depressive Disorder, it lasts for at least two years and includes symptoms like lousy appetite, sleep issues, low energy, and a pervasive sense of hopelessness. It's like your brain has decided to set its emotional temperature to “meh” for a really long time. 🌧️😕

Bipolar Disorder (BP)

Bipolar Disorder is like being on a seesaw where your mood goes from sky-high euphoria (mania) to rock-bottom sadness (depression) and back again. During manic phases, individuals are more impulsive, hyperactive, and often feel invincible, like they could bench press a car if they wanted to. But during depressive episodes, it’s a complete 180°—low energy and gloom town. Think Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but without the villainous plot. 🛴🚴

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD says, "Winter is coming," and with it, a drop in your mood. It’s a type of depression that hits like clockwork during the same season each year, typically the cold, dark months. It's like your brain is whispering, “Let’s hibernate...forever.” ❄️🐻

Suicide and Self-Injury

Sadly, mood disorders sometimes lead individuals to contemplate or commit suicide—the ultimate act of despair. On a similarly somber note, nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is when people harm themselves without intending to end their life, often as a twisted coping mechanism.

Important! If you or someone you know is in crisis, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Etiology of Mood Disorders

Biological Factors

Here's a fun genetic twist: If your family tree has mood disorders dangling from its branches, your own risk is elevated. The brains of those with depression have less active left frontal lobes (the party area). Chemical messengers are also out of whack—low serotonin and norepinephrine levels are common culprits. It’s like your brain’s DJ played the wrong tunes, and now the party’s over. 💿🧬

Social-Cognitive Factors

Not all doom and gloom are due to biology. Your explanatory style, or how you spin life’s stories, also matters. Personalize stress with thoughts like, “This will never end,” or “Everything’s ruined because of this,” and you might hand depression a VIP pass into your life.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are like having your brain stuck in a constant state of red alert. They come in several flavors, each with its own twist on fear and worry.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Imagine being worried about everything...all the time. That’s GAD in a nutshell. People with GAD experience exaggerated worry about everyday things, from whether they locked the front door to impending global catastrophes. Their autonomic nervous system is basically stuck in overdrive, making sleep and concentration luxuries they can only dream about. 🚀😰

Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder is like anxiety on steroids. It’s characterized by sudden and intense episodes known as panic attacks, replete with physical symptoms like racing heartbeats, sweating, and dizziness. The sheer terror is like being chased by a horde of zombies while knowing there's nothing behind you at all. 🧟💨


Phobias are like anxiety’s highly focused laser beams. They cause irrational and intense fear of specific objects or situations—like spiders, heights, or public speaking. Imagine a colossal monster spider chasing you through public spaces; that’s how pervasive and irrational these fears can be. 🕷️🏃

Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) and Agoraphobia

Social Anxiety Disorder is triggered by social interactions, where fear of judgment, embarrassment, or rejection reigns supreme. If the anxiety is intense enough, it can morph into agoraphobia, where leaving home is a Herculean task due to the fear of having a panic attack in public. It’s like being forever doomed to be a couch potato, but not by choice. 🍿🏠

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Last but not least, OCD is an anxiety disorder featuring the twin monsters of obsessions (unwanted, repetitive thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive behaviors to stave off anxiety). It’s not just about being a neat freak but often involves time-consuming rituals like incessant hand-washing or lock-checking. Picture a brain that keeps you trapped in a Groundhog Day of anxiety-fueled rituals. 🔄🧼

Etiology of Anxiety Disorders

Behavioral Perspective

Behaviorists point out that bad experiences leave their mark, leading to anxiety when similar events loom. Stimulus generalization (like fearing all dogs after being bitten once) and reinforcement (avoiding fears and thus reinforcing them) create a perpetual loop of fear. It’s like trying to run away from your shadow, only to find it’s always there. 🏃‍♂️🕶️

Social-Cognitive Perspective

Albert Bandura's observational learning theory weighs in here: if you see others freaking out about spiders, you might just invite arachnophobia to your mental party. 🕸️👀

Cognitive Perspective

How you interpret your world can trigger anxiety. Spotting dangers everywhere can turn the mundane into a minefield. 🌍💣

Evolutionary and Biological Perspectives

Evolutionary psychologists think fears are relics of our ancestors’ survival strategies. Biological psychologists see a combo of genetic, neuroanatomy, and physiology at work. Think of it as your inner caveman running the show. 🧬🦕

Key Terms to Review

  • Agoraphobia
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Biological Factors
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Depression
  • Dysthymic Disorder (Persistent Depressive Disorder)
  • Etiology
  • Explanatory Style
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Hypomania
  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  • Mania
  • Mood Disorders
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI)
  • Observational Learning
  • Panic Attack
  • Panic Disorder
  • Phobias
  • Reinforcement
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
  • Social-Cognitive Psychologists
  • Stimulus Generalization
  • Suicide


There you have it, brave future clinical psychologists! These disorders are more complex than a Rubik's cube and understanding them is key to helping those who struggle. Whether you’re dealing with the ups and downs of bipolar disorder or navigating the treacherous waters of anxiety disorders, your knowledge can illuminate the path to mental well-being. 🔦🧠

Go forth and ace that AP Psych exam with confidence. You're ready to tackle the toughest psychological puzzles like a pro!

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