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Nationalism in 19th Century Europe: AP European History Study Guide

Introduction: A League of Their Own

Welcome to the 19th century, where nationalism was the superhero of the hour, swooping in to unite the people and, occasionally, start a few skirmishes. 🦸‍♂️🌍 Let's dive into how nationalism shaped Europe, from kickstarting independence movements to stirring up a little (okay, a lot of) anti-Semitism. Put on your thinking berets and let’s Get Excited (™) about flags, revolutions, and the drama that makes "Game of Thrones" look like a quaint tea party. ☕️🐉

Development and Spread of Nationalism

Imagine Napoleon as Europe's overachieving kid who made everyone else feel inadequate. With his Continental System aiming to throttle Britain's economy, Napoleon became the common adversary that united various European nations. He first tested out nationalist policies in France by standardizing the language, law codes, and symbols, like the flashy tricolor flag. Basically, he was like the IKEA of nationalism, setting up France with a stylish, coordinated national identity. 🇫🇷

European countries couldn't have it. The British, known for their stiff upper lips and an insatiable love for tea, focused on boosting industrial production. Meanwhile, the Spanish, not thrilled about Napoleon's brother cozying up to their throne, took to arms. The shared disdain for Napoleon’s Continental PITA united people across Europe to rally behind their nations.

Notable Nation-Builders

Some of nationalism's MVPs include J.G. Fichte, who philosophized about the German nation like it was the coolest book club ever. The Grimm Brothers collected fairy tales, fueling German cultural pride (and indirectly helping Disney with future content). Giuseppe Mazzini, Italy's George Clooney with a pen and a political agenda, pushed for unification with his bold and passionate writings, while the Pan-Slavists dreamed of a Slavic Avengers team-up.

Effects of Nationalism

Nationalism didn't just stop at romantic ideals and saving the day; it encouraged a profound loyalty to one's country through liberal reforms, political unification, and sadly, its evil twin, racialism and anti-Semitism.

The Dark Side: Rise in Anti-Semitism

When you start emphasizing common heritage, language, and religion, someone’s inevitably left out. Jews, with their roots in the Middle East, were often ostracized. Cue the tragic Dreyfus Affair—a gripping French scandal that wrongfully accused Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish army officer, of treason. He was exiled to Devil's Island, where the Wi-Fi was nonexistent and hospitality was... lacking. This scandal revealed France's deeply ingrained anti-Semitism and corruption, dividing the nation much like a poorly salted baguette. 🥖

Zionism to the Rescue

In response to mounting anti-Semitism, Theodor Herzl birthed Zionism, planting the seeds for a Jewish homeland where Jewish heritage and practices could flourish. Imagine a place where everyone agrees that bagels are the best breakfast food—that’s Zionism’s goal for cultural unity in the land of Israel. 🇮🇱

Independence Movements

Nationalism also played the matchmaker for various independence movements:

  • The Greeks booted the Ottomans in 1821, proving that Ancient Greek democracy wasn't just an old scroll in a museum. 🇬🇷
  • The Serbians followed suit in 1830, further weakening the Ottoman grasp on Europe.
  • Belgium gave the Netherlands a farewell wave (not quite the friendly kind) and made a beeline for independence in 1830.
  • Latin American nations from Haiti to Brazil gave European colonial powers a boot and reclaimed their futures between 1804 and 1824.

Revolutions of 1848: Europe’s Fireworks Show

In 1848, Europe lit up with revolutions like a particularly rebellious 4th of July. Bourgeoisie, with a little help from their lower-class friends, staged protests to oust oppressive monarchies. This was Europe’s remix of the Enlightenment ideas—dropping sick beats of democracy and reform that broke the Concert of Europe, shuffling governments like a deck of cards until they were forced to ante up or fold. 🎆

The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary: Dual Trouble

Austria's resilience waned post-Italian and German unifications, losing land and prestige. Emperor Francis Joseph’s October Diploma was like trying to patch a sinking ship with bubblegum, leading to the Compromise of 1867. Creating a dual monarchy with Hungary, they maintained separate parliaments and economies but shared a ruler, kinda like awkward roommates who despise each other but share a Netflix account. 🇦🇹🇭🇺

New Alliances: The Prenup to WWI

New nations meant new alliances, setting the stage for global conflicts like WWI. Italy and Germany, the new kids on the block, teamed up with the Ottoman Empire (Triple Alliance), while Russia, France, and Great Britain formed the Triple Entente. It was like an epic pregame of Risk, only with real soldiers and way higher stakes.

Key Concepts to Know

  • Nationalism: A passionate identification with one's nation. Think of it as patriotism’s overenthusiastic cousin.
  • Anti-Semitism: Prejudice against Jews, manifesting in discrimination and violence.
  • Zionism: Jewish nationalist movement aiming for a homeland in Israel.
  • Revolutions of 1848: Widespread European revolts demanding democratic reforms.
  • Dual Monarchy: Austria and Hungary's political setup post-Compromise of 1867.

Fun Fact

Did you know that nationalism was so contagious in the 19th century that even fairy tales helped spark it? The Grimms’ fairy tales weren’t just bedtime stories—they were nationalist fuel, igniting a sense of German identity. Imagine "Snow White" as a revolutionary icon!


So, there you have it! The 19th century was a whirlwind of nationalist fervor that reshaped nations, started rebellions, and yes, caused more than a few international incidents. Nationalism was the glue that held emerging nations together but also the firestarter for conflicts they couldn't always control. 🌟

Now, armed with the knowledge of how nationalism influenced Europe, go forth and tackle your AP Euro exam like a true revolutionary—but maybe without the barricades and pitchforks. You've got this! 💪📚

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