


Shifting Power After 1900

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Shifting Power After 1900: AP World History Study Guide


Welcome, history explorers! Let’s buckle up and delve into the thrilling rollercoaster ride of global power shifts from 1900 onwards. 🌍 Get ready for a wild narrative of empires collapsing like dominoes, new powers testing the waters, and global adventures that could rival any Hollywood blockbuster.

The Global Balance of Power

The early 20th century was like a game of Risk—but way more intense and with real consequences. The Western Hemisphere saw major players like Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands solidify their dominance, thanks to industrialization and colonization. These nations were essentially the global boardroom managers, while regions like the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, and Qing empires began their slow dance off the stage of world power.

Emerging powers like Japan and the United States were the dark horses in this global race. Japan’s Meiji Restoration of 1868 turbocharged its modernization efforts, turning it into an economic and military heavyweight. Across the Pacific, the United States, fresh from annexing territories like the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam, was also flexing its newfound global muscle.

Collapse of Empires

The Ottoman Empire

By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Ottoman Empire was like an aging boxer past his prime, facing a flurry of challenges. To roll with the punches thrown by imperialism, the Ottomans introduced the Tanzimat Reforms, which aimed to modernize and Westernize the empire. These measures included scrapping the slave trade, implementing a new legal code straight out of the European playbook, and setting up a centralized bureaucracy.

Despite these valiant efforts, the Tanzimat Reforms were like trying to fix a sinking ship with duct tape. Many Ottomans saw Westernization as a betrayal of their traditions, and political corruption and economic mismanagement continued to plague the empire. In 1908, a group of idealistic young intellectuals, known as the Young Turks, led a revolution. Although they implemented significant democratic reforms, including universal suffrage and a parliamentary system, it wasn’t enough to save the empire. The Ottoman Empire ultimately crumbled into what we now know as Turkey following its defeat in World War I.

Qing China

The Qing Dynasty, which had steered China for over three centuries, hit rocky waters as it struggled to fend off foreign imperialists and modernize. The Self-Strengthening Movement in the 1860s aimed to industrialize and bolster military capabilities. Factories were built, railroads laid, and Western-style education systems were introduced.

Despite these efforts, the Qing Dynasty’s reforms were like using a Band-Aid on a bullet wound. Resistance from traditionalists, coupled with severe social unrest, led to widespread rebellion. First came the massive Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864) led by Hong Xiuquan, whose Christian-inspired insurrection resulted in millions of deaths and significantly weakened the Qing regime. Close on its heels was the Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901), an anti-foreign uprising which, although crushed by a multinational coalition, further eroded the dynasty’s legitimacy.

In 1911, the Nationalist Party (Guomindang) led a revolution that toppled the Qing Dynasty, paving the way for the Republic of China. This marked the end of over two millenniums of imperial rule and set the stage for the rise of the Communist Party under Mao Zedong later in the century.

Russia and the Russian Revolution

Russia embarked on an ambitious plan to industrialize in the 19th and early 20th centuries, building factories and railroads at breakneck speed. However, the czarist regime’s inability to manage political instability, economic woes, and social discontent turned this rapid industrialization into a cauldron ready to boil over.

The calamitous defeat in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) starkly exposed Russia’s weaknesses. The humiliating loss undermined the empire’s credibility and sparked the Russian Revolution of 1905, leading to the creation of the Duma, a parliamentary body meant to appease the masses. However, the real tectonic shift came in 1917 when the Russian Revolution overthrew the ruling czar, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union. This seismic change rocked the global balance of power and introduced a new heavyweight into international geopolitics.

Key Players and Movements

  • The Young Turks were a political reform movement consisting of Ottoman exiles, students, civil servants, and army officers who aimed to replace the Ottoman Empire's absolute monarchy with a constitutional government.
  • The Guomindang (Nationalist Party) in China sought to modernize and eradicate imperial rule, laying the groundwork for the Republic of China.
  • Mao Zedong later led the Communist Party to establish the People's Republic of China, dramatically altering the global power structure.
  • The Bolsheviks seized power during the Russian Revolution, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union and signaling a dramatic shift in Russian and global politics.

Fun Facts

Did you know that Japan’s Meiji Restoration was like a country-wide version of "Extreme Makeover"? They went from samurai swords to steam engines faster than you can say "sushi." 🥋🍣


In a nutshell, the early 20th century was a period of dramatic power shifts on the global stage. Long-standing empires crumbled under the weight of modernization pressures, social unrest, and external threats, while ambitious new powers emerged to reshape the world order. With the collapse of old empires like the Ottoman and Qing, and the rise of new entities like the Soviet Union and a modernized Japan, the stage was set for the tumultuous 20th century.

Armed with this knowledge, you’re now ready to ace your AP World History exam. Remember, history isn’t just about memorizing dates and events, it’s about understanding the seismic shifts that have shaped our world. So go forth and conquer with the wisdom of the ages—and a few fun historical tidbits to impress your friends!

Good luck, future historians! 🌍💪📚

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