


Ten Test-Taking Tips: Optimize Your Academic Success

Ten test-taking tips from our student ambassador Aster!

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Aster is among the top Knowunity users, Knowunity US student ambassador, and now a student intern at Knowunity.


· 4 min read

Although studying for your test is a critical part of the exam-taking process, it is still important to know how to maximize your chances of success on the day of the test, whether that be by prepping for the test, taking the test, or reviewing your answers.

When comparing the most commonly given advice from students, teachers, and websites including Education Corner, Central Methodist University, and Harvard, these ten tips are the most highly recommended ways to ensure test-taking success:

1. Make sure to prepare yourself the night before.

Review your test materials before you go to sleep. In 2020, researchers from Loughborough University conducted a study where they found that learning or reviewing before bed improved students’ ability to recall information later. However, it is still important to get a good night’s rest so that your brain can function at maximum efficiency. Adolescent brains require nine hours of sleep to ensure maximum brain function.

2. Eat a well-balanced breakfast in the morning.

On the topic of maximum brain efficiency, it’s important to eat a good breakfast before taking exams. A grumbling stomach is incredibly distracting. It’s recommended to eat a blend of carbs and healthy proteins, as they will keep you feeling full, but not sluggish. Recommended foods include eggs, oatmeal, and nuts.

3. Ask questions before the test.

Don’t keep anything unanswered in your mind before the test, so ask your teachers questions before starting the test. Many teachers do not allow students to ask questions during the test. To avoid this, make sure you review all of the topics on the test beforehand and ask your teacher to clarify before taking the exam.

4. Use your time efficiently.

Make sure to manage your time properly. About a week before the exam, most teachers will give you a summary of the structure of the test that includes the number of each type of question. These materials are incredibly useful for organizing your time. By using these materials to know how long you have for your exam, you can divide your time evenly and make sure you aren’t rushing at the end of the test.

5. Divide your time appropriately.

Short answers and essays should be the first thing to get out of the way. To make sure you have enough time to answer them thoroughly, start with essay questions, short answer questions, or the like. When you begin your test, the information is fresh in your mind, and this will allow you to answer these questions more coherently. In addition to this, if you find yourself short on time, you’re more likely to get multiple choice questions correct while in a rush than an essay or short answer question.

6. Pay close attention to details.

Make sure to read every passage, question, and answer option thoroughly. Oftentimes, multiple answers are correct but you are tasked with choosing the best out of the given options. Also watch out for words like “always” and “never,” especially in true-or-false questions. Words like these are purposefully placed to mislead you. Unless the question is 100% true 100% of the time, the answer is false. Remember, if the wording is tricky, you can always ask a teacher.

7. Answer the question in your head first.

Especially when working on multiple-choice questions, answering questions in your head before looking at the options can help you avoid getting stuck between two seemingly correct answers. Oftentimes, it is best to go with your first choice, and incorrect answers, known as “distractors,” are purposefully put there to throw you off. By mentally answering a question before looking at the options, you can find the one that is closest to your original answer without doubting yourself.

8. Mark any questions you are unsure about.

While taking your exam, time is money. If you calculate your time to figure out the optimal amount of time to spend on each question, you can estimate if you’re taking too much time on a question. Instead of sitting there perplexed, make your best guess, circle or flag the question, and move on through the rest of the test. Later, if you have extra time at the end of the test, go back and re-read the question in hopes of getting a better understanding.

9. Check, check, and check again.

If you have extra time once you’ve finished your test, look over the entire thing. First, check for completeness. Make sure you haven’t skipped any questions. Even if you don’t know the answer, a guess on a multiple-choice question gives you a 25% chance of success. Then, check any questions you’ve marked because you’re unsure about. Checking all your answers can improve your confidence and make you feel better about submitting your test.

10. Relax once you have finished the test.

Once you have finished and turned in your test, take a deep breath and take a moment to be proud of yourself. Don’t meddle over what you think you got wrong, there’s nothing you can do about it now. You’re done! Pat yourself on the back.

Exam season can be an incredibly stressful time for students, but with effective test-taking strategies and a focused approach, anyone can conquer these academic challenges and achieve outstanding results.