


Anatomy - Endocrine System Hormones






- endocrine system
• hurmunes - chemical messengers released in blood & transported thru body
endocrine ginnas
-release to surroun

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- endocrine system
• hurmunes - chemical messengers released in blood & transported thru body
endocrine ginnas
-release to surroun

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- endocrine system • hurmunes - chemical messengers released in blood & transported thru body endocrine ginnas -ductless -release to surrounding tissues to target -pancreas, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal •exocrine glands -duct-glands -release non-hormonal to membrane surfaces es less specific -sweat, saliva, pancreas, mammary, etc. types of glands target cell hormones only influence certain tissue cells .activation depends on 1.blood levels of hormones 2. relative num of receptors 3. affinity (strength) of hond w/ hormone & receptur up-regulation - target cells form more receptors in response •down-regulation pineal gland -hormone: melatonin from serotonin major gland's location: base of brain -func: Sunchronize biorythums & time passage. L>signated by light in eyes (photoreceptors) thyroid gland hypothalamus - location: above pitnitury gland (TRH) -hormone: GnRH, GHRH, thyrutrupin, dopamine -function release hormones from endocrine organs -location inferior to larynx - hormone thyroid hormone (TH) made from thymus gland thytroxine fritudothronine -function stimulate metabolism, hody heat, bone growth, minst have iodine to work correctly Culcitonin regnintes bloud calcium levels -location superior to heart -hormone: thymopoietins & thumosins -function produce white blood cells, Daminoacid based 2)Steroids 3) eicosanoids goal: preserve homeostasis -gonadal & hormones adrenocortical -lenkotrienes (signal inflammation? -prostaglandins (ruise bp, control urine contractions) types of stimuli humoral-direct response to changing •hormonal-in response to another hormone neural-nerve fibers stimulate hormone release -stress = more sugar in blood-↑ responie of symp NS for fight or flight response. pituitary gland Canterior & posterior) - location base of brain parathyroid gland pancreas -functioni: w/ hypothalamins to control -anterior: growth hormone (GH), prolactin (breast milk), follicle-stim hormone (menstrution/sperm prod), Inteinizing hormone (CH) Cestrogen of testosterone...

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Alternative transcript:

prod), thyroid stim horm (acc. cell metabolism), andirenc corticolegic nurm (ACTH) (controls stress) -posterior: ocytoxin targets uterns for contractions for labor q antidiuretic hurm (ADH)-targets Kidneys to reabsorb water - location: Superficial thyroid -hormone: parathyroid hormone (PTH) -function: controls calcium & phosphorns to help keep muscles, bones, & nerves working correctly -location inferior to stemach -hormone: insulin & gintagon -function: controls sugar levels in bloud (insulin lowers, glucagon raises) Ovaries (Females) - location inferior to abdomen --hormone: estrogen & progesterone -function produce egys, female characteristics adrenal glands testes (males) - location scrotum -hormone testosterone -function: stim sperm production, make characteristics - location: attached superior to kidneys - hormones: cortisol (stress & ability to use energy) androgens sex hormones) aldosterone (muintains blood pressure of salt, potassium balance) norepinephrine & epinephrime (fight or flight response) -ginca corticoids hyperadrenocorticism: tou much cortisol production -distended abdomen, Skin infections/acne