


Cell Transport






-Cell and Transport Study Guide Part II
1. Passive Transport
a. Simple Diffusion
movement of molecules from high to low, down concentration

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-Cell and Transport Study Guide Part II
1. Passive Transport
a. Simple Diffusion
movement of molecules from high to low, down concentration

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-Cell and Transport Study Guide Part II 1. Passive Transport a. Simple Diffusion movement of molecules from high to low, down concentration gradient b. Facilitated Diffusion movement of molecules from high → low with a proteins help c. Osmosis movement of water from high → low - can move through phospholipid bilayer (very slow process) i. Osmo regulation Ability to maintain water balance within their cells. -Prevents excessive uptake or excessive loss of water ii. Tonicity-1 -The effectiveness of a solution to cause a cell to gain or lose water 1. Hypertonic Solution with a higher concentration of solute and a lower concentration of solvent compared to another solution ↳ causes water to diffuse out of cell d - Plant: PlasmoNzed b- Animal: crenates 2. Hypotonic Solution with a higher concentration of solvent, and a lower concentration of solute compared to another solution -causes water to diffuse into cell cell swells / bursts a. Plant Turgid 3. Isotonic Water and dissolve solutes diffuse into and out of cell wall at the same rate. Plants: Flaccia Animal: Normal i. Turgor pressure-plant cells will expierence this; wont burst ccell wall b. Animal lyse d. Molecules reach dynamic equilibrium into and out of the cell are equal. when the rate of reaction e. The concentration gradient, the size of the molecules, and the temperature all affect the rate of passive transport 11. Active Transport a. Molecules move against concentration gradient b. Requires energy C. Types of Active Transport a. Sodium Potassium pump i.Purpose- maintain nerve cell voltage ii. Uses...

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Alternative transcript:

a carrier protein to move three Nations out of the cell and two k+ ions in to the cell (6 steps) iii. There are two ways the pump can stop working 1. Anoxic Environment- No oxygen (NO Oxygen = no respiration = no ATP) 2. Phosphate from ATP doesn't detach from Nat pump Consequence of pump not working - H ₂0 enters cell, cell begins to swell, eventually will burst b.vesicular Transport - when molecules are too large so they are transported by vesicles 1. Endocytosis - Into cell 1. Phagocytosis - Engulfment of Solid particles into vesicles 2. Pino cytosis - Engulfment of fluids into vesicles 3. Receptor mediated- Interact with a specific protein to initiate. vesicle formation ii. Exocytosis- out of cell