


Immunity and Vaccinations






• There are two types of immunity: active and passive.
Active Immunity
→ Active immunity is when
by an antigen.
. There are two typ

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• There are two types of immunity: active and passive.
Active Immunity
→ Active immunity is when
by an antigen.
. There are two typ

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• There are two types of immunity: active and passive.
Active Immunity
→ Active immunity is when
by an antigen.
. There are two typ

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• There are two types of immunity: active and passive. Immunity Active Immunity → Active immunity is when by an antigen. . There are two types of active immunity: 1. Natural 2. Artificial when you when you of antigen. Passive Immunity Immunity and Vaccinations - what is - your Vaccination immune become immune after catching become immune after you've been Requires exposure to antigen Takes a while for protection to develop its system makes the difference between active and passive immunity? Active Immunity Memory cells are produced Protection is long-term because the antibody is produced lafter activation of cells) in memory response complementary to antigen being present in the body → Passive immunity is the type of immunity you get from being given antibodies made a different organism. ( Your immune system does not produce any antibodies on its own) • There are 1 Natural 2. Artificial- When two types of passive immunity: baby becomes you When a be come immune immune a disea se given own antibodies to antibodies receives due antibodies after being injected with Doesn't require Memory Passive Immunity to exposure antigen Protection is immediate a harmless vaccination containg after cells aren't produced being it Protection is short-term because the antibodies given are broken down stimulated from its from dose mother Some one else. Vaccination is the introduction of the appropriate to disease antigens into the body, either by injection or by mouth. The intention is stimulate an immune response against a particular disease •The response is slight because only a small amount of antigen has been introduced. · Vaccination allows the body to produce memory cells. These remain in the blood and greater, and more immediate, response to a infection. future allow a • This results in a rapid production of before it can cause any harm and with symptoms. How the...

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Alternative transcript:

COVID-19 vaccine works (Moderna & Pfizer / Biontech) lipid nanoparticle is a phospholipid bilayer that transports the mRNA binds to host cell ~mRNA translation ribo somes Features of MRNA perforin 00 00 4. 5. a S protein Herd immunity ~mRNA Sars-cov2 translation ribosomes CD4 STILLA UN TCR ZULT MHC-II Lonly in B-cells Reverse engineering primory sequence of S Sars - cov 2 protein on on mRNA. a antibodies and the new tew, if any How coronavirus vaccine will work macrophages dendritic cells • MHC-I (found in all cells with nucleus) T-helper cell releases cytokines 00 -00 IL-2 000 IL-4 IL-S produces antibodies helps destroy Virus Lopsonisation/ agglutination) successful vaccination programme the plasma cells Scientists have taken genes for the spike protein on the surface of coronavirus, and put them into a harmless virus to make a vaccine infection is rapidly overcome This is injected into the patient The vaccine enters cells, which then start to produce the coronavirus spike protein TY Y T → Herd immunity is form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a sufficient Percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, there by reducing likelihood of infection for individuals who lack immunity. T B-cells If the patient encounters coronavirus again, the antibodies and T cells are triggered to fight the virus differentiation sufficient quantities This prompts the immune system to produce antibodies and activate killer T-cells to destroy infected cells 1. A Suitable vaccine must be economically available in vulnerable population. the from vaccination. 2. There must very few side-effects, if 3. any, Means of producing, storing and transporting the vaccine available. must be the vaccine properly at the appropriate time. vast majority of the vulnerable There must be means of administering It must be possible to vaccinate herd immunity. TY Y T PARD immunise most of BBC population to produce When no one has immunity, contagion has many opportunities to spread quickly. The more immunity we have in the system, the less often contagion comes into contact with the susceptible. Spread of contagious disease is contained. with herd immunity, the vast majority of a population are vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of virus able to spread in the whole population. As a result, not every single person needs to be vaccinated to be protected, which helps ensure vulnerable cannot get are kept safe. who groups vaccinated The MMR Vaccine and herd immunity in measles • Herd immunity against measles require about 95% of a population to be vaccinated. The remaining will not spread 5% will be protected by the fact that measles are vaccinated. among those who The MMR vaccine is 9 In 1998, a study was 12 children with autism autism. The vast majority emerged since the vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella. published about the safety of the MMR vaccine. The study was based oh and concluded that there be Q link between the MMR vaccine may of scientists now think that MMR first research linking the va ecine is safe. A number of vaccine to artism: Why vaccination may not eliminate a disease the ↳ The author of the research had a conflict of interests. ↳ Further studies, including one in Japan involving between the MMR vaccine and autiem. ↳ The sample size (12 children) was very small. over found 30,000 children, have Vaccination fails to induce immunity in people with defective immune systems. • Individuals may develop the disease immediately vaccination. These Individuals may pathogen and reinfect others. after • The pathogen may mutate frequently so that its that vaccines suddenly become ineffective because recognised by the immune system. This is Certain gene hide from the body's immune within the intestines. antigens change suddenly rather new antigens on the pathogen known as antigenic variability. system, for example the oholera • Individuals may have objections to vaccination for religious, ethical example, unfounded concerns over MMR vaccine has led to opt out facts have The ethics of using vaccines The production and use of vaccines raises the following questions: • The production and development of vaccines involves the use of animals How can the risk of side-effects be balanced against the risk that even greater harm? • How should vaccine trials be tested out? causes · Is it right, in • How can any Controlling a disease for the benefit of the population at large. the interests of vaccination everyone's health, that individual health risks from vaccination be balanced and ho link harbour the than gradually. This no longer are pathogen or medical reasons. For for vaccinations. of developing a means hides disease should be compulsory against the advantages ? of