


Language and Structural Techniques






1 Language Techniques
Noun - a person, place, object, idea
an action or state
☆ Modal Verb - expresses necessity
✩ Imperative - gives

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1 Language Techniques
Noun - a person, place, object, idea
an action or state
☆ Modal Verb - expresses necessity
✩ Imperative - gives

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- 1 Language Techniques Noun - a person, place, object, idea Verb an action or state ☆ Modal Verb - expresses necessity ✩ Imperative - gives an order or Command Adverb - modifies a verb, adjective, adverb or phrose Adjective describes a noun Language & Structural Techniques Superlative - an adjective showing the highest quality or Alliteration degree the same letter or sound at the start of adjacent words * Metaphor - direct Comparison of two things without using 'like' or 'as' & Personification - the giving of human characteristics to a non-humain object ✩ Semantic field - The use of a group of words that all link to the Same topic The Writer/author.... builds... develops... Contrasts.. intensifies. reinforces.... highlights... or ☆ Hyper-bale - exaggeration that should not be taken literally t Auditory imagery - Vivid description of Sounds Tactile imagery - Viviel description of physical Sensation afactory imagery - Vivid description of Smell ☆ Gustatory imagery - vivid description of taste/ flavour • Kinesthetic imagery - Vivid description of movement ☆ 2: Useful Phrases possibility foregrounds... isolates... lagers... begins... maintains... juxtaposes... Sequences.... Shifts.... introduces... emphasis es... Constructs.... Grganises gaides... anchors... body Position 3: Structure Techniques Simple sentence - Contains 1 clause with a subject and verb Compound Sentence - contains 2 independent clauses that are joined with a conjunction. Sentence - Contains I or more. & Complex ☆ Import Sentence or Fragment - Contains 3 or less words ✩ Juritaposition - Two things placed together to highlight the contrerst between them eg you can see the light of Stars at night...

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Alternative transcript:

only because of space Subordinate clauses related and darkness of ☆ Amphora- the repetition of a word or phrose at the begining of Successive clauses ☆ Chronological Structure - arranged in the order of time Exposition - introduction of background Settings to help anchor the reader. & Climax - the most intense point in the development of the narrative & Foreshadow- an advance hint of what is to come later Dramatic the Information on characters, events of ireny- when the reader knows somthing that the character in piece of literature does not know noting? las pla Handy bad hair- est love A 10:2 cast