


A Christmas Carol: Scrooge’s Redemption






Created by Harry Westworth "Scrooge was not so
dreadfully cut up by the
sad event."
This quote

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Created by Harry Westworth "Scrooge was not so
dreadfully cut up by the
sad event."
This quote

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Created by Harry Westworth "Scrooge was not so
dreadfully cut up by the
sad event."
This quote

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Created by Harry Westworth "Scrooge was not so
dreadfully cut up by the
sad event."
This quote

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Created by Harry Westworth "Scrooge was not so
dreadfully cut up by the
sad event."
This quote

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lini REDEMPTION TIMELINE - A CHRISTMAS CAROL Created by Harry Westworth "Scrooge was not so dreadfully cut up by the sad event." This quote shows that Scrooge has the personality of a sad, depressed and lonely individual. This could appear that he will always remain to who he is. The event was the death of his business partner, Marley. A CHRISTMAS CAROL: STAVE 1 "Solitary as an oyster, the cold within him froze his old features." This quote implicates that he doesn't want people to know him, to the likelihood on the trauma he has faced. The use of cold imagery builds up aracter's development to the reader. the "A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, clutching, covetous old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint." This quote shows that Scrooge appears to be someone not to mess with, and can be regarded as a horrible and cold man. He is willing to keep to himself. "Couldn't I take 'em all at once, and have it over Jacob?" Even whilst being served warnings of his fate, Scrooge is yet to understand how serious the situation at hand is. He's not taking it on the redemption issue raised seriously, or seriously enough. "Christmas a humbug, uncle!" (response) "You don't mean that, I am sure?" Created by Harry Westworth This quote further backs up his character proposition, that he does not want to get involved with anything, even if that's dismissing family relatives & very popular festive celebrations. In Stave 1, it is clear that Scrooge has no intention to be respectful, yet be a miserable &...

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remorseless person that has no fun in life. He is focused continuously on business, rather than putting his family, friends or colleagues before him. "Could not help thinking that a night of unbroken rest would have been more conducive." This quote shows that Scrooge isn't willing to grasp the issues that in the future, will be indicated to him and take them on. A CHRISTMAS CAROL: STAVE 2 "I would like to say a word or two, to my Clerk just now. That's all." This quote, within context is the scenes that Scrooge has witnessed & participated in, from his old colleagues and even himself being treat greatly and like royals by his old boss (when he was an apprentice). It's likely Scrooge is possibly wanting to do the same. "Scrooge seemed uneasy in his mind." This quote, within context is a question put forward to him about Fred, forcing Scrooge to recall how he has treat Fred. It implicates a feeling of guilt. "I was a boy." Scrooge says this to justify to his girlfriend (ex) on the 'rational' choices he had made, from the decision to either stay with her or to leave her to focus on money. "What idol has replaced you?" (Scrooge) "A golden one." (Ex.) This quote implicates that Scrooge has become primarily focused on money, where in this case is referenced to 'gold.' In the past, he had changed his priority from life to business. Created by Harry Westworth In Stave 2, it's beginning to influence Scrooge's decision making & behaviour, as if he is beginning to come to the realisation that he is at fault. "Ready for a broad field of strange appearances." This quote shows that Scrooge is ready for the next Ghost to arrive. Therefore, Scrooge is willing to take part in the advice given to him by the group of ghosts that want to help him. A CHRISTMAS CAROL: STAVE 3 "If you aught to teach me, let me profit from it." Scrooge is willing to learn from his mistakes, and wants to 'profit' from it. This is a key theme of redemption, showing he is willing to change. "He was not the dogged Scrooge he had been." Dogged - determined not to change. From this definition, this confirms that Scrooge is willing to change, that he has actually took on the advice given to him. "Overcome with penitence and grief." "Spirit, say he will be spared." Created by Harry Westworth Penitence - the action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong. This quote shows that Scrooge feels absolutely terrible, and regrets what he had said, that could offend any individual like Tiny Tim. Scrooge wants to ensure that Tiny Tim will be alive, and not die. This can be a sign of redemption, as from what the Ghost reminds of what he said, he feels terrible for what he previously said, which was: "Decrease the surplus population." In Stave 3, it's definite that Scrooge has intended to learn from his mistakes, and is leaning towards helping those that really need it, which involves the poor. This goes against the stereotype held against rich people within this period, where the theme of hypocrisy was a plan for Dickens' novel to talk about. "I hope to live to be another man from what I was." From this, it's suggested that Scrooge has fully willingly reversed his ways, and wants to go against what he had stood for in the past. A CHRISTMAS CAROL: STAVE 4 "They had some latent moral for his own improvement." Scrooge is scouting the scenes and accounting for everything for any hidden messages, that may do him good. "Time is precious to me." From this, it's suggested that Scrooge doesn't want to waste any time, for what it could be used for him to improve his overall conduct in the novel. "He had thought and hoped his new-born resolutions carried out." Scrooge wishes that his 'new identity' or 'improved personality' is carried out in the future, and changes what is proposed to him, from previous Staves. "He resolved to treasure up every word he heard." Created by Harry Westworth Within context, Scrooge is unaware of what the phantom is presenting him, yet he is still taking into account what is being shown to him, just in case he is misunderstood or not took something on correctly. In Stave 4, it's nearing the end of the novel. It's certain that Scrooge has changed his priorities around, and set them straight.