


‘A Christmas carols’ Ghost






Ghost of Christmas Future
• Dickens presents the last ghost as quite a
comparation to the grim reaper. This can
be seen in the text as Dicke

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Ghost of Christmas Future
• Dickens presents the last ghost as quite a
comparation to the grim reaper. This can
be seen in the text as Dicke

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Ghost of Christmas Future
• Dickens presents the last ghost as quite a
comparation to the grim reaper. This can
be seen in the text as Dicke

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Ghost of Christmas Future
• Dickens presents the last ghost as quite a
comparation to the grim reaper. This can
be seen in the text as Dicke

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Ghost of Christmas Future
• Dickens presents the last ghost as quite a
comparation to the grim reaper. This can
be seen in the text as Dicke

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Ghost of Christmas Future • Dickens presents the last ghost as quite a comparation to the grim reaper. This can be seen in the text as Dickens describes the ghosts movements "slowly, gravely, Silently. this creates a hostile atmosphere and instills fear unts Scrooge. •Dickens portrays the character as being unable to speak or reply to scrooge. "It gave no reply, the hand was pointed Straight toward before them." This is important because the ghost is trying to teach Scrooge that the future can still be changed if The changes his actions. If he were junchangeable. The Ghosts Ghost of Christmas present Dickens portrays the ghost of Christmas present as quite jelly and cheerful "capacious breast was bare", "its sparkling eye, its open hand. its cheery voice as well as harmless Girded round it middle was an antique scabbard; bat not sword in it." Dickens present the ghast as positive and wanting to change all bad in the world for good. This can be seen in the text when the ghost "sprinkled incense on thier dinners with his forch" to disperse thier arguments. Although his is a jolly ghost. he is still thille to teach Scrooge a lesson and warns him of the consequences of his actions if not changed. If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die." Why is this important? Marley mention Marley being Scrooges old business Parthas •The Ghost of...

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Alternative transcript:

marley is regretful for the things he has done in his life and has come to try and convince Scrooge to change before its too late "I wear the chains I forged in life." "Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; Charity, mercy., forbearance and benevolence were all my business." Marley was the one to warn Scrosge the other ghosts coming to visit kim "You will be haunted... by Three Spirits Marley is making out that the ghosts will be a bad thing and not the positi experience Scrooge has in the end. Marley was preparing Scrooge for the worst. It makes Scrooge fear whats to come. "coman't I take 'em all at once and have it over " Ghost of Christmas Past This is the first of the 5 spirits to visit Scrooge This Ghost is taking Scrooge back to hú Past to try and push him to see whare his hatred and Selfishness originated. Dickens describes the ghost as "like a child: get not so like a child as like an old man! This forehodes the memory of Scroages Chuldhood the Spirit is taking hain to see. Dickens also presents the ghose of Chrutmal fast as dramatic and intimidating through thier entrance int the story "Lights flashed up in the room upon the instant and the curtains of his bed were drawn!! Marley •The Ghost of the things he Mention Marley being Scrooges old business Parthen marley is regretful for has done in his life late and has come to try and convince Scrooge to change "I wear the chains I forged in life. "Mankind was my business. The Common welfare was my business; Charity, mercy, for bearance and benevolence were all my business" Marley was the one to warn Scrooge of the other ghosts coming to visit him "You will be haunted... by Three Spirits. making out that the ghosts bad thing and not the positio Scrooge has in the end. preparing Scrooge for the Scrooge fear whats to em au at Marley is Be a experience Marley was worst. It makes come. "Cowan't I take once and have it over Ghost of Christmas Past •This is visit Scroogs. the first of the S Spirits to back to his Ghost is taking Scrooge This pase to try and push him to see where originated. Ghost of Christmas Past This is the first of the 3 spirits to visit Scrooge. •This Ghost is taking Screege back to his past to try and push him to see where his hatred and Selfishness originated. Dickens desen'bes the ghost as "like a child: get not so like a child as like an old man! This forebodes the memors. of Scrooge's childhood the Spirit is taking ham to see. • Dickens also presents the ghost of Christmas past as dramatic and intimidating through thier entrance crus the Story "lights flashed up in the room upon the instant and the curtains of his bed were drawn! Ghost of Christmas present •Dickens portrays the ghost of christmas present as quite Jolly and cheerful "capacious breast was bare as its cheery voice it's sparkling eye, its open hand, round it's middle evas an antique Scabbard; but not sword in it." Dickens present the ghast as positive and wanting to change all bad in the world for good. This can be seen in the text when the ghost "sprinkled incense on thier dinners with his torch" to disperse thier arguments. Although his is a jolly ghost, he is still there teach Scrooge a lesson and warns him of the consequences of his actions if not changed. "If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die." Why is this important? Ghost of Christmas Future Dickens presents the last ghost as quite a comparation to the grim reaper. This can be seen in the text as Dickens describes the ghosts movements "slowly, gravely, Silently." this creates a hostile atmosphere and instills fear into Scrooge. • Dickens portrays the character as being unable to speak or reply to scrooge. "It gave no reply, the hand was pointed strought toward before them." This is important because the ghost is trying to teach scrooge that the future can still be changed if he changes his actions. Speak his words would bf he were to unchangeable. Ghost of Christmas present The Ghosts avaient