


An Inspector Calls






Accustatory ce you killed them both "
(to mother)
• (in response to "it's
a free country')
Jee it isn't i

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Accustatory ce you killed them both "
(to mother)
• (in response to "it's
a free country')
Jee it isn't i

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Accustatory ce you killed them both "
(to mother)
• (in response to "it's
a free country')
Jee it isn't i

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Accustatory ce you killed them both "
(to mother)
• (in response to "it's
a free country')
Jee it isn't i

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Accustatory ce you killed them both "
(to mother)
• (in response to "it's
a free country')
Jee it isn't i

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Accustatory ce you killed them both "
(to mother)
• (in response to "it's
a free country')
Jee it isn't i

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Accustatory ce you killed them both "
(to mother)
• (in response to "it's
a free country')
Jee it isn't i

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Accustatory ce you killed them both "
(to mother)
• (in response to "it's
a free country')
Jee it isn't i

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AN INSPECTOR CALIS се → Accustatory ce you killed them both " (to mother) Empathetic • (in response to "it's a free country') Jee it isn't if you can't go and some work & where eises ERIC Ashamed ce... don't forget I'm ashamed of as well " y you ee • Principled and Kind of Why shouldn't they try for higher wages? We try" for the highest possible prices") B Remorseful ce You may be letting yourselves out nicely, but I Can't s се pe I couldn't remember her name 99 Took advantage of Eval Daisy ce I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty NG & N Willing to speak up He could have kept her on instead of throwing 92 her out? His whole manner of handling the drink shows his familiarity with quick heavy drinking" Secret drinker ee ee Insightful! He was our police inspector all right” ee in a way, she me-as if I were: a child's Unsupportive ce You're not the treated се Just keep quiet, Eric, and don't get excited 25 kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble" ee 1 -Patronised Just you keep out of this " ee You youngsters? Supportive ee i insisted on giving her enough. money to keep her going" 29 uncaring ce we were having a nice little family celebration tonight And a nasty mes you've made of it now" Dismissive ce there's a lot of wild talk about possible labour trouble (...) Don't worry. We've passed the worst of it" keen to impress Finchley told me ce it's exactly the same part your father gets from him. Right wing ce A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own" ce the Titanic (...) absolutely Dramatic Irony (creates lack of credibility) B ce ee ce Some people say that war is inevitable. And to that I say - fiddlesticks” Ambitious ce Pernaps we may look...

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Alternative transcript:

forward to the time when Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing but are working, together? ARTHUR 1 R Selfish unmoved ce shell a: You began to learn something. And now you're ready to go on in the same way" L 1 N as if we were all mixed up together like bees in a hive - community and all that nonsense" unlinkable" there'll be a public scandal" G ee " I've got to cover this up as soon as I can' Self-assured ce We don't guess- we've had experience- and we know » ce Pampous there's a fair chance I might find my way into the next Honours List" Of a different generation More money to spend: and time to spare than I had when I was Eric's age" Superior ee don't if you come down sharply on some of these people, they'd soon be asking for the earth" Values of Reputation Ce When this comes out at the in quests, it isn't going to do is much good Unfaithful te i did keep a girl last summer I've admitted it " Bridges the generations Uniess Eric's ce been up to something. (nodding Confidentially to Birling) " 22 (said by Birling) ee Let me finish, Eric. You've a lot to learn yet" ce ce You're just the kind of Jon-in-law I always wanted"/ GER ce this is Mr. Gerald Croft - the son of Jir George Craft" Favoured by Birling ↓ Socially Juperior + (rather impatiently). Mrs Birling, the inspector knows all that. AL V intolerant of ce & Lower classes I hate those hard-eyed dough-faced women" F T Young Capitalist ee Birling : (...) for lower 4 costs and higher prices Gerlald: Hear, hear!" go to Morgan Terrace because I was sorry for hers Had good intentions I made her ce ee 0 (after Birling says Eva • had to go?) ce You couldn't have done. 22 any thing else? Arthur Birling of the future" Underestimates the Inspector. don't say anything to the Inspector (...) We can keep it from him " ca Remorseless Sheila: Between us we drove that give to suicide Gerald: Did we? Who say 50??? Judgemental ee she was giving herself ridiculous airs. She was claiming (..) fine feelings and scruples that were Jimply absurd in a Prejudiced ce She called herself girl in her position. ee • Girld of that class- Mrs Birling ... it was Simply a piece of grass impertinence" 52 Supenor te As it a girl of that sort would ever refuse _money ⁹2 ce Surely you mean Alderman Meggarty Ignorent ↓ don't 22 ee [ when told Eric is a drunk] (Staggered) it isn't true (...) You aren't the type - - you don't get drunk" to make PLOUS ee I don't think we * want any further details of this `SYBIL disgusting affair" BIRLING Privileged ee Edna'll go. I asked her to wait up us some tea? ↓ of a different generation. "Really the things you girls pick up these days. | 39 ee ce ce Lacks Empathy I'll tell you what I told her. Go and look for the father of the Child" Remorseless "C She only had herself to blame": did nothing i'm ashamed of or that won't bear investigation Un moving You're quite wrong to Suppose I shall regret. I did" (lacks regret) what 1 ee He certainly didn't make me confess" Arrogant ee I was the only one of you who didn't give in to hims II I 11 Enlightened ee if all thats come out tonight is true, then it doesn't much matter who it was who made us confess" Instinctive feel for the truth ´ee all last summer (...) you never came near me " I think it was a to do" mean thing Socially aware ee These girls aren't cheap labour- they're people" there isn't the • Willing to speak up Slightest reason. ce Guilty ee Materialistic ee Now I really feel engaged " felt rotten about it at the time and now i feel a lot worse" Protected ce why my daughter. should be dragged into this unpleasant business Bitter ce I'm supposed to be engaged to the hero of it's ee Wy why you fool - Responsible? 22° he knows intuitive ec SHEILA GIRLING Inspector-like Were Miss Birling has just been made to understand what She did to this girl. She feels responsibie 22 Patronised "run along" ee ce Mrs Birling enters (...) self-confidently (...) out of key with the (...). scene that has just се passed Sheila feels of He's giving us this at once" the rape so we'll hang ourselves" Self-centred ce On I wish you hadn't told me " Sympathetic ee It's a rotten shame " Vindictive /Jealous. ee if she'd been some miserable plain little creature, I don't Suppose i'd have done it " her last you seeing sping spring and summer (...)? Were you?” Matures ee You and aren't the same people who sat down. to dinner here 29 Hope for future: ce They're not more impressionable (...)... the 22 young ones? ce I'm afraid you'll that + Aware → say something or do Something that you'll. be sorry for afterwards" се Symbolic One eva smith but there has gone - are millions and millions and millions of eva smith's and john smiths still left with VJ" Realistic ce She knew it couldn't last- hadn't expected 99 it to last Lonely I became at once the most important person in her 99 life ⁹ Victim of injusdice ce I told him that if they didn't get rid that girl(..) I'd persuade mother 7 to close our account" to Both her parents were dead, so no home to ce go that she'd back to " Vulnerable ee She hadn't a penny and was going to be turned out of the miserable back room She had "⁹ Hard - working, ce the foreman there - told me he was ready "to promote her" c 06 SM RE SY Held responsible ee this girl, eva smith, was one of [the ring- leaders ]... She'd had a lot to say - far too much so she had to IT Used to just used her for the end of a Stupid drunken evening, as if She was an animal N Under-paid ce They wanted the rates rised so that they could average about twenty-five Shillings a week? H 1 0 L N Insignificant Couldn't remember her name or where 99 She lived Moral ec She wouldn't take any more (when she found the money was Stalen 7" r TI 11 I U U ee ** I'm not going until I know all that happened" Forceful се (sharply) come along, Mr Croft. What happened?" Accusatory each of you helped to • kill her. Remember ee influential ee You sen seemed to have made a great impression on this child, Inspector" Don't stammer and yammer at me again, man. I'm losing all patience with you people" Priestley's voice Not intimidated by class ↓ We don't live alone. We are members of one body" Prescient се • If men will not learn that lesson, they will be taught it in fire, blood and anguish N that " SP 0 G 0 ee We have to share something. If there's nothing else, we'll have to share our guilt" Moral ↓ ee She wasn't pretty I saw her today" PECTOR ee Public men, Mr. Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges" Blunt ec If it was left to me, I wouldn't know where to draw the line [between respectable citizens and criminals" when Empathetic ee L E I've thought that it would do us all a bit of good if sometimes we tried. to put ourselves in the place of these young women..... Cunning ee No hushing up, eh? Make an example of the ee You heard what I young man, eh? Public I said before, Mr Croft" confession of responsibility- UM?" Emotive ce She was here alone, friendless, almost penniless, desperate [...] and you slammed the door in her face " Enigmatic There's no inspector Goole on the police. That man definitely wasn't a police inspector at all" ce Age The fixed views of the Older generation are juxtaposed with the dynamic, acepting younger ・generation. This is done because it is more appealing to relate to younger people= Also, dramatic irony makes Mr. Birling look Luneducated. This is then a bad reflection on his beliefs. N H Class The lower classes. were disreguarded and disrespected by the upper class - In the play, they are represented. by Eva and Edna who are poorly treated by the Birlings. They are prejudice and rude for no reason. CC Girls of that Class" Supernatural Groole can also be spelt "Ghour meaning ghost. SP E Responsibility The play is concered around not only the taking responsibility for Eva Smiths death but social responsibility: Priestly uses the inspector. as a mouth piece to present his socialist ideas that ee we are members of one today' 1" and should care for one another and work. together. Capitalism vs Socialism= CTOR LL S Context Life in 1912 favoured the rich and powerful... Reputation and money was very important and women weren't. In 1945, the country was recovering from WW2 and elected Clement Attee and a labour government. The country wanted change and they needed to come together. Women In 1912, women were Still viewed as poverty. They were raised to be good mothers and wives. Mrs Birling has no name other than her husbands or mother. Sheila relys on Gerald and both her and Eva are constantly referred to as "girls? THE