


an inspector calls context






class system.
an inspector calls
- rigid class system, those who belonged
to a class system were confined and
restricted by thi

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class system.
an inspector calls
- rigid class system, those who belonged
to a class system were confined and
restricted by thi

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class system.
an inspector calls
- rigid class system, those who belonged
to a class system were confined and
restricted by thi

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class system.
an inspector calls
- rigid class system, those who belonged
to a class system were confined and
restricted by thi

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class system.
an inspector calls
- rigid class system, those who belonged
to a class system were confined and
restricted by thi

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class system.
an inspector calls
- rigid class system, those who belonged
to a class system were confined and
restricted by thi

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class system.
an inspector calls
- rigid class system, those who belonged
to a class system were confined and
restricted by thi

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context class system. an inspector calls 1912 - rigid class system, those who belonged to a class system were confined and restricted by this - most significantly the lower classes (as symbolised through Eva) - this was a continuation of the victorian eras fixed social structure. the driving force behind this was under payment of workers (priestly creates eva as an indictment of tihe inhumane treatment) - priestly is critical of lacks of social mobility. Eva is a symbol of the inhumane treatment an inspector calls 1945 context class system property owners could vote, such as the Second reform act 1867. - however an increased social mobility arose when equal franchise act 1928 and anyone over 21 could vote. mass prejudices still existed. •priestly aims to highlight the impacts of class to his 1945 audience through 1912. Society, forcing nis audience to reflect on how to eliminate the class divide. - -increased social mobility can be seen through sheilas voice development in the an inspector calls. ~ context ~ 7 ~politics~ 1912 - - Britain was capitalist and conservative - some acts to support working classes like 1906 giving childeren free school meals - not enough support nowever. Liberal goverment supported social reform but had a larsse2-faire approach meaning goverment nad little intervention in the economy and businesses could set their own rates: capitalism is personifyed through mr Birting he would have been a member of society who would have strongly favoured the laissez-faire approach so he could expiat his...

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Alternative transcript:

workers for xtra profit an inspector calls 19451 ~ context ~ ~ politics ~ - Biggest electoral swings in 1945 labour party won by a landslide victory (massive amount.) - Shock to conservative party who were popular in the war - committed to Beveridge report which emphasised the need for National Health service (NHS) and social security Cretirement etc) Shown through Sheila and eric had a huge Swing from capitalism to socialism context JB Preistly Can inspector calls - his earlier life he was surrounded by Socialism and socialist ideologies. his father was a passionate socialist - priestly fought in ww1. - his contribution in ww1 lead to his realisation of the vast inequalities that plauge society. Priestlys strong socialist ideologies are personisyed through the inspector. Priestly. vilifres capitalists particularly through mr and mrs Birting, making socialism seem a more favourable societal approach: an inspector calls 1912 -womens rights remained stagnant since the victorian era - women were aisenfranchised cno vote) - Patriarchal society (male dominated) - women were seen as property of fathers and husbands (Sheila) - women were seen as inferior context women - Sheila is seen as disenfranchised ner infantile language and short dialouge representing now. women were silenced and opressed. evas animalistic treatment isnt just down to classism ner status as a lower class woman made ner nore susceptible. context women An inspector calls 1945 -womens contribution to the war was a pivotal turning point as women were seen as valuble. - before ww2 laws were passed 1918-women over 30 granted the vote 1923-matrimonial cause act same grounds of aivorce for women and men 1928- all women gain equal voting rights. women being more outspoken can be shown through Sheila her developed voice may emulate politics of women at the time