


an inspector calls






an inspector calls
Act 1
Celebrating shella + Gerald's engagement
Inspector Gode arrives says Eva Smith commite
Ster Suicide
Mr Bining sees

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an inspector calls
Act 1
Celebrating shella + Gerald's engagement
Inspector Gode arrives says Eva Smith commite
Ster Suicide
Mr Bining sees

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an inspector calls
Act 1
Celebrating shella + Gerald's engagement
Inspector Gode arrives says Eva Smith commite
Ster Suicide
Mr Bining sees

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an inspector calls
Act 1
Celebrating shella + Gerald's engagement
Inspector Gode arrives says Eva Smith commite
Ster Suicide
Mr Bining sees

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an inspector calls
Act 1
Celebrating shella + Gerald's engagement
Inspector Gode arrives says Eva Smith commite
Ster Suicide
Mr Bining sees

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an inspector calls
Act 1
Celebrating shella + Gerald's engagement
Inspector Gode arrives says Eva Smith commite
Ster Suicide
Mr Bining sees

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an inspector calls
Act 1
Celebrating shella + Gerald's engagement
Inspector Gode arrives says Eva Smith commite
Ster Suicide
Mr Bining sees

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an inspector calls Act 1 Celebrating shella + Gerald's engagement Inspector Gode arrives says Eva Smith commite Ster Suicide Mr Bining sees photo of her, admits he knew due to her going on her and fired her Strike. Sheula + Eric think be acted harshly, Gerald. Supports Mr Buning sayng he acted. reasonably. Shella then sees the picture + admits she got Eva sacked out of jealousy. Gerald reauses he knew her out she changed her name to - inspector says many of them share the responsibility of her kuing herself. - Act 21 Gerald admits he met pasy Renton + She was. his mistress for 6 months. last year Shella (s & hurt + angry at this, but glad he her about it told -Mrs Bining thes to bully the inspector + to control mum may have something to while Enc is out the room, rurs & admits the gun asked her for help + was refused. that It's revealed. Eva was pregnant, Mrs B biames the guis death on the baby's father. -suspicion that Enc may be the father. when he found Daisy Renton events Sheua thinks her do with it Act 3 EVIC eff comfesses he got her pregnant + stole money from his father's firm to support. her - Enc blames his mother for the gun's death. Inspector leaves after proving that everyone. a part in riving her life. Gerald + Mr B prove inspector crooke wasn't a police inspector had real Telephone calls reveal there is no one called been...

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Alternative transcript:

no Inspector Groole on police force + has recent suicide. Mr Bining then answers phone: a young women died on the way to infirmary & an inspector is his way to make enquines. ممسر Characters eva smith Idaisy renton Sacked by Mr B from his factory for better pay Strike for leading a Sacked from dress shop after sheula unjustly complaned about her. • became the mistress of Gerald croft to whom She was known as Daisy Renton. •made pregnant by Eric • Appued to a chanty for help, but Mrs Bining refused. • Commited suicide by swallowing large. disinfectant. good- "a leely looking gin - country bred" and a "good worker foo" (Nr Bining p.14). "She'd had a lot to say - far too much - so She had. to go" (Mr Birling (P.IS) "She was prett very pretty and looked as if she could take care of herself" (Shella p-24) Now She had to try something else" (inspector p.25) inspector •Interrupts the celebratory dinner. Questions each of the other characters in tum. Establishes that each had an unwitting part in Eva Smith's death, through either cruelty or disregard for her welfare Gradually take m has little regard for social class or status concerned about nonesty + justice. makes a powerfull speech about our responsibility. control of the situation and to each other and the wider society.. man of "massiveness, soudity + purposefulness" (p. 11) "one person and one line of enquiry at a time. Otherwise, there's a muddle" (p. 12) "It's my duty to ask questions" (p. 15) "He never seemed like an crgo ordinary police inspector" (p.59) mr birting ing • Hosts a celebratory dinner for Shella's engagement to Gerald craft. • Keen for the Bining's and cropt's to unite in well as marriage. business as • keen to receive a knighthood ● says that a man's responsibility is only to himself and his family and not to the wider community. Reveals that he dismissed Eva Smith for from. her job at his factory two years previously. to take contra when the inspector Tries. arrives, but falls. Fears scandal and thes to protect himself and his family from involvement with Eva Smith. • Takes the final telephone call at the end of the play. " heavy-looking, rather portentous man" (p. 1) " 1 a hard-headed practical man of busness" (p. 6) "Yes, my dear, know - I'm talking too much" (p.7) "I'm a public man" (p.41) mrs bitinig • Commends Geraid's timing after Shella with an engagement. • Adopts a supenor tone with the inspector • Disgusted when she learns that Daisy Renten. Gerald's mistress, but forgets about it whos she thinks a scandal has been avoided was • Uses her influence to prevent the pregnant Eua Smith recuing help from the chanty. • Thinks Eva Smith and the father of the EVO Smith's unborn child are to blame for death • Claims she was. before she reauses that Eric is the father. the only one who stood up to the inspector's questioning. f he presents "Just keep quiet, Eric, and don't get excited "(p. 13) "That's something this public school- and - Varsity. life you've had doesn't seem to teach you "(p.16) "you're not the type- you don't get drink" (p.SO) "your trouble is- you've been spoult" (p.54) shella birting initially pleased and excited at the prospect of her marriage. • Distressed when she hears that a young woman bad, Eva Smith, had taken her own life Reveals that she was responsible for Eva smith's dismissal from Mulwards shop. lecogruses inspector Goole cannot be led to Breaks off her engagement with Gerald when she discoveres ne had an affair with Daisy Renton / Eva Smitth. Reveaus that Eric drunks too much. Acknowledges her pant in Eva Smith's downfall + takes the inspectors words to heart. "Oh-how horrible! Was it an "I wouldn't miss it for wond's "(p.34) " I had her tumed out of a job " (p. s6) accident ? " (p.17) "It's you two who are being childish-trying not to face the facts" (p.59) geraid croft Gives Sheila the engagement ring during the Celebratory duiner. shows Mr. Birung • Conducts himself agreeably and politely with Mr. and Mrs Bining • Tells how he he has the same approach to busness as of rescued Daisy Renton / Eva Smith from the drinker Alderman Meggarty. secret Admits he kept the girl as his mistress for 6 months, then brake off their relationship. Discovers that a pouce sergeant has never heard. an Inspector Goole leams that no Telephones the Infirmary and gun died that day. "1 easy, , well-bred young mas-about-town" (p.2). "you're just the kind of son-in-law I always wanted (p.4) "I'm rather more - upset - by this business, 1 probably appear to be "(p.39) "Everything's aunght now, shella (Holds up the ring) what about this ring?" (p-71) Themes than equality time Responsibility → the Bining & dismissed her. from his factory. → Shella had her dusmussed. from Mulwards. → Eric + Gerald took adv of her hulnerability. → Mrs Buring refuted to help. when she most needed it love & marriage ma → shella + Gerald seem to be in love at the Start → Shella a's whether Gerald is the same. person she used to love