


An inspector calls - Mrs Birling






Excuses Geraids
and her husbands
You'll have to
get used to
I that, just as I
"She only had herself
to blame" conciaers

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Excuses Geraids and her husbands behaviour. Le You'll have to get used to D I that, just as I had" "She only had herself to blame" conciaers prostitution to be a choice rather than a Serves to uphold the ideals of a Pariotic system- Gender voles. Mens sexual desires shoud berfullfiled. Gender Sheila- "Silly word" resort that the working Class are victum of. "impertinent" by submissive. women. Juxtaposes each other - show how sheila has rejected. het morner valve and now ner mother is unlikely to change. links the working class to rudeness and uses this as an excuse to advola Responsibly Static in her development - Stuborn She does not wish anyone un the family to take blame for (Sybil Birling) fear it will tarnish their reputation -indviaulatim only help themselves. K "Iblame the 2 Responsibility "Husbands (Mr Bining) Social superior Sne repremands class him - she may feel ashamed of nis lower class. background -marriage of man" - She young unknowingly blames her son and when she find out its not ididn't "Prominent member of women chanty. Spreino eva when she should help her shows how system that are run by the bourgeoisie do not help prolietriate. convinence. know" slet in her traditional ways- class system and Gender roles. - she rejects unuke women during this time she snowS no desire for things to change. "girls of that class" her reaction us detached and unnatura. "Aurther, you're not Supposed to say such things!

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