


annotated extracts- dr jekyll and mr hyde






sense of terror
of lonely hoss
quality of
Prayer likes
almost foreshadowing
evil + need god
Hyperbolic Phrase
questions what h

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sense of terror
of lonely hoss
quality of
Prayer likes
almost foreshadowing
evil + need god
Hyperbolic Phrase
questions what h

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sense of terror
of lonely hoss
quality of
Prayer likes
almost foreshadowing
evil + need god
Hyperbolic Phrase
questions what h

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sense of terror
of lonely hoss
quality of
Prayer likes
almost foreshadowing
evil + need god
Hyperbolic Phrase
questions what h

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sense of terror
of lonely hoss
quality of
Prayer likes
almost foreshadowing
evil + need god
Hyperbolic Phrase
questions what h

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sense of terror
of lonely hoss
quality of
Prayer likes
almost foreshadowing
evil + need god
Hyperbolic Phrase
questions what h

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sense of terror
of lonely hoss
quality of
Prayer likes
almost foreshadowing
evil + need god
Hyperbolic Phrase
questions what h

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sense of terror of lonely hoss ↑ quality of London Prayer likes almost foreshadowing evil + need god help Hyperbolic Phrase questions what has happened repetition highlights the strangene is ok what is happening apotilitic natural world has taken over a revelation Chapter 8: The Last Night a) What atmosphere is created by the weather at the beginning of chapter 8? dexying tricolon natural order moon is in a vunrable position ↑ Personification of the moon Supernatural It was a wild, cold, seasonable night of March, with a pale sence of moon, lying on her back as though the wind had tilted her, and flying wrack of the most diaphanous and lawny texture. The wind made talking difficult, and flecked the blood into the face. Contrast to "pale " It seemed to have swept the streets unusually bare of passengers, besides; for Mr. Utterson thought he had never seen that part of London so deserted. He could have wished it otherwise; never in his life had he been conscious of so sharp a wish to see and touch his fellow-creatures; for struggle as he might, there was borne in upon his mind a crushing anticipation of calamity. The square, when they got there, was full of wind and dust, and the thin trees in the garden were lashing themselves along the railing. Poole, who had kept all the way a up in the middle of the pace or two ahead, now pong weather, took off his...

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Alternative transcript:

hat punishing themselves Flagalence pavement, and in spite of the for Sini Timorality and mopped his brow with a red pocket-handkerchief. But for all the hurry of his coming, these were not the dews of exertion that he wiped away, but the moisture of some strangling →→ anguish; for his face was white and his voice, when he spoke, harsh and broken. Hyperbolic Heightened sense of fear antitheticall "Camly trampled" ↓ disasterous b) How is tension built up in this passage? religious imagery "Well, sir," he said, "here we are, and God grant there be nothing wrong." "Amen, Poole," said the lawyer. Thereupon the servant knocked in a very guarded manner; the door was opened on the chain; and a voice asked from shows how human within, "Is that you, Poole?" their fear is ↑ +powerless "It's all right," said Poole. "Open the door." The hall, when they entered it, was brightly lighted up; the fire was built high; and about the hearth the whole of the servants, men and women, stood huddled together like a flock of sheep. At the sight of Mr. Utterson, the housemaid broke into hysterical whimpering, and the cook, crying out "Bless God magery Mr. Utterson," ran forward as if to take him in her arms. 4shart exclamatory "What, what? Are you all here?" said the lawyer peevishly. Phrases add to Very irregular, very unseemly; your master would be far from tension pleased."multiciansal it's V "They're all afraid," said Poole. Short + definitive solidarity + light to defeat evil. A call to God U Utterson is savious? YEAR 11 ENGLISH LITERATURE: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 2 options, extract / no extract Starting with this extract, explore how Stevenson presents the shocking deterioration of Dr Lanyon. [40] what they. rapid appearance = respect: wealth T fear Doctor internal rhyming natural order rapid The fifth night he had in Guest to dine with him; and the sixth he betook himself to Dr. Lanyon's. OF Similarities to Hyde me L> Symbolises Physical There at least he was not denied admittance; but when he came in, he was shocked at the Change change which had taken place in the doctor's appearance. He had his death-warrant written legibly upon his face. The rosy man had grown pale; his flesh had fallen away; he was visibly balder and older; and yet it was not so much, these tokens of a swift physical [ decay that arrested the lawyer's notice, as a look in the eye and quality of manner that seemed to testify to some deep-seated terror of the mind. It was unlikely that the doctor should fear death; and yet that was what Utterson was tempted to suspect. "Yes," he thought; "he is a doctor, he must know his own state and that his days are counted; and the knowledge is more than he can bear." And yet when Utterson remarked on his ill- looks, it was with an air of greatness that Lanyon declared himself a doomed man. → death is inevitable afterlife "I have had a shock," he said, "and I shall never recover. It is a question of weeks. Well, ammned life has been pleasant; I liked it; yes, sir, I used to like it. I sometimes think if we knew all, we should be more glad to get away." man" foreshadows Jekyll's Fate deterioration: uncontrolable about to die ↳ not viewed favourably in victorian society inevitable satan's signature upon a face. multi clausal mirroring "Jekyll is ill, too," observed Utterson. "Have you seen him?" Present continuous -justoposes his Previous welcoming hands" But Lanyon's face changed, and he held up a trémbling hand. "I wish to see or hear no dismissive more of Dr. Jekyll," he said in a loud, unsteady voice. "I am quite done with that person; and I beg that you will spare me any allusion to one whom I regard as dead." Similarities to hyde: highlights the quality + hypocrisy of humans acceptable for Lanyon but not Hyde il "Tut-tut," said Mr. Utterson; and then after a considerable pause, "Can't I do anything?" he inquired. "We are three very old friends, Lanyon; we shall not live to make others." 1 "Nothing can be done," returned Lanyon; "ask himself." "He will not see me," said the lawyer. "I am not surprised at that," was the reply. "Some day, Utterson, after I am dead, you may perhaps come to learn the right and wrong of this. I cannot tell you. And in the meantime, if you can sit and talk with me of other things, for God's sake, stay and do so; but if you cannot keep clear of this accursed topic, then, in God's name, go, for I cannot bear it." Highlights suppernatural man of science religions imagery the Fall" the Futility of life throughout the play letters have been symbolic of SECRECY double negative (mort) the importance simperial theme ominous teevie U utter →help create mystery + tension secrecy Structurally building up to the climax Chapter 9: Dr Lanyon's Narrative - How does Jekyll's letter create suspense? "10th December, 18- Giangon's perspective heigtens tension "Dear Lanyon, You are one of my oldest friends; and although we may have differed at times on scientific questions, I cannot remember, at least on my side, any break in our affection. There was never a day when, if you had said to me, 'Jekyll, my life, my honour, my reason, depend upon you would not have sacrificed my left hand to help you. Lanyon, my life, my honour my reason, are all at your mercy; if you fail me to-night I am lost You might suppose, after this preface, that I am going to ask you for something dishonourable to grant. Judge for yourself. 7 modal verp 4) truth can be uncovered. I want you to postpone all other engagements for to-night-ay, even if you were summoned to the bedside of an emperor; to take a cab, unless your carriage should be actually at the door, and with this letter in your hand for consultation, to drive straight to my house. Poole, my butler, has his orders; you will find him waiting your arrival with a locksmith. The door of my cabinet is then to be forced: and you are to go in alone; to open the glazed press (letter E) on the left hand, breaking the lock if it be shut; and to draw out, with all its contents as they stand, the fourth drawer from the top or (which is the same thing) the third from the bottom. In my extreme distress of wind, I have a morbid fear of misdirecting you; but even if I am in error, you may know the right drawer by its contents: some powders, a phial and a the tension paper book. This drawer I beg of you to carry back with you to Cavendish Square exactly as it Heightens stands. ↑ turbulant "Your friend, in the novella "H.J." what cause the shipp pio idea of one sacrafice for another lovershadows his confession That is the first part of the service: now for the second. You should be back, if you set out at once on the receipt of this, long before midnight; but I will leave you that amount of margin, not only in the fear of one of those obstacles that can neither be prevented nor foreseen, but because an hour when your servants are in bed is to be preferred for what will then remain to do. At midnight, then, I have to ask you to be alone in your consulting-room, to admit with your own hand into the house a man who will present himself in my name, and to place in his hands the drawer that you will have brought with you from my cabinet. Then you will have played your part and earned my gratitude completely. Five minutes afterwards, if you insist upon an explanation, you will have understood that these arrangements are of capital importance; and that by the neglect of one of them, fantastic as they must appear, you might have charged your conscience with my death or the shipwreck of my reason. → scientific Precision dramatises the letter Friendship contrast to previous mentions of tanyonbYJ *High Bound Penannt voice of a man on edge (very cryptic) "Confident as I am that you will not trifle with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand entices lanyon trembles at the bare thought of such a possibility. Think of me at this hour, in a strange to follow the place, labouring under a blackness of distress that no fancy can exaggerate, and yet well directions aware that, if you will but punctually serve me, my troubles will roll away like a story that is told. Serve me, my dear Lanyon, and save letters have formed a mass of unanswered questions (fractured Chronology) nis ↑ plea relies on Lanyon Hyperbolic "P.S. I had already sealed this up when a fresh terror struck upon my soul. It is possible that the post-office may fail me, and this letter not come into your hands until to-morrow morning. In that case, dear Lanyon, do my errand when it shall be most convenient for you in the course of the day; and once more expect my messenger at midnight. It may then already be too late; and if that night passes without event, you will know that you have seen the last of Henry Jekyll," Utimaitums no other options ↓ the fragility of this document +importance create an anxious Contrast faith 4 Suspense • Disclosure to atterson as well The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson Choose ONE question. You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. gifted with speech EITHER 13 Explore how Stevenson presents disclosures and discoveries in this extract and elsewhere in the novel. [40]* geno He thanked me with a smiling nod, measured out a few minims of the red tincture and added one of the powders. The mixture, which was at first of a reddish hue, began, in proportion as the crystals melted, to brighten in colour, to effervesce audibly, and to throw off small fumes of vapour. Suddenly and at the same moment, the ebullition ceased and the compound changed to a dark purple, which faded again more slowly to a watery green. My visitor, who had watched these metamorphoses with a keen eye, smiled, set down the glass upon the table, and then turned and looked upon me with an air of scrutiny. anetorical anesh, а паспорт gra A serie licits Lunyon tension "And now," said he, "to settle what remains. Will you be wise? will you be guided? will you Ulkmate moralsuffer me to take this glass in my hand and to go forth from your house without further ailema downfall heightened good vs evil of rhetorical questions ↳ Given a choice parley or has the greed of cunosity too much command of you? Think before you answer, for to find out ↓ it shall be done as you decide. As you decide, you shall be left as you were before, and neither richer nor wise?, Ghless the sense of service rendered to al mas inmortal distress may be counted as a kind of riches of the soul. Or, if you shall so prefer to choose, a new province of knowledge and new avenues to fame and power shall be laid open to you, here, in this room, ↳ Supernatural → above upon the instant; and your sight shall be blasted by a prodigy to stagger the unbelief of Satan. beyond the realms of posibility conneck this greed" with evil curiosity is his лошикан wants to transend mortality human "Sir," said I, affecting a coolness that I was far from truly possessing," you speak enigmas, and you will perhaps not wonder that I hear you with no very strong impression of belief. But I have gone too far in the way of inexplicable services to pause before I see the end." Ambiguous Mystery creationism 45553 gad "It is well," replied my visitor. "Lanyon, you remember your vows: what follows is under the seal of our profession. And now, you who have so long been bound to the most narrow and Hyperbolic phrasing, material views, you who have denied the virtue of transcendental medicine, you who have dynamic veros to nieghten the horror derided your superiors- behold!" čiansa arenthes. I He put the glass to his lips and drank at one gulp. A cry followed; he reeled, staggered, She seemed to swell his face became suddenly clutched at the table and held on, staring with injected eyes, gasping with open mouth; and as I looked there came, I thought, a black and the features seemed to melt and alter and the next moment, I had sprung to my almost nature →Control vs uncontrol is punishing •suara postrion feet and leaped back against the wall, my arm raised to shield me from that prodigy, my mind submerged in terror. p Religous imagery (Christian) "O God!" I screamed, and 10 God!" again and again; for there before my eyes - pale and shaken, and half-fainting, and groping before him with his hands, like a man restored from death-there stood Henry Jekyll Almost a ressurrection OR 14 'The novel shows that no person can be completely good.' How far do you agree with this view? Explore at least two moments from the novel to support your ideas. [40]* 121 breathles: ness Overcame the natural processe- victorian era. -imperialisation racism + xenophobia Attracted to JeRyll's evil STORY OF THE DOOR soveshadows that he seeks order + decorum willingness to remain friends with "down going men" → loyalty Dual- nature Mr. Utterson the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance that was *prekers supression to scandall Chaos that the truth might release victorian society prefers to repress than deny the existence of an uncivilised / Savage لم Punintresting character never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet somehow only intresting quality lovable. At friendly meetings, and when the wine was to his taste, contradiction demonstrates the quality of Man ↳ no one is exempt from duality something eminently human beaconed from his eye; something indeed which never found its way into his talk, but which spoke not ↑ Loyalty leads Surface Supression him to the plumb only in these silent symbols of the after-dinner face, but more often mystery that surrounds Јекун ↑ element of humanity. no matter now. intrinsic the element may be gin when he was alone, to mortify a taste for vintages; and though he Repressive qualities enjoyed the theatre, had not crossed the doors of one for twenty represents perfect victorian gentleman and loudly in the acts of his life. He was austere with himself, drank (Symbolic) values decorum . reason over the darker Side Of humanity years. But he had an approved tolerance for others; sometimes ↳reveals cracks in this rigid, civilised facade ideal person to Persue the case OF Dr Jekyil + reprove. "I incline to Cain's heresy," he used to say quaintly: "I let my Hyprocrisy: lawyer but still desives to commit these wondering, almost with envy, at the high pressure of spirits involved Crimes Gironic in their misdeeds; and in any extremity inclined to help rather than to 5Dr Jekyll's alter-ego Mr Utterson would also desire this "Almost with envy" as emotional as a bagpipe. Well, sir, he was like the rest of us; every time he looked at my prisoner, I saw that sawbones turn sick and Share this capacity of evil with Mr Hyde white with the desire to kill him. I knew what was in his mind, just as society is the only for holding back fro he knew what was in mine; and killing being out of the question/we dari des ungentier we did the next best. We told the man we could and would make such a n scandal out of this as should make his name stink from one end of Hyperbole shows the degree to this crime London to the other. If he had any friends or any credit, we undertook that he should lose them. And all the time, as we were pitching it in red hot, we were keeping the women off him as best we could for Animalistic- Atavism they were as wild as harpies. I never saw a circle of such hateful faces; → Hypocritical; acting as Mr Hyde does cedented cter ↑ but can't escribe because - Hyde is "But for all that," continued the lawyer, "there's one point I want to Olly" Fevent ↓ therness" ask. I want to ask the name of that man who walked over the child." "Well," said Mr. Enfield, "I can't see what harm it would do. It was a man of the name of Hyde." "Hm," said Mr. Utterson. "What sort of a man is he to see?" man cannot recognise Mr Flyde's evil "He is not easy to describe: There is something wrong with his 4)Rower of 3 emphasises the abon to Hyde appearance; something displeasing, something down-right detestable. Mr Hyde emanates evil 7 I never saw a man I so disliked, and yet scarce know why. He must be Personification of Evil ↑ in the victorian era P and evilness was ine + Enfeild's innoye goodness deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity, linked Mr Hyde is a reflection of Society's deepest desires H although I couldn't specify the point. He's an extraordinary looking V contrast: highlights that Mr Hyde to' no Plo man, and yet I really can name nothing out of the way. No, sir; I can make no hand of it; I can't describe him. And it's not want of memory; for I declare I can see him this moment."