


Blood Brothers Key Quotes






Blood Brothers
• "there's a stone in place of her heart' - narrator
4 inviting us to pred prejudge Mrs Johnstone
4 'stone' = sugges

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Blood Brothers
• "there's a stone in place of her heart' - narrator
4 inviting us to pred prejudge Mrs Johnstone
4 'stone' = sugges

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Blood Brothers
• "there's a stone in place of her heart' - narrator
4 inviting us to pred prejudge Mrs Johnstone
4 'stone' = sugges

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Blood Brothers
• "there's a stone in place of her heart' - narrator
4 inviting us to pred prejudge Mrs Johnstone
4 'stone' = sugges

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Blood Brothers по Birth • "there's a stone in place of her heart' - narrator 4 inviting us to pred prejudge Mrs Johnstone 4 'stone' = suggests cruelty and cold-heartedness • "(she is aged thirty but looks more like fifty)" - stage direction 4 she's prematurely aged. he said my eyes were deep blue pools' - Mrs Johnstone 4 suggests she's easily flattered and has been taken advantage of • 'no more dancing" - Mrs Johnstone 4 glamour and excirement has paded 4 I'we'll live like kings, like bright young things' - Mrs Johnstone 4 she aspires for a better life • quickly, quickly rell me. when are you due?' - Mrs Lyons 4 repetition of 'quickly' = she doesn't give Mrs Johnstone time to think and puts pressure on her • We must make this a, erm, a binding agreement` - Mrs Lyons 4 'must' = being quite forceful 4 binding agreement' - connotes to business and makes it sound like a contract must have my baby" - Mrs Lyons 4 'must' - highlights how insistent she is if he needs picking up, I shall pick him up" - Mrs Lyons 4 the emphasis on the 'I' shows how mrs Lyons has become possessive of Edward •if either twin learn that he once was a pair, they shall both immediately die' - mrs Lyons 4 shows how Mrs...

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Alternative transcript:

Lyons is manipulative 4 she uses Mrs Jo hnistone's superstition against her BLOOD BROTHERS CHILDHOOD • "are you soft?" - Mickey ↳ attracted to Edward's generousity and is willing to take advantage of it • you say smashing things' - Edward 4 he's in awe of mickey's streetwise nature 4 clais brings them together instead of seperating them don't want you mixing with boys like that! - Mrs Lyons Sinitially is a sign of snobbery. 4 difficult to determine to what extent her class prejudice is true. ((in the background... watching, unnoticed) - stage direction 4 symbolises how faward's childhood is lonely and encourages sympathy. • "(Linda catches the grenade and lobs it back)`' - stage direction. 4 shows her strong character at the beginning 4 indicates that she's a destructive force D 'there's gypsies in the wood' narrator 4 he embodies Mrs Lyons' fears and paranoia • " (She rushes at the table and sweeps the shoes off) - stage direction 4 symbolises her growing insecurity as well as character change "Oh, bright new day' - Mrs Johnstone Sending Act one on an optimistic nove Blood BROTHERS ADOLESCENCE • I know our sammy burnt the school down, but it's very easily done! - Mrs Johnstone. 4 despite their fresh start, there's been little change. •"(walking with a very awkward Fourteen-year-old) - stage direction · suggests a formal and stifted relationship 4 1 you tray where y'are Mickey!' - Linda 4 she's protective of him 4 she's his guiding influence at this point 'Call boredom and futility)' - stage direction 4 'futility' = his education is ineffective and has no benefits. • 'did you really feel that you'd become secure?' - narrator 4 narrator returns from a penod of absence 4 suggesting you can't escape the past "are you always going to follow me?' - Mrs Lyons ↳ nighlights her growing paranoia • '(mrs Lyon's lunges)! - stage direction 4 lunges` = she behaves erratically. it seems that summer's never corning to an end'-narrator 4 'Jeems' = = their care free 'summer' days won't last forever • '(their smiles fade as Linda misses all three shots) - stage direction. 4 she's losing control '(when Linda's caught in the middle the game freezes)' - stage direction 4 Linda may be a wedge between the brothers and may drive them apart •who'd dare tell the lambs in spring what fate the later seasons bring"- narrator 4 highlights their innocence + reminds us of their slaughter • the Christmas party's gonna be an me". mickey 4 highlights his strong work ethic. 4 shows his sense of pride LLLLLLL L ADD DD blood brothers ADULTHOOD · "I'm afraid it's a sign of the times' - Mr Lyons 4 refers to northern, widespread unemployment in the 1980s •' (Mickey leaves the group and stands apart)' - stage direction. 4 shows how he's isolated. • He's walking round in clicles. He's old before his time' She't lost direction and shows how stress is aging him. • If I couldn't get a job I'd just say sod it' - Edward 4 highlights his lack of empathy • 'that was kids' stuff, Eddie' - mickey 4 Edward remains a child whilst mickey has been forced to mature • 'where y' takin' y' fart for New Year?' - Sammy 4 be uses, mickey's pride to manipulate him. • It used to be just, sweets an' ciggies he gave me' - mickey. 4 no longer attracted to Edward's generosity •' (we see Linda murely hand Mickey the bag)' stage direction 4 'murely' her confidence has been weakened. • there's a girl inlide the woman who's waiting to get free' - narrator 4 reminds us that Linda has also been forced to grow up fast • how come you got everything... an' 4 juxtaposition of 'everything' and between the boys 'I could have been him!! - Mickey got nothin'?' - mickey 'nothing' shows the despatity. 4 reveals his desperation to escape his working class life. • And do we blame superstition for what came to pass? or could it be what we, the English, have come to know as class?'. narrator 4 absolved Mrs Johnstone of her responsibility 4 blaming external factors instead