


Context, characters and themes revision- macbeth






The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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The three witches.
are used to add.
drama, tear and
Da mystery.
Shakespeare creates a
main character who
audiences can relate

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vuur r macbeth The three witches. are used to add. drama, tear and Da mystery. Shakespeare creates a main character who audiences can relate to personally. I The great chain appears to king james Macbeth is a L =I Macbeth performed to the Ring. The play shows a model of perfect king loved. 7 by his subjects. Macbeth in some The Witches ways is a version. show a dark of a "modern man ² /side of hell/ thoughtful, sensitive humanity and 7 but also a hero they act as villains It is based on -> real life. hero, war F like, brave and Context a warrior. Macbeth may not Shakespeare when macbeth be fully responsible made bing duncan killed Ring/ for his actions as he more virtuous and / duncan, he may have phsycologica mild. Twent against problems from the Banquo turned into the divine/war! a loyal supporter/order and The end of the play of King Ouncan,/ god. is a catharis, the rightful king comes to the thro Jag Catholic guy fawkes tried (ne and ruled. to blow up protestant king James and was brutally Vagas executed. This is the gun Lady macbeth is 'un- natural and reverses ge- nder roles so Shakespeare Powder plot and brought must show her as "pun- the idea treason. of ished il G Di سلم one Scene 1: The three witches are introduced. They inform the reader that they are going to meet with macbeth. Scene 2: • Duncan is introduced. A soldier comes to Duncan to tell him that Macbeth has killed the reber Macdonwald. However, the battles. continue as the...

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Alternative transcript:

norweigan lord began a new. assault. He was aided by the Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth was able to defeat them. Duncan orders the Thane of cawdor to be Rilled and give Macbeth the title. Scene 3: " The witches appear again. They give 3 pre- dictions to Macbeth and one to Banquo. Sc- arcely have the predictions been mode then Ross and Angus arrive to tell Macbeth that he has been made Thane of cawdor. Mac- beth and Banquo react differently. Banque recognises evil as such but Macbeth is now. encouragment to put futher trust in them. Scene 4: Malcom is describing the execution of the Thane of cawoor. Macbeth and Banquo en- ter and are thanked by Duncan for their loyalty and service. He promises to reward them G Di with more honours. Duncan then names. his son Malcom as the heir to the throne. As an honour to Macbeth, Ouncan invites himself and the court to macbeths castle. Macbeth leaves immediately of the castle. but he is upset that Malcom has been nam- led neir. Scene 5 Lady Macbeth is reading a letter her husband has sent telling her about the prophecies and her partial fullfilment. She expresses her determination that the third prophecy will also come true. However, she also believes that Macbeth is not capable of the direct action required - the murder. of Duncan - and decides she must spur him. • A messenger arrives with the news that Duncan is on his way to Inverness. She knows this will be an ideal oppurtunity. to carry out her plan and wants her femininity to be replaced with evil. Macbeth arrives. O! • لم Scene 1 Banquo and Fleance are talking just befo re they go to bed. Banquo is uneasy and cannot sleep. مر 0 Macbeth enters and Banquo tells them th- at Duncan is happy being at Macbeth's c astle. Macbeth and Banquo agree to discuss. the prophecies at a later date. • when he is left alone, Macbeth imagines a d. agger which is leading him towards Duncan. suddenly a bell rings which is a prearran ged signal from Lody Macbeth that Duncans. servants are asleep and Macbeth can carry o-. ut the murder. Scene 2 • Lady Macbeth is waiting for Macbeth to mu roler Duncan and return to her. She is very tense. She admits she couldn't kill Duncan. • Macbeth returns and describes the sounds he neard. Macbeth has brought the daggers back with him. Lady Macbeth has to take them back to the sleeping gauras. She re- turns and tells Macbeth a little water will al-- ear us of this deed. Scene 3 • The castle is awakened from drunken St- eep by knocking at the castle gates. As he moves to the gate, he pretends to be I L Ji the porter of the gate of hell. Event- ually he opens the gate to Macduft and Lennox, who have been asked by Duncan. to awaken him early. Macbeth enters, co- ming to investigate who has been knocking. •Macdufy goes to Duncans chamber while. Lennox describes the un-natural events of the night. Macduff returns, announcing that Duncan has been murdered. • Macbeth and Lennox go to view the murder. when they return Macbeth reveals he has killed the guards. Maicam and Donald- bain leave the country. Scene 4 • We learn of more un-natural events that na. ppened on the night of Duncans murder. Macduft informs us that Malcom and Dona- Idbain have been accused of murdering their father. 4 • Duncans body has been taken for Duri- al and Macbeth has been named Ring. 7! E Di hree Scene 1 •Banquo suspects Macbeth may have mura- ered Duncan, but he remains silent in nope the prophecies will be fullfilled for him like they were for Macbeth. • Macbeth announces that a state banquet will be held that night. Banquo tells Macbeth. that he will be out horse riding with Fieance. •Macbeth is obssesed with the witches proph- ecies to Banguo. Two hired murderers agree to murder Banquo and Fleance. Scene 21 • Lady Macbeth expresses her un- happiness. Her and Macbeth are both suffering from tro- ubled sleep, nightmares and loss of appetite. Macbeth nints to lady Macbeth that he has made plans for some significant action. Scene 3 • The two murderers are joined by a third. The third murderers has been sent by Ma- cbeth. When banquo and Fleance arrive one. murderer puts the light out and the other two stab Banquo. Fleance escapes. ScerR 41. Banquos ghost enters and sits at the table. The guests who can't see the gnost are sho- cred by Macbeth's reaction. ic Di •Lady macbeth tries to calm nim down. • when the ghost dissapears they blame his be- haviour on poor health. Macbeth reveals. he's angry at Macduff and plans to visit the witches again. Scene 5 • Hecate, the new witch, is upset because they. didn't consult with her before they spoke to E Macbeth, She ensures the witches she will conjure up a spell to lead Macbeth to disa- Sturos fate. Scene 6 • Lennox says to a lord he feels pity that Ba. nguo was killed. He implys that Macbeth is responsible for Banquo and Duncans deaths. • Lennoy believes their children had nothing to do with the murders. • Macbeth Stole Malcolm's birthright to be King and he is in england gathering an army to gain his birthright back. Macduys. has joined in with him. 7! 1 1 1 2 G Ji your Scene 1 • Witches performing their rituals/ prepari- ng for Macbeth's arrival. • Macbeth enters and asies the witches to reveal the truth of their prophecies for ac • The three witches summan 3 ghosts for apparations. First apparation: Floating nead tells him to beware of Macduff. Scene 2 • At Macduffs caste, Lady Macduff asks ross why her husband has fied Scotland. • ROSS tells her to trust her husbands judg- ement and then leaves. • Lady macduff tells her son his father is dead. • Messenger warns Lady Macduft she's in d- anger. • Murderers enter and kill Lady Macduff and- her son. Scene 3 • Malcom Speaks with Macduff as he doesn't trust him as he left his family in Scotland. •Malcom mentions Macduffs vices to see if he is trustworthy. He wonders if he is fit to be Ring. D! Di سم Leve Scene I • Lady Macbeth begins suffering from delusions of the murders of Duncan and Banquo. • A doctor is called, but he can't do anything. for her. •Macduft and Malcam strategize against Ma- cbeth. 7 Scene 2 •Four lords of scotiana-Lennox, Menteth, Angus and Caithness. resave to jain Malcom. and the english forces. Escape at Birnam wood. Scene 3 • Macbeth ignores reports of an invasion. • He takes the prophecies literal and believes. he is invincible in battle. • when a servant reports that a huge army. has been spotted Macbeth looses courage. Scene 4 • Malcom orders his troops to cut branches From Birnam wood to conceal the size of the army. Malcolm unknowinglly fulfills the witches prophecy. Scene 5 •Modbeth scorns all other advancing armies. to find out the queen is dead. Di • word comes to macbeth that Birnam wo od seems to have been uprooted. Macbeth recalls the prophecy. Macbeth wishes to deny this but must face the powerful truth. 4 Scene 6 • Birnam wood has been uprooted. • Malcams army, aisguised in Birnam woe. has reached Ounsinane. Siward leads the battle, and Malcolm and Macduft take the rear. 4 Scene 7 Foreshadows the destruction of a tyrant. • Macbeth is challenged by the son of Siward. Macbeth's forces have surrendered Dunsinane castle, but there is unfinished business. Macbeth searches for the man who murdered his family. Scene 8 •Macduft and Macbeth meet on battlefield. Macbeth falls from power with his death. • Macbeths final solitiquiy is said.. D Scene a • Dunsinane castle is taken • Malcolm is proclaimed Ring by assembled thanes A 7! e L !G charac "Valiant" "his brandish steel... smoged with bloody. execution" Respected "O valiant causin! worthy gentleman" Curious "Stay, you imperfect. Speakers tell me more" "6 Rutheless too fulll o' the mill of human kindness" Pessimistic I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only valuating. ambition which d'erleaps itself and falls on th'other" unconvinced Admiredl "(saergant) Great I dare do all that may. become a man, who dares more is none" Regretfull "Wabe duncan with. thy knocking! I would trou couldse" macbeth... well ne deserves that name" Honoured macbeth a (Duncan :) with his former title great ma- cbeth" Pensive "This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good" Overwhelmed by imagination "Function is smain- erd in surmise" conflicted ... his nost [...] sno- uld against his murd- erer should shut the door, not bear the knife mysey" Fearless Mislead "Till Birnam wood re- Imove to Dunsinone, I cannot taint with Lear D! € E € € € E TODO POP CO ====IDIIDID=====İDİDİCIDIDIIDI▬İDİCİD 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D D D D DORPOR 4 characters. Loved as an equall "my dearest part. ner of greatness Witch-like. "come, you spirits" Masculine "unsex me here, and fill me from the crown. to the toe-top jull of direst cruelty" Manipulative "Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own ast and valour as thou art in desire? Honourable "I would have dasn'd the brains out hadi so sworn Eager to influence. "Hie thee nither, that I may pour my spirits in inine ear" hapay macbeth Some conscience "Hod he not resembled. my father as he slept. I had done't" contemptious "Infirm of purpose Rutheless "O, never shall sun. that morrow see" Cunning "Look like the innocent Hower bur be the ser- pent under't" in control "Leave all the rest tome Determined "screw your courage to the sticking place. and well not fail. Admired "they undaunted mettle should compose nothing but makes" commanding " Go get some water and wash this filthy witness. from your hand" Guilt Ridden. "All the perfumes of Ara. bia will not sweeten this blood" Fearful "Gre has light by her continually 4 character Discoverer. "on horror, horror horror! Tongue nor heart cannot con- cleve or name tree" Outraged "Not in the regions of norria hell can come devil more aamini'd in evils to top Macbeth" Under estimated "what need I fear of tree" Farrily man "all my pretty ones? all my pretty chickens. and their dam at one fell Swoop vengeful "it thou be'st slain and with no stroke of mine, my wife and chi- drens ghosts will rount me Still" Misunderstood "(Lody Macdyyy) He loves us not" Practical "I have no words: my voice is in my sword" Victorious "behold, where stands the upsurpers cursed nead" "(Lady Macayy) His Hight was madness" macauss Trusted "(Ross) He is noble, wise, Judicious and best len ous the fits o' the sea- O Human / Emotive "I will do so, but I must also feel it as a more A gentleman. "O gentie lody, Tis not for you to hear what I can spear" Guilt Ridden "Simple Macduff, they we- re all struck for thee" Loyal to the throne. "The royal father was a most sainted Ring" "Fear not yet to take. upon you what is yours" Not born of woman "was from his mothers. wompuntimely rippar 9 D! ‒‒‒‒ISISISIDIIL DODD D D D D D D D D D D D D DDDDDDDDD DIIDIIDIDIIDIDIIDIC € ODDA O !G characters Protentous "So your and fair a day I have not seen" Masculine. "You should be women and yet your beards forbid. me to inter pret so D Unearthly "(Macbeth) what seem'd corporal. meited as breath. irito the wind" United Switches "I'll give thee a wind Thou're king. And I another "The weird sisters, hand in hand" Timely "(Macbeth) They meet me in the day of success" Equivocal Bitter " I'll grain him ary as nay" Supernatural "So wither'd and so wild (...) That look not "hare of woman born shall harm macbeth like the inhabitence of the earth" Tempting "All hail, Morbern. thou shalt be king nereafter Bewildering "Not so happy, yet much happier scheming Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble' 16 Credible "All hail to Macbeth! Hail. to thee thane of cawar Successful! Proud Recognise evil "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wi- Cred this way comes" 9 Di charac Dis believing " Have we eaten on the insone root that takes the reason pri- sorer?" Cautious "instruments of dark- ness tell us truths" Troubled Tempted "May they not be Oracies as well and set me up in hope?" A threat "Macbeth: there is none but he whose being I do fear" Obstacks كيف "They nail'd mim jat. her to a line of kings" "Fleance his sone whose absence is no less ma terial to me tran is his fathers" Curibus "If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow, and which will not speak them to me" ( A heavy summons. lies like lead cod upon Bangus me and bet I would not sleep" sreance Keen to investigate "let us meet and que. stion this most blbody. piece of work, to brow it juther" Suspicious "Thou hast it now. As the weird wo- men promised and. 1 year, thou play- ast most Joully. Jor't: Protectne *Fly good fleance Hly, الی ، بااد vengeul "Thou mayst reve. nge Accused "the right valiant Ba- nquo whom you may say, it't please you, Fleance Rilla" D! D ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ICIDIDIODO▬▬▬ D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D DD ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ !G characters. Respectedl "The royal father was a most sainted Ring" Powegul "No more that trane of Cawdor shall deci- leve, go pronounce his present death" Humble "Roes: His wonders. suncan and his prases do contend which sho- und be thine or his" Grateful "More is thy que than more than all can pay" Expressive Respectful "O valiant cousin! wo. rtny gentiemen" "My pienteous joys warton in fullness, Seek to hide them seys in drops of sorrow Rewarding with his former title greet Москветы" Betrayed. "He was a gentleman. on whom i built an absolute trust" Paternal "I have begun to plant thee, and will bybour to make tree. full of growing" Virtuous "his virtues will pread. like angels, trumpet- tongued, against the deep damnation of his taking oft" Trusting "Fair and noge nos- tess, we are your guest tonight" 4 themes ABition • The witche's prophecies ignite Moobeth's am- bition and influence his behaviour, setting the action of the play and Macbeth's downfall. in motion. •Macbeth accenowlodges that ambition is his only reason for billing duncan. • Macbeth's ambition is not satisfied once he is. Ring as he wants to eliminate any threars to his power, such as Banquo and Macduf's • Banquo seems to have some ambition as he CORS the witcnes to speak to him and dwells. on their prediction for his descendants. • Banaus doesn't. act on his ambitions. key quotes. 1. Lody Macbeth on Macbeth": "Thou wouldst be great, / Art not without amotion, but without / The illness should attend it" 5 I=I=I=I=I=I=IDID=▬▬▬▬▬ 2. Macbern feeling threatned by Banquo TO be thus is nothing/ But to be Bately thus" 3. Banque asking witches to predict future: "If you can. look into the seeds of time, And say which grain! will grow and which will not / Speak then to me 2 D D D D D D D D DDDDDDDD C C themes Supernatural • The witches' appearance in ACT I Scenel in the under and lightning establishes a distanding. dramatic atmosphere. •The witches never tell Macbeth to commit mur- der, so their supernatural power is not directly. responsible for his actions, but their predictions do foreshadow events in Act v • Banquo sees the witches with Moobeth, only Macbeth can see the dagger and Banquas gn. Lost, suggesting that they could come from MOC. beth's guilty conscience. -Lady Macbeth calls on dark spirits to fill her with cruelty. key quotes. 1. First witch on her familiar: "I come greymalkin' 2. Masbeth on the dogger he sees. "A dogger g the mind, a faise creation / Proceeding from the heart oppressed brain." 3 Macbeth on Bonques grost." Take any shape but that, and my firm nerves / shall never tremble" Di themes 5 Sullt •Macbeth is not afraid to kill in battle but he is. distressed after Rilling Duncan. - His guilty conscience may also produce his vi- sions of the bloody dagger and Banquas gnost: • Macbeth shows signs of parandia when ne sees banque as a threat. -initially, lady Macbeth seems to feel no guilt about Rilling Duncan. - She probably commits suicide because of her troubled conscience. • Her guilt catches up with her in Act & when She Sleepwalles кеудиоtes 1. Lady Macbeth after duncans murder: "These deeds must not be though/After these ways! So it will ma be us mad.. 2. Macbeth to Banquos grost." "Thou cans't not say it did it, never shape / Thy glory locks at me!" 3. Macbeth's loss of guilt: "My Slaughterous thou- ghts/cannot once start me" 9 14 LITTL ===================== ט ע ש OOOOOO u E D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D DDD C themes APPEARANCE •White Duncan describes Macbeth's castle as a Pleasant place, the audience knows it is the setti ng for his murder.. •The witches' riddles make Macbeth believe in at he has a charmed lije, but their words fore shadow • Birnam wood appears to move, suggesting th- at the witches' other predictions will come true. •Shakespeare uses salliques and asides to sh ow the audience his characters true thoughts. •There are inclications that Banguo's ghost and the doggers are illusions. Rey quotes. 1. Macbeth on disguising his true intentions: "Stars, hide. your fires/ bet not light see my black and deep desires 2. Macbeth on deception. faise face must hide what the take heart doth know? 3. Birnam wood appears to move: "I look'd toward Bim- Iam and anon methought / the wood began to mo ve O! I L Fi themes BETRAUL Betrayal and revenge closely link since those. who are betrayed seek revenge. •when the first Thane of cawdor betray's King Duncan, this foreshadows Macbeths betrayal. •Macbeth betrays Banque by having him. murdered and attempting to have his son, Flearce, murdered. He t on believes that Banquos gnost that haunts him in revenge •when Macduft avenges his family's murders by. Killing Macbeth, this fulfills the witches proph- ecies • Shakespeare suggests that Macbeth's cruel leadership betrays Scotland. key quotes. 1. Macbeth cfter seeing Banques gnost: " they say. blood will have bbod 2. Macduft to Macbeth: "If thou be'st slain, and with no strope af mine / My wife and childrens ghosts will haunt me Still! 7 I D TTTT L themes يمه •Shakespeare leaves us to decide if Macbeths. rise and fall is fate or the result of his own. choices. • The witches' suggestion that Wacbeth will be. come Ring ignites his ambition. "The witches promise that Banquo's descendants. will be bings prompts Macbeth to murder Ban que and Fleance. • Even though macbeth tears he will die when Ma. cduys confronts him, he chooses to fight. Proke wit aggs He admits the only reason for killing Duncan is his ambition.. key quotes. i. Macbeth after he is made Thank of cawdor: "This supernatural soliciting I cannot be ill, cannot be good 2. Macbeth on the predictions "y chance will have me Ring, why chance may crown me" 3. Macbeth vowing to fight on: "Through Birnam wood be come to Dunsinone / And thou opposit being of no woman born/ Yet I will try the last"