


Crooks character essay- Of Mice and Men






Show how John Steinbeck uses the character of crooks to highlight some aspects of American society
in the 1930s?
Through the character of cr

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Show how John Steinbeck uses the character of crooks to highlight some aspects of American society
in the 1930s?
Through the character of cr

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Show how John Steinbeck uses the character of crooks to highlight some aspects of American society in the 1930s? Through the character of crooks, Steinbeck reflects the racial discrimination and prejudice against people of colour throughout 1930s America. He shows the harsh treatment of black people by showing how deeply engraved racism was throughout society to the point where it became a normality. He shows the isolation black people faced in a society with a white supremacy mindset. Crooks is a representation of the harsh and cruel lives many people of colour faced as racism was engraved into 1930s society which is shown widely throughout Of Mice and Men. Crooks reflects the racial discrimination many faced with little respect shown towards them which is evidentially shown through the attitudes of the ranch workers towards crooks. We further see the lack of respect towards crooks through the derogatory nickname he has been given as "crooks" is seemingly a referral to his crooked back. The phrase "but I can't play because I'm black" shows the clear segregation of races in this period of time as crooks wasn't allowed to associate with the other men on the ranch as he wasn't allowed to play cards with them nor even enter their bunkhouse because of the colour...

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Alternative transcript:

of his skin. Throughout the novella we see a clear representation of crooks as inferior to the other men due to the popular racial prejudice of the time. The n- word was often used as day-to-day language rather than an offensive slur displaying the normality of racism in the 1930s. The constant referral to crooks as "the stable buck" or "n....", whether derogatory or not, displays the constant dehumanisation that black Americans faced in the 1930s. During the hierarchal society the book was set in, crooks was classed as the lowest status in such society because of his disability and colour of his skin. Throughout section 4 we see a clear representation of the power people held with a further insight of the idea that many people were seen as inferior to others. Steinbeck shows crooks' struggle for power as Curley's wife acerts dominance over him when she fiercely says, "You know what I can do?" with crook's reply being "yes ma'am" showing his obedience even if its unjust because of the fear for his life which once again shows the societal views of black people being seen as inferior to others. Crooks is portrayed with a lack of power because of the racial prejudice as he's a victim of the unequal and cruel treatment of black people throughout America in the 1930s. He mirrors the negative stereotyp of black people in America in a society where people of colour had little to no power. Throughout the novella we see the harshness and isolation that black people faced throughout 1930s America. Crooks was not allowed in the bunkhouse of the others because he was black showing how he wasn't allowed to associate with the other men because of the colour of his skin. He lacks human companionship, and the isolation causes him to become bitter to people which is seen is section 4 when he tells Lennie "You got no right to come into my room" which shows how pessimistic he had become. The loneliness makes his resentful of others and led him to become jaded. He reflects the clear effects loneliness can have on a person as he says "I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick" which shows the solidarity of the time and the need for companionship of others as without it, the society turns into one of innate savagery where everyone is "scairt" of another. To conclude, Steinbeck uses the character of crooks to reflect the unjust and unequal treatment of black people throughout 1930s America. Through themes such as racism, loneliness and power Steinbeck shows the struggle for power many people of colour faced due to the racial discrimination and prejudice of the time when black people were viewed as inferior to others. He also mirrors the effects that loneliness can have in a person and the lack of companionship can turn a person "sick".