


Curleys Wife Quotes & Analysis






"rouged lips" "her fingernails were red"
Links to the girl in Weed with the red dress,
hinting that Lennie will hurt Curley's Wife, too.

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"rouged lips" "her fingernails were red"
Links to the girl in Weed with the red dress,
hinting that Lennie will hurt Curley's Wife, too.

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"rouged lips" "her fingernails were red" Links to the girl in Weed with the red dress, hinting that Lennie will hurt Curley's Wife, too. Wears a lot of makeup and is proud of her hair Red symbolizing anger, danger, and violence we get to understand in the story later how this links She draws attention to herself using her looks and her appearance "A nigger, and a dum-dum and a lousy old sheep" She insults herself along with all of them She is aware of the power she hold over Crooks, Lennie and Candy Shes only been on the ranch for two weeks, however, isn't afraid to use her power Shes prejudice and racist when talking to Crooks she calls him a "nigger" many times in the novel, and she never seems to be afraid of showing him his place in the world and on the ranch "You ******** tramp", he said viciously. "You done it, didn't you? I suppose you're glad. Everybody knowd you'd mess things up. You wasn't no good" Shows that everyone felt that it would end badly because of her They are prejudice against her and dislike her, no one gives her eulogy or feels sympathetic for her When Curley finds her body he has no worries, he isn't sad but happy almost because now he can get revenge on Lennie Curley's Wife "I guess I better look someplace...

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Alternative transcript:

else," she said playfully The adverb 'playfully' shows that she is a flirt Indicates that there is trouble and danger around . She always has her eye on other men 'she got the eye going' all the time' "Listen nig*er," she said. "You know what I can do if you open your trap?" She shows cruelty and her understanding of her power and position Making Crooks aware of his place and humiliating him in front of everyone Shows that she doesn't just have an innocent side, but she has also developed a harsh side and as soon as she gets a chance to put someone in their place, she takes it ● First Crooks was picking on Lennie and then she is aggressive towards Crooks, this shows how power is very important on the ranch, highlighting the hierarchy at the ranch "I'm gonna get him"- Curley He never spent time with her, That caused her to always seek attention from all the other men She admitted to not liking him "swell guy... aint he" When she dies, Curley doesn't even bother checking her instead it was Slim who 'quietly over to her, and felt her wrist' All he cares about is revenge, and how to get it. "I know who done it" Isolated Miss understood Victim of the patriarchy "Think I don't like to somebody ever' once in a while? Think I like to stick in the house alla time?" Shows her lonelieness The ranch is not a place for women because she is stuck in the house all the time We can empathize with her She does what she does because she is lonely, but the manner she does it in is not right "I met one of the actors. He says I could go with the show. But my ol'lady wouldn't let me" Head strong and rash because she married Curley just to annoy her mother She suffers for it and in some way, she is the architect of her own downfall not only with her behavior on the ranch but also the behavior leading up to the ranch We get a fuller picture of her in this quote The meanness and the planning and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young Her natural disposition would be to seem quiet sweet, and pretty. But when we have seen her with her mind working, she has been quite bold and flirty maybe when we were seeing her the whole time, she was acting trying to get people's attentions and doing what she could to find company. Standing up for herself in a man's world. When we were taken away from the defects that she is always putting up against herself. We get a simple sweet young person. All the hard work and effort that took to put up the facade is now over. This tells us that she is not a person who should be stuck on their ranch just like slim .Curley's Wife. Link to aspects of 1930s America How is he affected by society in which he lives in? Curley's wife despised the position of women in 1930s America and represents how little power women really had. The fact that she is identified only as 'Curley's wife' shows how little power she has "Jesus, what a tramp"The other man's negative and discriminatory attitude towards her also represents how women were typically perceived by society at this time She is seen as an object and as little more than a possession on the ranch representing the position of women in the society at this time women were not respected or valued. "I think Curley's married a tart" Curley's wife is another victim of a broken dream showing how difficult it was to find happiness or fulfillment in 1930s America "I could of went with the shows" Curley's wife is never called by her own name as a way of depicting her lack of independence. By only referring to her as Curley's wife her identity is confined to the limit dependent role she must play in her marriage. This lack of autonomy refer explains the reasoning for Curly's wife discontentment since she has almost no ability feel fulfilled as an individual Curley's wife is so lonely on the ranch in of my Sandman because the sexist environment of the ranch stereotypes and attacks her agency. John Steinbeck reveals a natural mistrust in women at this time as we are never given any reason to think that Curley's wife has actually been unfaithful Curley's wife is not given her name even though she is a pivotal character in of mice and men her lack of name adds to the notion that as she is Curley's wife, she is his property Curley's wife is objectified by everyone in the novel as well as by the author Curley's wife also had a dream to be a film star and although she had no longer had any real hope that this could come true it gave her hope and a distraction from the unhappiness of her life. Her dream was to be famous and live a luxurious life she wanted to be an actress when she was fifteen, she got a letter for a travelling show but her mother wouldn't let her so she met curly and married him because she needed him for her dream was destroyed by the marriage to curly and the Hollywood director who promised to contact her about her acting career but never did How is he presented in the novel? Curley's wife does not have a name because she does not have her own identity, she is just Curly's wife she has no real sense of purpose she just not fit in with the ranch hands she lives a lonely existence she has no friends Curley's wife is so lonely on the ranch because she is new there is the only female and doesn't get along with Curley so she seeks attention from the other men and well she's labeled a 'tramp' 'rat-trap' 'jail-bait' and to add the cherry on top 'a bitch', can't forget the chocolate waffer she also called a 'tart' Besides being treated poorly by her husband Curley's wife can also be seen as a victim due to the way she is scorned and objectified by the other ranch workers she is marginalized by the men on the ranch on the basis that 'a ranch with a bunch of guys on it ain't no place for a girl especially like her She's kind of portrayed like the girl in weed as a liar and a manipulator of men. The little farm where George and nanny can live off the fat of the land her death at Lennie's hands meant the end of George and Lennie's companionship and their dreams