


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde revision notes + all themes






Theme 1: Women and femeninity:
→where excluded as main characters - due to hypocrocy of men.
→ The maids quote "never

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Theme 1: Women and femeninity:
→where excluded as main characters - due to hypocrocy of men.
→ The maids quote "never

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Theme 1: Women and femeninity:
→where excluded as main characters - due to hypocrocy of men.
→ The maids quote "never

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Theme 1: Women and femeninity:
→where excluded as main characters - due to hypocrocy of men.
→ The maids quote "never

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DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE Theme 1: Women and femeninity: →where excluded as main characters - due to hypocrocy of men. → The maids quote "never had she felt more peace with all men" - sytirical description of maid - Stevenson pointing out how she loved to tell the story of how Hyde killed serdavance kceru. (maid isn't horrofied by murder - snes delighted) and also → Stevenson mocks his female reader Audience as they where into horrific things blood thirsty. (stevensons →Describes the murder as totally exagerrated - Sound of Serdanvas keru being killed with quote "under which the bones where Audibly shattered, and the body jumped upon the roadway. At the horror of these sights and sounds the maid fainted." →Quote - "maid fainted - Isn't realistic - as she was excited to reteu the story. making fun of the traditions of the gothic that female readers would have wanted. "body jumped upon the rodway" "he was trampling over the body" - this doesn't make sense so stevenson is mocking them. → women in other parts of text are also treated badly - "and many women of different nashionalities passing out, key in hand, to have a morning glass" - women are aucholics, all women in sono are the same. (using humar) (Stevenson mysogynistic or not?) → Quote:...

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Alternative transcript:

(Hycles nousekeeper) - "An Ivory faced and silvery-haired old women opened the door She had an evil face smoothered by Hypocrocy: but her manners where excelent" - Linked to idea of Hypocrocy. (last part of quote rienforces stevenson saying women are just like men. (good manners on surface - Like Jekyll - but underneath it all are evil) - womens evil shown on her face wheras Jekyils evil is shown on Hycles face. →House Keeper becomes facinated/intrigued when something happens to Hyde (mockery of female reader again) - always want to know what happens next? Theme 2: Christianity: → makes fun of readers for their Christian belief - "This was the shocking thing: that the Sume of the pit seemed to utter cries and voices; that the amorphous dust gesticulated and Sinned; that what was clead, and had no shape should userp the offices of life" - description Of Hycle - over exagerrated form of language. (Stevenson purposly used fun phrases to poke fun at complex religion of Christianity, which decides theres a heaven and hell. → Describes Hyde - "slime of the pit" rienforcing he came from hell. → He uses the over exagerrated phrases which people in the chapel might use to mock them. → Uses over exagerrated language "amorphous" (shows how he's not a believer in christianity and its overrated - can then link this to new science about how some stories in the bible aren't actually true. → If stevenson became an Athiest his readers would turn from him. Theme 3: Appearences: Jekyll pointing out →Description of hyck from Jekyll - "non the less natural to me because they were the expression, and bore the stamp of lower elements in my soul!" that inside him is evil and where noticing that through Hyde. →Stevenson refuses to say what Hydes face looks like aces this because he thinks its ridiculous to judge wheather someones evil based off looks. (also suggests in the dicotomy that he doesn't believe in good and evil." FOLL - HO → one of arguments in the novel shows how victorian readers considered Certain things to be evil, but Stevenson didn't. →The large handsome face of Dr. Jekyll grew pale to the very lips and there came a darkness about his eyes" - shows duality (surface level is normal however whats underneath isn't" - has an evil desire about himself. → "A large, well-made, soothed man of fifty, with something of a stylish cast. perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness." - the "pernaps" again conveys how there is another side to him. Jekylls house as a metaphore: → "At the door of this, which wore a great air of wealth and comfort" - personification Snows the house as a person because all respectable properties in London contain people Like Jekyu. (Front appears nice and appealing but indoors something is going on.) → "Though it was now plunged in darkness" - Uses metaphore to show contrast of the Other side. (daricness -symbolic of evil) → "for even in the houses the fog began to live thickly" - metaphore for what we confuse as Something being respectable to something that's actually evil / Sinful. → "A certain sinister block of building thrust foreward its gable on the streets" - through verb "thrust" it sounds like a violent house. → "A blind forehead of discoloured wall on the upper; and bore in every feature, the marks of prolonged and sordid neglegance." - Suggesting if you don't pay attention to your evil instincts then they will take over. → Imagery of "door which was blistered and distained "- suggests the house has became euil - "bustered" - links to fires of neu. →The schoolboy had tried his Knife" - Stevenson suggesting all people can contain this evil element. (back of home is whats hidden from people - like Jekylls other side). Theme of Drug taking: → "well sir every day, ay and twice and thrice in the same day." - description of Hycle being desperate for his drugs to turn him back into Jeigu. → "This drug is wanted bitter bad sir, whatever for" - description dcliberatly focuses on the evils of drug taking →"both forture and deform the sufferer"- destroy you. → Make the sufferer "eager to find the drug!" →"I knew well that I risked death; for any drug that so potentally controlled and shook the very fortress of identity might my the least scruples of an overdose"→ worried Stevenson about the possibility of overdose / risking death. (leadles us to reading the story as a warning for drug taking / experimenting. •"Shook the very fortress". the drug sees the type of person you are (Jekyll looks like something on the outside but is someone else. (same with Utterson as he hides the fact that fekyll knows who the murderer is. → The quote above is actually a myth - actually something he doesn't want. Theme of duality of man: → "the animal in me licking the chops of memory" in this nyde is pointing out that the animal is within all of us - in his mind the animal isn't evil but in the Christian Reeda it is. •Stevenson deliberatly doesn't describe Hyde as evil - "I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not truly one, but truly two" - idea that we all carry good impuises and bad impuises →Stevenson also describes good and evil as "polar twins" →→ use of the word "twins" Suggests we can't actually get rid of the evil inside us. (pernaps we shouldn't try to and instead understand it. •Stevensons very particular about us knowing that everyone wants to kill Hyde. (even though hyde hasn't actually done anything wrong)→ Hyde is being unjustly treated.→ Stevenson refuses to tell us what Hyde gets up to in the meantime. → When we see at the Start that Hyde tramples on the little girl but now collect the data and see that it actually wasn't a bad idea/ thing - stevenson does this to deliberally Question society - may be the impulse we have to give into our desires is normal. (only society that judges it to be evil). →when he kills Serdanvas keru - same as being locked up in solitary confinement as he has been trapped in Hydes body for a year. (therefore his mind is deranged as of how Jekyll has treated him. ·back to how Jekyll first describes Hyde in the quote "within I was concious of a ready recklessness, a current of disordered sensual images running like a miliraco In my fancy, a solution of the bonds of obligation, an unknown but innocent freedom of the soul." → society just giving into our senses gives us a peer evil. →Stevenson suggests that we take away our free stives by introducing all moral rules. → Tekyll says being Hyde braced and delighted me like wine" - doesn't want to upset christian readers so he gives the impression that being Hyde was like being addicted to auchohol, and therefore sinful. Theme of repression and Homosexuality: →lots of males in the play therefore friendship could be a proxy for homosexuality. →Tekyll can't give into his homosexual patterns and desires as society forbids it. That's why Stevenson can't describe what Hycle aces as its so horrific for society. oscar wilde found to be gay and was sent to jail 5 years after this was published. → "The more it looks like queer street, the less I asic → Strong hint from stevenson that everyone suspects Hycle is in a Homosexual relationship with Jekyu. →Utterson has a dream about laying in bed with Jekyll - he doesn't want to admit to his homosexual desires. (this is why stevenson suggests all the main characters are unmarried - all maybe homosexual but can't endulge in it because of Society → tradgedy of novel could be stevenson saying society doesn't accept people for who they are, instead they demonise them. Theme 6: friendship: →lanyon, Tekyll + Utterson where inseperable. → Jekylls experimenting prevents the friendship going further. → Conflict between christianity and science why lanyon falls out with Jeryll. - due to lanyon claiming his science is anticristian. → If friends had of stayed together - could of helped Jekyll. - but Jekyll feeling like he was excluded from society led to his tradgedy / downfall. - •Utterson reflects by saying "I have buried one friend today" what if this should cost me another?" - before he reads the letter. (reveals truth inside). →Stevenson drums in idea that friendship could have saved Jekyll when Jekyll looks back on the creation of Hyde. →Even though Hyde could enjoy "lcaping impuises " and "secret pleasures under his disguise - he now would prefer to be surrounded by friends - idea of friends being more important than society. values, christianity, more important than putting on an exterior that looks respectful, also reputation. Theme of Good vs Evil → Stevenson makes them realise that actually there living in a society which judges you. → Jekyll says "evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul then unks this to a point of all his readers by saying "If fell out with me as it falls with so vast a majority of my fellows, that I chose the better part and was found wanting in. the strength to keep to it! →rienforcing that we all want to do good but we are lacking the strength. → Stevenson says all the things we personally find fine, society will find evil. Theme of evolution : →darwins theory convey's because we came from apes, that means are thoughts/actions are animal like. → made evolution fit Christianity was by saying that evil is of the same quality as our ancestors who where apes. →Early description of Hycle "God bless me the man seems hardly human" "something troglodytic shall we say!" - refering to the nianditals - victorians think because - the humans were obviously nianditais came first and where replaced by humans better than the nianditals. →Stevenson points out that darwin is saying we evolve at each stage in order to get a genetic advantage that helps us survive. →Tekyll describes what hycle does at end of the play inside the religious books Jeky!! has been reading. "plays ape like tricks, Scrawling in my own hand blasphemies on the pages of my books! → Suggesting christianity is just a story - why hyck then writes these attack on God. → "ape Like" - Stevenson is suggesting that we can go back but nothing will really Change →→ Therefore the idea of Christianity is something we have created due to us becoming more sophistocated.