


How does Dickens present the redeemed character of Scrooge?






English A Christmas Carol
How does Dicken's present the redeemed of Scrooge?
Scrooge is overgoyed, merry, redeemed
• "I am ao me

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2 English A Christmas Carol character How does Dicken's present the redeemed of Scrooge? Scrooge is overgoyed, merry, redeemed • "I am ao merry as a school bay" "a happy new year to all the world" "it was a splendid laugh" as happy. as an angel" • The mood in this exrace is vey cheerful and happy, a contoor to the beginning. frisked into the sitting room" wide pejectly winded' •At the beginning was he was bitter and closed off and des cold, miserable " solitary as an criste." "" 11 Bah humbug to Christmas" "[a] covehous, old sinner!" "Hard and shop as fline" SA Christmas Caral' is a didactic novella written by Dickens in the Victorian era to teach the people at the time about the severity of poverty and the ignorance of weathier people as the time. In the exract, Dickens presents Scrooge as a joyfw and cherry. character, a contast to how he was as the beginning of the novella. At the stort. he is ill-mannored, miserly and cold, emphasised by youros like "Solitay as an oister" and as hard and shap as ste glint". This juxraposes phrases and dialogue such as "A merry christmas to everybody" and "I am as light as a feather". These phrases prients Scrooge as a warm, light-hearted and cheerful man displaying his redemption. P Similie The verb 'Cried' suggests that Scrooge...

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Alternative transcript:

is in facet enormously excited to have been. transported back to Christmas day and she shows him to be lively and young. furthermore, the place I am as light as a feather" paints Scrooge to be light-hearted (shown through the noun feather) and is a direct constast to the beginning where Scrooge is shown to be as hand and shapp as glink: A glint is a dark and heay rock used by Dickens to reglect Scrooge's more cold and misely personality at the start. After his redemption, Dickins uses a geather to describe scrooge as it symbolises he has opened up from his dark shel (solitery do an aister) and is now a much more comforting and wen person character.