


inspector calls character eric






Eric is sympathetic towards the working class people, he asks
Mr Birling why shouldn't they try for high

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C HOR ERIC BIRLING CHARACTERISTICS: Eric is sympathetic towards the working class people, he asks Mr Birling why shouldn't they try for higher wages?'. He gets Eva Smith pregnant and steals money from his father to help Eva smith, risking his father's reputation. Eric feels guitry about Eva's death. He also has a drinking problem. KEY QUOTES: "In his early twenties, not quite at easy, half shy-half assertive" Priestly describes Eric as lacking confidence Repitition of half shows his indecisive nature and insecurities. its as if he is not a fully grown man even in his early. twenties Forshadow of bad choices. Uncomfortable with the Lidea of capitalism. "I wasn't in love or anything but I liked her. She was pretty". Priestly portrays Eric's lacking depth emotionally. Audience may question his superficial approach - pretty. Not in Love liked her - Eric seems self indulgent here. Almost as if he presumed she may have loved him, very childish. "And I say that the girl's dead and we all helped to kill. her-and that's what matters". Enc shows remorse here - brutal language of ''girls dead' = raw reality verb ''helped' makes it clear he feels responsible and they should too. The inclusive pronoun "we" includes everyone. on stage. "When a chap easily turns nasty": Eva's rape could be an extended metaphor showing how capitalism abuses. the lower/working class. Adverb easily...

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suggests that this sort of behaviour is almost common. Therefore we wonder if the capitalist party and their ideals for are used in a manner at the expense of the lower class.