


Jekyll character analysis






"But the temptation
of a discovery so
singular and
profound at last
overcame the
suggestions of alarm."
(Chapter 10)
Jekyll knew he was

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"But the temptation of a discovery so singular and profound at last overcame the suggestions of alarm." (Chapter 10) ↓ Jekyll knew he was taking a risk experimenting on himself, but his desire for discovery overtook/ any of his worries. I concealed my pleasures" He suppressed his sinful side in order to gain social respect "Had fallen upon his knees and lifted his clasped hands to god Turned to religion after realizing his mistakes Man is not Key quotes truly one but two" Good Vs evil Aristocracy Suppression Scientific Development L Religion Vs "He was no less distinguished for religion" shows his difficult relationship with religion and how he rejects it over time the restraints of society are on Jekyll "I was driven to reflect deeply and inveterately on that hard law of life which lies at the root of religion" Alliteration refers to the common concept of guilt, conscience and sin, Jekyll attempts to isolate the moral and immoral to undercut the root of religion Victorian gentleman supernatural Big ideas →Human nature 1 felt younger, lighter happier in body" Uses triad in structure to show how burdensome morality "My Devil had been long caged, he came out roaring" Jekyll s devil side is a. manifestation on his deepest desires. Devil connotes that jekylls desires oppose contemporary Christian ideology Duality "Corded and hairy" The hand a symbol of respectability and honor is invaded by free flowing hair connoting ideas of uncontrolled freedom Reputation Obsession Kind and generous Well JQ Rambuncious and ill behaved in his teens His own personality General remains a turbulent 2 mix of good and bad In conjunction with his dual personality Religion- The test suggests Dr Jekyll has a turbulent relationship with religion, he...

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Alternative transcript:

has completed work on it but his studies are also seen to go against the laws of god Character in context "I was no more myself when i laid aside restraint and plunged in shame" He failed splitting Jekyl good and evil so ket/ Moral and honourable his evil side thrive He participates in charity work and is community minded It can be argued he was trying to make the potion to separate his good and evil side so his intentions were truly good Freud- Dr Jekyll symbolises ego a balance between a mans basal instincts and moral thought Marxism- Dr Jekyll is a member of the bourgeoise. The violent actions that take place could symbolise the behaviour of those with a high status in society. Eg Violent trampling treatment of lower classes He was very social and friendly but self involved Hyde Jekyll and Hyde are not separate characters bust should be considered as one entity Murder of Carew selfishness and disloyalty shown by people in those circles Inventive He is highly intelligent with a curious Mind He symbolises the encroachment of science on religious thought Key characteristics Erratic he becomes increasingly erratic as the novel progresses and is faced with hiding his existence Lanyon The power imbalance and increasing control Hyde has Jekyll entrusts him with over Jekyll appears to propel the narrative of the novel the secret oh Hyde but forwards. The Bona dry between them becomes they drift apart because increasingly fluid and uncontrollable as the plot respected doctor Jekyll looses of Jekylls improper and progresses, as if two become 1 again control immoral usage or science Relationships. Utterson Him and Jekyll have a strong relationship which drives the plot forward with both intrinsic curiosity and concern for his friend. I has an unconditional quality of loyalty and is unphased by opinion. Utterson is a neutral character. Utterson care for his friend is unwavering throughout despite Jekylls growing self imposed isolation