


Journeys End Key Themes






Trench Conditions
Journey's End Themes
Sherriff presents heroism in a variety of forms:
Hero worship-Raleigh

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Trench Conditions
Journey's End Themes
Sherriff presents heroism in a variety of forms:
Hero worship-Raleigh

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Theme Heroism Fear Trench Conditions Class Journey's End Themes Notes Sherriff presents heroism in a variety of forms: Hero worship-Raleigh arrives having requested to be with his hero, Stanhope. Heroism comes with a price - Raleigh learns this after the raid although he is awarded the MC for is efforts. Deaths may seem pointless but superiors will see them as heroes. Hibbert's lack of courage shows not all soldiers were brave. Stanhope's fury at Hibbert shows that he views cowardice as dishonourable in the light of others bravery and heroism. Stanhope-fears that people will see what he has become. Pg.27 'She's waiting for me and she doesn't know - she thinks I'm a wonderful chap. Scared of loosing Osborne in the raid. Hibbert - Stanhope threatens to kill him when he tries to run away. Pg.55 'better die of pain than be shot for deserting'. Osborne - Thinks he will die on rid so leaves things for his wife behind. Mason - afraid to see Stanhope (pepper incident). Hardy left the trenches in a 'blasted mess'. 'Held above damp floors'. 'Dug-out got blown up and came down' 'The ones in the other dug-out haven't got any bottoms to them'. 'Narrow steps' - claustrophobia, suffocating. Class represented through accents. Mason is lower class - 'D'you expect the Captain soon sir? The soups' OK' Little or no effort to get to know other ranks/classes e.g. Stanhope to Mason. Trotter being a high rank but...

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Alternative transcript:

lower class shows that the army are desperate for recruits. Class affects relationships. Stanhope being young but being a higher rank. Cowardice Horrors of War Friendship All the soldiers have coping mechanisms but Hibbert doesn't hence his cowardice. Osborne- reading 'Alice in Wonderland' Stanhope - Drinking Trotter - Eating and the tally chart Hibbert - ? Before the raid the soldiers do not show any cowardice but instead they talk about funny things to get their minds off it. Pg. 74 and 75. Stanhope shows cowardice as Raleigh is going to send a letter to his sister. Hibbert's character is all cowardice but we can see a little bit of this in each of the characters. Sherriff sends the message of the horrors of war across in subtle comparisons between the soldiers' life before and during the war. Affects everyone, of all classes and ranks and including those back home. Death of the men and the things that they experience and sense. Bad memories, shell shock, loosing identity and personality, paranoia. Sympathetic treatment. Not much true friendship seen in the trenches except that of Osborne and Stanhope. They are the only people who can empathise and have similar experiences. They can talk normally forgetting the war. Osborne is Stanhope's last hope. TRUST. Trotter's relationships with others are generally good although he tenses around lower classes. Friendship is determined by class. Alienation- friendships change because of the different situation of the war. The army has altered the men and therefore altered the friendships of their pasts. Stanhope is afraid of what Raleigh thinks of him. Raleigh looks up to Stanhope