








Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Act 1 Scene 2
1 His brandished steel, which smoked
with bloody execution" -Captain
2 fixed his head upon our battlements"
30 valient

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Macbeth Act 1 Scene 2 1 His brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution" -Captain 2 fixed his head upon our battlements" 30 valient Cousin! worthy gentlemen" 4 "what he hath lost, noble Macbeth has won"-Duncan Act 1 Scenes 5" So foul and fair a day I have not seen" 6 Thane of cawdov"- Witches 7° Make my seated heart Knock at ribs against the use of nature" Act 1 Scene 4 8 That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erlecip" 9 Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and cleep clesives" Act 1 Scene 5 10 My dearest love" Act 1 Scene 7 my 11 Teach bloody instructions, which being taught, return to plague th'Inventor" 12" His virtues will plead like cingels" 13 "Bring forth men-children only" 14 "used their very claggers" Act 2 Scene 1 15"A dagger of the mind, a false creation" Act 2 Scene 2 16 "I could not say 'Amen'" 17"Sleep no more, Macbeth does murder sleep" 18 will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand" Act 2 scene 4 19" There's claggers in men's smiles"-Donaldbain Act 2 Scene 4 20 Tis said they eat each other"-old man Act 3 Scene 1 21" Come fate into the list. And champ- -lon me to the utterance!" 22 "Know that it was he, in the times Past, which held you so under fortune" 23"we are men, my liege"...

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Alternative transcript:

- Murderer 24" Ay, in the catalogue ye yo for men" Act 3 Scene 2 25 Terrible crecims that shake us nightly" 26"He sleeps well" 270, full of scorpions is my mincl, clear wife!" Macbeth 2 Act 3 Scene 4 28" But now Iam cabined, cribbed, confined" 29" it will have blood they say-blood will have blood' Act 4 Scene 3 30 "Untitled tyrant" -Macduff! 31 "Devilish Macbeth" -Malcolm Act 5 scene 3 32" I haved lived long enough" Act 5 Scene 5 33" She should have died hereafter" 34 Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day" Act 5 scene & 35" I will not yield, to Kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet Extras 36 is this a dagger I see before me" 37" Thou canst say it was I who did it 38 D loubtly 391 bear a charmed life which must not yield to one born of woman" 40 "upon my head they placed a fruitless crown" 41 This dead butcher and his friend-uke queen" Witches Act 1 Scene 1 "When shall we three meet again. > In thunder, lightning, or in rain?" 2"fair is foul and foul is fair" Act 1 Scene 3 3"I'll drain him dry ashay" 4 "Thane of cawdor!" Act 3 Scene 5 5 "You all know, Security is mortal's Chiefest enemy" Act 4 Scene 1 Round about the cauldron go; in the poisoned entrails throw" 7" Something wicked this way comes" 8 Bewave the Thane of Fife" 9° until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsincine hill shall come against him" 10" none of women ball shall harm Macbeth" Lady Macbeth Act 1 Scenes 1Thy nature, it is too full o'th milk of humain Kindness" 2 "Come, you spirits that tend on mortail thoughts" 3 unsex me here" 4"fill me from the crown to toe topfull of clirest cruelty" 5° come to my woman's breasts and take my milk for gall" 16 smoke of hell" 7° Great Glamis, worthy cawclor, greater than both by the allhail hereafter" 8 "look like th'innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" Act 1 Scene 6 "Those honours deep and broad where- with your majesty loads our house" Act 1 Scene 7 10"Such account thy love" 11" Plucked my nipple from his boneless gums" 12"screw your courage to the sticking Place" Act 2 Scene 2 13 "Had he not resembled he slept, I had done't" 14 "Give me the daggers" Act 3 Scene 2 my father as 15" Tis safer to be that which we destroy than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy" 17 "Are you a man?" Act 5 sceve 1 16 " Things without all remedy should be without regard" Act 3 scene 4 18 "Hell is murky!" 19"All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand" 20 "out, damed spot!" Duncan Act 1 scene 4 1 "He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust" 20 worthiest cousin" 3 He is full so valient" 4 "it is ci peerless Kinsman" Act 1 Scene 6 5 The air nimbly and sweetly recommends Itself unto our gentle senses 6"The Love that follows us sometimes is our trouble" Act 2 Scene 4 7 Tis said they eat each other"-Oldman Act 3 sene 6 8 "Holy Kind "(King Edward) Act 4 scene 3 9-Thy royal father was a most sainted King" Macduff Act 2 Scene 3 1The repetition in a women's ecir Would murder as it fell" Act 2 Scene4, 2" No, cousin, I'll to Fife" Act 3 Scene 6 3 Macduff King"-Lord Act 4 Scene 2 5"To leave his wife, to leave his babes, his mansion and his titles" -Lady Maccluff Act & Scene 3. 60 Scotland, Scotland!" 1 "Fit to govern! No, not to live" Act 5 Scene 7 8"My wife and children's ghost will haunt me still" Act 5 scene a 9 Re-enter Macduff, with Macbeth's head' is gone to pray the holy Malcolm Act 4 scene 3 1"Yet my pour country shall have move vices than it had before, Move suffer" 2°1 grant him bloody luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful, sudden malicious, smacking of every sin that has a name" 3⁰⁰ The King-becoming, stableness, Bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, Devotion, patience, courage" Banquo Act 1 scene 3 1 Lesser than Macbeth, and greater "-witches 2 "Not so happy, yet much happier "-witches 3 Thou shalt get Kings, though thou be none"-witches 4 To win us to our harms" 5 The instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray's in deepest consequence" Act 2 Scene 1 6 "Their candles are all out" 7 " still keep my bosom franchised and allegiance clear" Act 3 scene 1 8 "May they not be my. and set me up in hope?" Act 3 Scene 3 oracles as well, 9" Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!" Act 3 scene 1 10 Thou Can't not say I did it" -Macbeth Malcolm 1 Wise 2 Honest SUSPICIOUS HAware 5 Righteous 6 cautious Banquo Cautious & Noble Brave Wises Perceptive / Ambitious witches 1Evil 2 Equivocates 3 Deceitful 4 Strange Suntrustworthy unnatural Macduff 1 Noble 2 Nemesis 3 Emotional Righteous 5 Cautious floyal 7 Brave Macbeth 1Ambitious Tyrant 3 Deceitful & unloyal svaliant Regretful Stubborn, & Manipulative Fired Trea 10 vident 12 submissive 12 Naive Lady Macbeth femme fatale 2Masculine 3 Ruthless 4 Cruel s Decertful 6 Manipulative PAmbitious & Corning Guilty No Dominant / clever 12 Heartless Duncan Respectful & Kind Naïve & Humble & Generous Trusting #Grateful Paternal АСТ 1 Regicicle Plot witches Preclictions Exposition witches & Battle Rising action ACT 2 4 Body is discovered 4 Duncanis dead ACT 3 + Banque are dies Climcix ↑ Banquo's murder plot Thanes unhappy ACT 4 Falling action Macbeth meet Witches Macduff's family is dead Malcolm and Macduff meet ACT 5 Lady Macbeth Sleep Walks ↓ Ballle Macbeth ↓ ↓dies Denouement Malcolm Is King