


Macbeth Act 1, Scene 1 Annotations






Act 1, Scene 1 - The Witches
A desert place. the
-witches creating storms
Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches
First Witch
When shall

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Act 1, Scene 1 - The Witches A desert place. the -witches creating storms Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches First Witch When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain? shows the weather Second Witch When the hurlyburly's done, When the battle's lost and won. First Witch Where the place? witches are Third Witch That will be ere the set of sun. Second Witch Upon the heath. Pathetic fallacy - dark and eene / a bit mysterious Second Witch Paddock calls. outcasts from society Third Witch Anon. - Third Witch There to meet with Macbeth. name is First Witch I come, Graymalkin! - familiar/cat toad again suggests they do this often and have many times before this creates fear in the audience. the rhythmic sense sounds like an evil chant The witches are discussing where to meet and when. they are established Characters of a contemporary audience would see that these witches don't belong, they are no good and evil. they would not like these characters. the first time his he is entangled with the witches mentioned •they are abnormal for having these there pets names animals - cando that so this audience. ALL Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air. 1 you can't see, there's a sense of hiding they are all-knowling fear in a Jacobean and God evil - alliteration / fricative (falliteration) INCREASING CHALLENGE Activities: What is happening in this scene? 2. What does the adverb 'again' suggest about the witches? 3. What mood is established at the beginning of the play? How is this mood established? Answer as annotations, highlighting...

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Alternative transcript:

specific examples of language that help to create this mood. Who or what are Graymalkin and Paddock? What does this tell you about the world of the play? 5. How would a contemporary audience react to this opening? Why do you think this is? Consider what life was like at the time and how this would dictate what people believed in. 6. Why do you think Shakespeare has the witches talk in rhyming. paradoxical couplets? What is the effect and what does it tell you about the witches? *Paradoxical - Contradictory