


macbeth act 1.2






Act 1
How is Macbeth portrayed in the Captain's speech?
Throughout the Captain's speech, Macbeth is presented as brave
hero of war

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Act 1
How is Macbeth portrayed in the Captain's speech?
Throughout the Captain's speech, Macbeth is presented as brave
hero of war

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O Act 1 Scene How is Macbeth portrayed in the Captain's speech? a Throughout the Captain's speech, Macbeth is presented as brave hero of war. For example; in line 16 for brave Macbeth-well be deserves that name ". The Captain is not jealous of Macbeth and more on awe of hem. This implies that because Macbeth is so important everyone has respect for him. Furthermore, he is given the title Thane of Cacoor, the equivalent of a kriighting in today's soccety. This suggest that he is worthy of that title because it is not self- proclaimed Later on, Duncan describes Macbeth as "O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman", he looks up to his cousin and appreciates hem. We are shown through the eyes of 20ther characters that Macbeth plays a high role in this world. full of war and rage. Moreover Macbeth is displayed as to be a violent character. He didn't just kils the rebel Macdonald, he severed hi's body-Cine 22;" He unseamed him from the have to th'chops, And finced his head upon our battiements". When thispte play was written in the 17th century, heads of the guilty would often be staked in public places to show the power of the government. Macbeth is showing the characteristics of a leader who keeps people in line by fear. He personally killed. Macdonald despite the strong rebel...

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Alternative transcript:

forces. Hadbein comes across as an undaunted man who is adamant on being a protector however violent it can be. Macbeth" reputation as a camor, is heightened by the use of similies in thes second half of the Captains speech. "Dismayed not this our captains, Macbeth and Banque? Yes, as sparrows, eagles, or the hare, the lion". Sparrows and eagles give the impression of them majestically flying, swooping down to save people or to kill the dangerous. comparing Macbeth to a lion, connotates that he is the king of the battle field, the most important and useful person in war. Furthermore, the lion is an umage of togatty royalty and military power, which could later foreshadow events. Near the end of the speech, religious imagery is used in Line 40, "Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds, or memorse another Golgotha" Golgotha according to the Gospels is the site where Jesus was 1 crucified, a reference to early and undeserved death. This could be foreshadowing what could happen to Macbeth later on in the play. We could infer that anything Hacbeth says or does prevents his death, will be ultimately hopeless. On the other hand, the Captaines lelling Duncan how Macbeth managed to recreate Golgotha, giving the impression that Hacheth has a Supernatural force. Overall Macbeth is portrayed as abrave and valiant 1. wamor in the war. He can be violent, and make people afraid of him but so far this had worked in his favour. The characters that we have met until this point, respect him and admire him as a leader. On the other hand, we are told about him killing the rebels in this scene. This makes the audience wonder why there are rebels in this land, and if Macbeth is actually fighting for a good cause. Yet he is -portrayed by the Captain as a hero, one that Scotland desperately needs.