


Macbeth Characters Analysis






Macheth Characters
chancier's purposes.
-to be a tragic
-show the effecis
that ambition and

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Macheth Characters
chancier's purposes.
-to be a tragic
-show the effecis
that ambition and

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Macheth Characters
chancier's purposes.
-to be a tragic
-show the effecis
that ambition and

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Macheth Characters
chancier's purposes.
-to be a tragic
-show the effecis
that ambition and

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Macheth Characters
chancier's purposes.
-to be a tragic
-show the effecis
that ambition and

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Macheth Characters
chancier's purposes.
-to be a tragic
-show the effecis
that ambition and

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ENGLISH LITERATURE Macheth Characters Marbeth chancier's purposes. -to be a tragic here -show the effecis that ambition and description -eponymous prota- gonist -ambitious and ruthless -allons guiltdoturn/guilt have on a him into a murder-man that lacks Lous butcher 1- can be seen as brave and noble strength Key Quotes -"let not light see my black and deep desires" -(simile), the stars should hide their light to not in see his darn desires -"False face must hide what false heart dioth Innow -must pretend to be layou to Duncon knowing he'll betrow him nu: -"full of scorpions in my mind" - metaphot -his guilty conscience is attacking/shinging him (L is this a dagger which I see before me?" -taken over guilt and growing insanity -shetorical question - (C Lady Macbeth /description -manipulative (( -defies expectation Macbeth -strong and ad ambi traus -goenmad -defien gender Moles -power hungry Key Quotes "out, damned spot" - melaphor -*XXX* during to wash imaginary blood of her hands. physically dear, but gign ratively stained. with blooOLD unsex me here" -asho to sake away the weaknesses arancia ted with being female look like the innocent flower but the serpent under "t" - metaphor fonatacte's purpose -to manipulate -warns. macbeth to appear well bound gentle. but to hide his deceit nu: The Witches descriptions equivocations -Saupernaturen C beings /-prophecy -manipulative charader's purpose Cantagonist to acare the aud- Key Quotes -"fair is gow and four in fair"-gatoshadowing -paradox sence -summary of what is to come -"all hail Macbeth! Hail to thee Thane of Candor" -prophecy is the major cause of Macbeth's tredegu -planting the idea of murder in his head "thou shalt be hings, though thou be none -makes Macbeth that Banguo...

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Alternative transcript:

is another imped- ament to his aspitations nu: 2 Banguo descyphions -noble -protective -righteous -symbolses kingsh- fup Сс Loramentos prepone. protagonist to act as contreist to macbOER Key Quotes Thear thou thou play at most gourly get it" -suspects that Macboth hello duncoin restrain in me, the cursed thoughts -haunted by the some fantasies as Macbeth bout knows what's right and can hold himself -Fly good Fleance, fly fly, fly Thou may' at leverge -O dove" - imagery, -banqua's.aying wr as a jove -describes his son to fly to safely nu: (C Maxtodlige (C descriptionA -wengeful -aggresie - herac Key Qudes -"O homer horror, hother" - repetition onavender's worse -antagonist -avenging here • how revenge is me creeping into his charac- ter Tyrant, show they face" -openly calls Macbeth a baffordyrend -suspectone's the murelover bleed, bleed, poor country" -metaphor -macdule's despair -imagines Scotland wounded as a body nu: Duncan descriptionn -righteous -narise -morou -respected "( Londoneran • purpose - the place. of Mach- eth's ambition "demonstrates hing ship hoy Queron noble "what he lost, Madbeth noth won' valiant. cousin, warthy gentlemen -Ahowania benevolence and respect as a king "this castle, noth a pleasant seat the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself" dramatic every -thinks highly of Marcheth. -the castle where Duncan is nived -"borne nia faculties. so meek", naked, new-bour babe" - showa Duncan's modesty -describes him as a new boun. baby -suggesting purity and innocence. nu:)