


macbeth context






A03 content
Women in Elizabethan England
Men had the right to scold their wives
women were regarded as the weaker sex (physically +

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A03 content
Women in Elizabethan England
Men had the right to scold their wives
women were regarded as the weaker sex (physically +

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A03 content
Women in Elizabethan England
Men had the right to scold their wives
women were regarded as the weaker sex (physically +

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A03 content Women in Elizabethan England Men had the right to scold their wives women were regarded as the weaker sex (physically + emotionany) women could not enter professions like law or medicine - they could only work in domestic services or write suitable COOKS and maids piecos of literature for other women Creligious works) women could not write or act for the theatre female CharacterS played by young boys. Bearing children was considered a great honour. Married women relied on their husbands, unmarried were relatives. relied on male Men provide for me house hold, do not abuse wives or face prosecution, love children their wife and The great chain of being The great chain of being is a religious belief held by Elizabethans that God set out an order for everything. The Belief in divine right of kings (they had. been specifically chosen by God) If the wrong person was appointed the monarch everything else in the world would go horribly wrong If you disobeyed the monarch, you disobeyed God. Whatever place you were given in life you will be it for the rest of your life. e.g. peasants Stay peasants. cannot move UP witchcraft People theatre were interested in witches to see stories about then. Only women King James I were It was said king James I. Witch trials were witches. wrote a book about how witches trying to kill him, were terrible. Shakespeare Signs Future burned. if it not it accused of being a witch went to the I wrote women were hanged, drowned innocent you died you were a witch. were Macbeth Fo G You were of witchcraft include looking into...

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Alternative transcript:

the creating Storms, sinking ships etc. IA Christian countries (most Europe countries. at the time) witches associated with + the devil. It was said they opened graver and used the things they found there to make potions. witches would not necessarily lie but they deceive themselves. would let people were manipulative. Politics Queen Elizabeth never got married or had he So when she died her distant relative kin James I of Scotland took over and ruled b Scotland and England hence the end of the Elizabethan ara and the start of the Jacob Most Of Shakespeares plays were written the Elizabethan erg but but Macbeth was wri in 1606 during the Jacobean in 1605 we had the gun powder plot w a man called Guy Fawkes and others to T to blow up parliament with gunpowder. Macbeth is set in scoHand- People as their ruler were not happy having king jama but shakes Peare likes him a wants the people of England to follow him (sucking up) Lence the reason why he wi Cso people stop rebe Macbeth for the king.