


Mrs Birling Quotes Page






mrs birling quotes page.
Girls of that class" ;
Talking about how Mrs Birling and her family had nothing to do
with Eva'

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€ mrs birling quotes page. 1 noun determiner Girls of that class" ; Talking about how Mrs Birling and her family had nothing to do with Eva's suicide and how her (Eva's) social class was to blame •"Girl shows Eva as a child when she is a woman / adult. •That shows carelessness and how she is too good for Eva's class • Blaming Eva instead of considering what she has done w. wrong. . adjective noun verb Eva showed "Gross impertinence" and "prejudiced me against her case" •When Eva called herself Mrs Birling, she found it rude and dislikable • Eva showed disrespect to Mrs Birling straight away. Mrs viewed herself Birling highly (above Eva) so didn't deserve to be treated like that which lead her to to helping Eva financially no say adverb Stative verb "But I think she only had herself to blame" • Mrs Birling wouldn't admit she was or have an sympathy wrong for what she did to Eva after being the reason (partly for her suicide • Continously blamed it on Eva's social class and how it was Eva's. Fault for the class. she was in adverb "As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money!! •Using girl to show Mrs Birling doesn't respect Eva •Linking Eva to her social class and showing disrespect. •Using 'ever' to show how girls like Eva would never refuse they are desperate for it as money •Continously judging Eva by her social...

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Alternative transcript:

class "I accept no Even now knowing the consequences of her actions for Eva she accepts non of the blame and isn't sympathetic for what happened. Shows how she shows no responsibility for her actions Would make her an dislikeable character to the audience Stative verb blame for it'