








a myth developed.
within comти-
nities that clones
have no sours astry
weven't made by
his parents the
prone to

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SOWS Л SOCIETY a myth developed. within comти- nities that clones have no sours astry weven't made by Good his parents the prone to discrimination. s prejudice as a person of colour. tallly clones. Many people disagreed with. The idea of cloning as they believed its hot right for to to Play God. moved to from Cloning V first ever clone was called Dolly the sheep & was created by 2 scientists in scori and. from Edinburugh uni in 1990s which sparken. controversy the UK ase Japan went to a boarding school. which infmenced Hailsham " t Ishiguros: Life r felt as a outsiar. live Tommy as he was new to the school. . dystopian- an imagined state/society where then is a great suffering s injustice.. corrup). Ï Genve: for bildungsroman: follows the protaganist (Kathy) from Childhood to adulthoods. focuses on her The story founds.on couldes with Tom expenences that resuit in characte development.

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