


Of Mice And Men List Of Quotes






'Jus a dead mouse' - Lennie - After killing the mouse with his strength
'You gonna give me that mouse or

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'Jus a dead mouse' - Lennie - After killing the mouse with his strength
'You gonna give me that mouse or

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Violence ● ● ● ● ● ● Dreams ● ● ● ● 'Jus a dead mouse' - Lennie - After killing the mouse with his strength 'You gonna give me that mouse or do I have to sock you' - George - Page 26 - When Lennie tries to hide the mouse from George as he likes stroking it Violent verbs are used when Curley first meets Lennie - 'lashed, Stared levelly'. Immediately goes into a fighting stance upon seeing Lennie If the son-of-a-bitch socks you - let 'im have it' ● 'I drowned four of 'em right off.' - survival of the fittest 'Get Candy to shoot his old dog' - doesn't understand the idea of friendship 'Took in his height, measured his reach, looked at his trim middle' - curley looking for a fight ● 'The guys in weed start a party out top lynch Lennie' 'When they can me here, i wish someone would shoot me' ● Violent verbs used again to descrive fight scene 'smashed, slashed, welled'. 'His huge paws, bleated with terror' 'Live of the fatta of the lan' 'We might find a pocket' 'Me an lennie are gonna roll up a stake' Racism 'We'd belong there' We'd know what come of our planting 'Cause im black!' - Crooks - When asked why he can't play with the other men 'Gave the stable buck hell too ... The boss gives him...

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Alternative transcript:

hell when hes mad' 'He paused in relish of the memory' - candy found enjoyment remembering the time crooks got beaten up ● 'The negro stable buck' 'This thing they had never really believed in was coming true 'Slim, will we get canned now?' - asks slim if they will get fired to ensure the dream is close to becoming a reality. 'No boyd ever gets to heaven and nobody gets any land' 'I coulda made somethin of myself 'All them nice clothes they wear. An' i coulda sat in them big hotels and have pitchers took of me' 'I think i knowed wed never do her' 'A mauled copy of the california civil code for 1905' shows that crooks like to read about his rights 'He kept his distance and asked people to keep theirs' 'You got no right to come into my room' 'I aint wanted in the bunk house and you aint wanted in my room' 'I was born right here in california. My old man had a chicken ranch. 'No body would listen to you' ● 'Crooks sat on his bunk...' at the beginning and end of the section shows that nothing changed for african americans at that time. Sexism ● ● ● ● Loneliness + Isolation ● ● 'Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don't belong no place. They ain't got nothing to look ahead to' 'He just quit, the way a guy will' 'A guy on a ranch don't never listen nor he don't ast no questions.' 'Maybe everyone in the god damn world is scared of each other' - also links to context, not trusting anyone 'I aint got no people' - George 'Spose george dont come back no more' - Crooks notices that he has the power advantage and takes use of it by scaring Lennie 'A guy goes nuts if he sing got nobody' 'I tell ya a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick' 'I never get to talk to anyone, i get awful lonely 'Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two' ● ● 'She got the eye' 'Bet she'd clear out for 20 bucks' 'Bitch, poison, jailbait, rat trap' 'Ranch with a buch of guys on it aint no place for a girl' 'Why dont you tell her to stay the hell home where she belongs? 'Think i like to stick in that house all the time?" ● Companionship ● 'Had im since he was a pup' - Candy - When Carlson offers to kill his dog 'I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn't have you on my tail - George - page 24 - When George gets angry at Lennie for giving him a hard life 'We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us.' 'I got you too look after me, and you got me to look after you!' 'Well i never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy' 'We kinda look after each other' • Hardly none of the other guys ever travel together' ● Carlson found a little cleaning rod....' - Very ignorant and self entitled to clean the guy that killed a mans best friend in front of him Context Boss questions the two men - 'What you trying to put over, Say- what you selling?' - the boss thinks George is using Lennie for his work and will collect his pay Each person living in America 1930s has the ideology of the American dream of owning a plot of land and having a happy family.