


Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley mind map






Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley
Structure & meaning
Sonnet - love, 14 lines
lambic pentameter - mimic
heart beat, life of Ozymandi

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Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley ● ● ● ● Structure & meaning Sonnet - love, 14 lines lambic pentameter - mimic heart beat, life of Ozymandias diminishing Irregular rhyme scheme begins AB, breaks ends in rhyming couplet - Ozymandias' fall from grace, decaying statue Caesura - give significance, confusion, retelling of story from traveller's opinion of Ozymandias Enjambment broken by caesura - decay of statue, time breaks up reputation makes cracks and lies based on retellings Quote on pedestal - truth of Ozymandias' personality peeking through the lies Imagery & language Sibilance of natural imagery 'lone and level sands stretch far away.' - 's' sound last, echo, echo of memory that will diminish in time, nature Juxtaposition - 'hand that mocked them' 'heart that fed' conflicted personality, inner conflict Imperative verb - reflects dictative rule of Ozymandias, tyrannical and cruel Hyperbole - 'king of kings' biblical reference to Jesus, comparing to Jesus Connotations of power 'stamped' 'pedestal' 'king of kings' - power physically, emotionally, psychologically over people ● Environment & effect Poem explores power and status of Ozymandias a proud, tyrannical ruler and how his legacy is left after he dies Pride comes before the fall Explores idea of how man cannot conquer nature no matter how hard they try so art and language will outlast humans and legacies of power Conflict between humans and nature 'two vast and trunkless legs of stone/stand in the desert.' 'nothing beside remains.' 'decat/of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare' 'lone and level sands stretch far away' Pride and tyranny 'sneer of cold command' 'stamped on these lifeless things' 'hand that mocked them and the heart that fed' 'king...

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Alternative transcript:

of kings' • 'look on my works, ye Mighty and despair!" ● ● ● ● Quotes & themes Memory • 'antique land' 'who said:' 'sand,/half sunk, a shattered visage lies' Conflict between humans and time ● ● 'sand,/half sunk, a shattered age lies' 'lone and level sands stretch far away'