


Ozymandias poem






Ozymandias quotations
"I met a traveller from an antique land,” (line 1)
- Shelly frames the poem as a story to make it
clear that the narra

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Ozymandias quotations "I met a traveller from an antique land,” (line 1) - Shelly frames the poem as a story to make it clear that the narrator hasn't even seen the statue himself, he's only heard about it "Two vast and trunk less legs of stone" (line 2) Shows that the statue is incomplete "Stand in the desert" (line 3) - The setting suggests an absence of life and vitality "Shattered visage" (line 4) - Ironic, even a powerful human can't control the damaging effects of time "Sneer of cold command" (line 5) - The sculptor understands the arrogance "Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things" (line 7) - Having 'survive' and 'lifeless' on the same line hints at how art can outlast human power but the ruined statue shows that ultimately art can't immortalise power "The hand that mocked them" (line 8)- mock can mean mean to bully or to make fun of or to create a likeness of something, perhaps the sculpture intended his statue to make fun of ozymandias "King of Kings" (line 10) & "ye Mighty" (line 11) – arrogant and powerful, he even challenged other rulers. The tyranny of the ruler is suggested through aggressive language "Despair!" (line 11)- irony, he tells other rulers to despair because of the size and grandeur of his works, but in fact they should despair because...

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Alternative transcript:

their power is temporary and ultimately unimportant like his "The decay Of that colossal wreck" (line 12 to 13) - The ruined statue shows how human achievements are insignificant compared to the passing of time "Boundless and bare" (line 13) & "lone and level" (line 14) – alliteration, emphasis to the feeling of empty space in the surrounding desert "Stretch far away” (line 14) – The desert is vast and survives far danger than the broken statue emphasis the insignificance of the statue and of ozymandias Author • Percy Bysshe Shelley Key themes Pride Arrogance Power • •