


Remains Analysis






On another occasion, we get sent out
to tackle looters raiding a bank.
And one of them legs it up the road,
probably armed, poss

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Remains 1 5 On another occasion, we get sent out to tackle looters raiding a bank. And one of them legs it up the road, probably armed, possibly not. THEME.Guilt. uncertain language. -indication that the man who was Killed Should perhaps have not been shot Well myself and somebody else and somebody else are all of the same mind, so all three of us open fire. Three of a kind all letting fly, and I swear repetition. traumatised. Speaker describes an occasion during warwhen he Shota cater experiences were common-clesensitised- sense of trauma, it caused. branded on his memory. and he's there on the ground, sort of inside out, vague language-denumanises those they attacked-mauces Present tense - suffering is ongoing .constantly it easier to deal with taking a lift pain itself, the image of agony. One of my mates goes by 15 and tosses his guts back into his body. -gruesome image replays the memories. Then he's carted off in the back of a lorry, reality of war and lack of glory associaied Short sentence & caesura reflects his Stark realisation that he will continue to be plagued by metaphor- creates han image of something dark that cannot bedispelled. 10 I see broad daylight on the other side. So we've hit this looter a dozen times 16 - conveys I see every round as it rips through his life - Colloquialiang - snows End of story, except not really. His blood-shadow stays on the street, and out on patrol I walk right...

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Alternative transcript:

over it week after week. 20 Then I'm home on leave. But I blink Simon Armitage (b. 1963) violent verb-highights now and he bursts again through the doors of the Sleep, and he's probably armed, possibly not. Dream, and he's torn apart by a dozen rounds. And the drink and the drugs won't flush him out - mage erupts into his mind without warning 25 he's here in my head when I close my eyes, dug in behind enemy lines, desperation to not left for dead in some distant, sun-stunned, sand-smothered land or six-feet-under in desert sand, S Sibilance & alliteration of hard+ sounds-Spitting & rid himself of out conveys angers frustration. but near to the knuckle, here and now, memories.. THEME: Gullt worur the harrowing 30 his bloody life in my bloody hands. -repetition & bloody imagery reinforces sense of frustration Themes symbolism-blood -Shadow relates to a memory that lingers. constantly reminded of wha he did. indicates Speakers the guilt he is Trauma & Guit: unabled himself war rid violence links to Bayonet charge charge of the light Brigade.