


Sheila Birling in An Inspector Calls






a pretty girl in her early
twenties, very pleased with
life and rather excited.'
stage directions
builds up an image of a spoilt
girl who is

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a pretty girl in her early twenties, very pleased with life and rather excited.' stage directions builds up an image of a spoilt girl who is naive and immature ·'excited' •"pretty' reinforces the female Stereotypes + patriachy 2) yes, go on mummy' obedient to parents + Submissive •noun 'mummy' shows she is infantalised treated like and accepts being a child despite being in her 20s. •male audience would be accepting of this as it reinforces patriachy and control over young women Priestley's Message... -Sheila's change is believable, and its authenticity is proven by the quotes above. The audience (particulary rich girls) may mirror her actions rich gins, who have been profected by wealth + class (rather distressed) 3) 'I can't help thinking about this girl-destroying herself so hombly- and I've been so happy tonight.' Stage direction shows the interrogation is impacting her positive as it shows some sympathy dashes could represent her pausing and overwhelming emotions ↑ Sheila Birling 4) 'But these girls aren't cheap labour - they're people." •noun 'people' indicates that Sheila is not allowing girls to be objectified or to be used as tools which benefit the bourgeoisie (the rich) financially or sexually •Shows hope for the future, used by Priestley as an example of people changing their attitudes towards the poor. -Sheila (with Eric) represent the younger generation, Priestley saw them as more impressionable" young gen the future sheila is not a suffragette but she can fore Shadow this movement the start of women Fighting for their rights. change talking abt Geraid's affor 5) 'why-you fool - he knows....

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Alternative transcript:

Of course 1 he knows... You'll see. You'll see! sarcastic tone + direct address of 'you' She's becoming less immature and begins to accept responsibility she knows that her family are immoral and will face the consequences • repetition of 'he knows' emphasises that Sheila is certain that the inspector knows the truth and therefore has more power in this situation. 2 6) 'You mustn't try to build up a kind of wall between us and that girl. If you do, then the inspector will just break it down! extended metaphor of 'wall' and the bamer her parents are trying to put up between the rich and poor ·links to 'he's giving us the rope so we'll hang ourselves - Shella Act 2 • She has fully transformed and uses the Inspector's own words againt her parents in act 3 ('fire and blood and anguish'). She gives the audience hope that society will change as long as we take responsibility She may install fear into the male audience that women may threaten and disassemble the patriachy.