


Sherlock Holmes PEE anaylsis table






Intellectual Holmes is well-read,
musically gifted and
speaks at least two
European languages
How is Holmes like

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Intellectual Holmes is well-read,
musically gifted and
speaks at least two
European languages
How is Holmes like

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Intellectual Holmes is well-read,
musically gifted and
speaks at least two
European languages
How is Holmes like

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Intellectual Holmes is well-read,
musically gifted and
speaks at least two
European languages
How is Holmes like

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Intellectual Holmes is well-read, musically gifted and speaks at least two European languages Restless How is Holmes like this? Observant Holmes thrives on mental challenges and puzzles. He prefers to be intellectually stimulated. Holmes tells Watson about a recent work he has written about the subtle differences he has noticed in the ash of difference tobaccos Egotistical Holmes asserts that he is the only worthy detective in the world. Evidence "Are you well up in your Jean Paul?" "But I abhor the dull routine of existence I crave for mental exaltation." "You have an extraordinary genius for minutiae," I remarked. "I appreciate their importance." "My mind," he said, "rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the worst abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere... I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation. That is why I have chosen my own particular profession, or rather created it, for I am the only one in the world." Analysis Holmes assumes Watson will understand his reference to the German writer Jean Paul Richter. Watson does have some knowledge of the writers work, the reader may not. The effect of this is that he appears even more intellecatcly distant and superior When there is nothing intellectual to keep Holmes busy, he resorts to drugs to numb himself It is his close attention to detail and his finely turned skills of observation, along with his powers of deduction, that allows Holmes to solve otherwise baffling crimes. This quote reveals Holmes' egotistical belief...

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Alternative transcript:

in his own abilities and uniqueness Nervous Self- Obsessed Eccentric Admiring Honourable Romantic Loyal How is Sholto like this? He seems to be constantly twitching and moving in a nervous manner He worries constantly about his own health. As soon as he discovers that Watson is a doctor, Thaddeus asks him to listen to his heart Thaddeus fills his house with extravagant decorations How is Watson like this? Watson openly admits his admiration for Sherlock When Watson fall in love with Mary, he worries her inheritance will come between them Holmes accuses Watson of taking a fanciful approach to detection in his writing of a "Study in Scarlett" Watson is committed to Holmes and follows him into a range of potentially dangerous situations Evidence He withered his hands together as he stood, and his features were in a perpetual jerk He was clearly a confirmed hypochondriac, and I was dreamily conscious that he was pouring forth interminable trains of symptoms... The richest and glossiest of curtains and tapestries draped the walls, looped back here and there to expose richly-mounted painting or oriental vase. Evidence "I assure you, Holmes, that I marvel at the means by which you obtain your results in this case. Worse still, she was rich "You have attempted to tinge it with romanticism" I lost my bearings, and knew nothing, save that we seemed to be going a very long way. Sherlock Holmes was never at fault... Analysis The words "wither" and "jerk" describe awkward and uncomfortable making him appear anxious and uncomfortable shelter is oblivious to miss more stands distress and focuses only on his own problems as they travelled to Pondicherry lodge the luxury of his apartment seems absurd compared with the outward appearance of the house. this instance this makes him appear eccentric. Analysis He makes no effort to disguise his wonder at Holmes' capacity for solving this mystery and is undaunted by his patronising response that's "Simplicity itself" He's concerned that any romantic advances that he might make will be seen as "fortune-seeking." He's also worried about taking advantage of her emotional state The characters are very different in their response to Holmes' detection work. Watson sees romance-Holmes observes cold facts. Watson places his trust in Holmes entirely and has such loyalty that he sticks with his friend, even when he has lost track of his whereabouts. Innocent Modest Calm and Composed Pompous Comic Apologetic Common How is Mary Like this? She leads a quiet life as a governess The only adornment that Miss Morstan wears is a small white feather She is quiet and able to offer comfort to the housekeeper at Pondicherry Lodge Evidence "I have led a retired life, and have no friends who I could appeal to." She wore a small turban of the small dull hue, relived only by suspicion of white feather in the side. Miss Morstan appeared to have a soothing effect upon her How is Jones like this? The police inspector is dismissive of Holmes' theories about the perpetrator of the crime and makes a wrongful arrest. Mr Anthony Jones is presented as a somewhat comic character. His blustering nature is in contrast with the composure of Sherlock Holmes When it turns out that Thaddeus Sholto has a firm alibi for the night of Bartholomew's murder Jones returns self-effacingly to ask for Holmes help the police are presented as being of a lower social status in this novel Evidence "Confirms it in every respect." Said the fat detective, pompously. His expression was downcast, and his bearing meek and even unapologetic. Analysis The adjective "retired" suggests a gentle and inexperienced character "There is nothing more unesthetic as a policeman" Her modesty is shown in this token gesture of decoration. The white feather could be said to suggest her innocence as well as her modesty. When he "discovers" the trapdoor to the roof at Pondicherry Lodge, he is quickly "crestfallen" when Holmes explains that he was the one who opened it. The housekeeper is hysterical, but Marys calm manner has an almost instant effect. Is this Watsons perception or the truth? Analysis The word "fat" suggests a somewhat comical appearance in contrast with homes use. He speaks "pompously" implying that he has jumped to his conclusion too quickly Holmes responds to Jones's attempts to find the murderer with a calm manner that makes the police detective appear foolish and slow-witted This contrast to earlier meetings with Jones when he has appeared as overly confident and self-assured Thaddeus shows a snobbish attitude to the police and Holmes is also dismissive of their intellectual capabilities How is Jonathon Small like this? Frightening When Mrs Smith describes the one-legged man, she paints an unpleasant picture Calculating Small explains how he took advantage of the fact that Major Sholto was in debt Ruthless He has no concern for other people and uses them to meet his own ends. In his bid to escape he takes advantage of Tonga's devotion Evidence "Besides, I don't like that wooden-legged man with' his ugly face and outlandish talk." "The major was raving about losses." "When I found that he was devoted to me and would do anything to serve me, I saw my chance of escape." Analysis The reader is shown Mrs Smith's distrust and fear of Jonathon Small. His appearance is ugly and frightening, suggesting that his character is similarity unpleasant Small say she used Majors financial situation to bargain for his own freedom. He promised the major and Captain a share of the treasure if they would arrange a boat to rescue him and his comrades Small doesn't consider Tonga's needs or desires. Instead ruthlessly abuses his devotion to make his own "escape"