


The charge of the Light brigade






The Charge of the Light Brigade
Half a league, half a league,
Rhythm: sounds like horses galloping.
= unstoppable.
Half a leag

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The Charge of the Light Brigade Repetition 1. Half a league, half a league, Rhythm: sounds like horses galloping. = unstoppable. Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Metaphor: exaggerates, dramatic. Rode the six hundred. Sinister, forshadowing. 5 Forward, the Light Brigade! 1 Luncans Charge for the gunshe said:→ Commanding officer speaking. words. Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Lone 2. 'Forward, the Light Brigade! 10 Was there a man dismay'd?. Not tho' the soldier knew Some one had blundar'd: Theirs not to make reply. Theirs not to reason why, 15 Theirs but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Bravery of Soldier. 10 » Crimean war Repeti non- mony 3. Short Syliable Cannon to right of them. Cannon to eft of them. Sound 20 Cannon in front of them = explosive valley'd and thunder'd; Storm'd at with shot and sholl. Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death 25 Into the mouth of Hell Rode the six hundred. context →>> Repetition, they knew there was a chance of dying. Group, one purpose. Sticking with the plan, they are confident and trust their leader. Realise mistake. " Rhyme, Repetition emphasises soldiers, dutye to follow orders even though they could die. Metaphor: trapped, inescapable. Repeated throughout. obey orders = poets respect. monosyllabic→ fast, relentless bombardment of Shells. * poem is about war, life and death, Sacn'fice and folly- Naturally links to Conflict. Onomatopeic: high energy evoke Sounds of anger, aggression of war. [Imagery Sibilance: emphasises idea of ammunition flying towards them. →Monster, personification. Personification:...

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Alternative transcript:

monsters soldiers can't escape from. metaphors: sum up the experience. Glory, bravery, pride battle that has been hard fought and won. Based on the battle of sebastapol in Crimea. • British sent a small + lightly armoured regiment to fight expected to lose → won glonously. 4. Flasn'd all their sabres bare, Flash'd as they turn'd in air Sabring the gunners there. 30 Charging an army, while All the world wonder'd: Verbs emphas plurged in the battery-smoke Right thro' the line they brake; -ing action Cossack and Russian Conflict is everlasting 5. Repetition + Rhyme-creates powerful image of the Country using that swords. →Swords + 35 Reel'd from the sabre-stroke Increasing Shatter'd and sunder'd. Race Then they rode back, but not Repetition: emphasises same have been Killed. Not the six hundred. emotion GCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE POWER AND CONFLICT reminder they are out powered. people marvened at their bravery OR why they had been sent on the charge. Cannon to right of them, Tretreating similar to stanzas. 40 Cannon to left of them, Cannon behind them 55 Sibilance: Saunds vicious, vivid, noisy, hellish setting. 50 When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wonder'd. Honour the charge they made! Honcur the Light Brigade. 600 returning. Valley'd and thunder'd;→ Storm'd at with shot and shell, While horse and hero fell, 45 They that had fought so well → Came thro' the jaws of Death Back from the mouth of Hell, All that was left of them lost, making the poem sound sad. Repetition: reminds us that lives have been Left of six huncred. en Some return, some don't. Positive Imagery T 6. Alfred Lord Tennyson onomatpoeic: like cannons. Shot at by Cannon. Sense of admiration touched with sadness. •They die. Rhetorical Question: challenges reader claring Sounds dramatic + 'w' immense achievement. •their glory should never fade. Noble six hundred! Imperative repeated: leave the reader with the idea they Should not forget the cavairy. Mirror back the emotion they showed their country, to them. (1809-1892) * Themes → war, soldering, duty, brotherhood. Structure: • regular and consistent rhyme Scheme and pace: reflects the horses marching and the onward pacing of the brigade. 11