


the charge of the light brigade






violent Language
heroic Language
The Charge of the
Light Brigade
Lord Tennyson

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violent Language heroic Language Language repetition The Charge of the Light Brigade 1 Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) 5 32 Structure themes Language techniques 1. Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Several lines begin with verbs, Renforces Forward, the Light Brigade!" Rhythm-sounds Like hoof-beats on the ground. 4. emphas.sing Flash'd all their sabres bare, the action and in reading Flash'd as they turn'd in air the pace of the poem. Sabring the gunners there, violent langua30 Charging an army, while reminds us they only have swords. All the world wonder'd: Rode the six hundred. 'Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns!' he said: Third person 40 Soldiers are Into the valley of Death narrative - the commanding officer presented as Rode the six hundred. is here. 5 one. Flying Boldly they rode and well, towards Into the jaws of Death, them. unrhymed lines sounds vicious. Sibiance here Plunged in the battery-smoke dusrupt momentin mirroring the Right thro' the line they broke: horses stumbling Cossack and Russian or the falling. Anadiplosis- Shatter'd and sunder'd. The repetition of Sinister-reader is Then they rode back, but not "net"emphas the fact that Not the six hundred. some of the brigade warned from the start that something have been killed. H bad cs going to creates a broken happen. Shattering effect making sound iupset The poem is in chronological order. 3 stancas are about the the first charge of the men. Reference to the Bible make the poem seem solemn and significant. Anaphora-the repetition of flash'a and the rhyme creates a powerful image of the calatry using their swords. the command to the10 Was there a...

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Alternative transcript:

man dismay'd? Soldiers realise 45 reader. the order was Not tho' the soldier knew wrong do as they're commanded Some one had blunder'd: as it's their Repetition Creates the Theirs not to make reply, poet respects this. duty to obey. The effect of mpending Theirs not to reason why, Anaphora-emphasises doom 15 Theirs but to do and die:and sense of the soldiers obedience and inevitably into the valley of Death most will be killed even though thety- Rode the six hundred sense of patriotis,50 know 35 Reel'd from the sabre-stroke 5. Cannon to right of them, Anaphora- Cannon to left of them, Similar lines in stanza 3 but now Cannon behind them they're retreating. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, THEME - Patriotism Anaphora-reflects the way soldiers are surrounded 55 20 Cannon in front of them by the enemy's emphasises Volley'd and thunder'd; guns. Outnumbered. It also replicates the idea Storm'd at with shot and shell, of bullets Heroic Language could mean that people marvelied at their bravery or at that wandered why people were sent on the charge. Volley'd and thunder'd; Rhyming triplets Rarive the poem Storm'd at with shot and shell forward. While horse and hero fell, onomatopeic ADA English Develop your learning on AQA English e-Library e-Library verbs suggest noise They that had fought so well from cannons. sense of Came thro' the jaws of Death admiration is Back from the mouth of Hell, touched with sadness, All that was left of them, Andiplosis - The Left of six hundred. repetition of "left of reminds us that lives have been lost making the poem sound sad. 6. When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wonder'drethorical These images personify death and hell and make them sound ysounds aramatic and daring. Honour the charge they made! challenges the question that reader Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred! repetition- indicates this battle achieved international anaphora -command the sound of gunfire. Leave reader repeated to notoriety. 25 Into the mouth of Hell we monsters that Rode the six hundred. the soldiers can't escape. Repetition - the last 3 stancas end with the same line. It adds to the sense of forboding and reminds us the soldiers are outnumbered. with the idea that they should honour the calvary. Final line gives Tennyson's judgement of the soldiers. THEME- Patriotism & Honour "wild" suggests the charge was chaotic and disorganised.