


The Prelude Poem PDF with Detailed Line by Line Analysis and GCSE Notes


The Prelude Poem PDF with Detailed Line by Line Analysis and GCSE Notes
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Extract from The Prelude Summary: Wordsworth's poem describes a transformative encounter with nature, exploring themes of innocence, experience, and the sublime.

  • The narrator borrows a boat and rows out onto a lake, initially feeling confident and in control.
  • A massive mountain suddenly appears, creating a sense of awe and fear in the narrator.
  • The experience leaves a lasting impact on the narrator's psyche, altering his perception of nature and reality.



Page 1: The Boat Journey and Mountain Encounter

This page introduces the setting and initial action of the poem. The narrator describes a summer evening when he finds a small boat tied to a willow tree. He unties it and sets off across the lake, initially feeling confident and skilled in his rowing. The peaceful scene is described with vivid imagery, emphasizing the beauty of the natural surroundings.

Highlight: The poem begins with a sense of tranquility and innocence, which is later disrupted by the appearance of the mountain.

The narrator's confidence is evident as he rows towards a specific point on the horizon. However, this confidence is shattered when a huge, black peak suddenly appears from behind the craggy ridge he had been focusing on.

Quote: "When, from behind that craggy steep till then / The horizon's bound, a huge peak, black and huge, / As if with voluntary power instinct, / Upreared its head."

The mountain is personified, described as if it has its own will and purpose. This creates a sense of the sublime - a mixture of awe and terror in the face of nature's power.

Vocabulary: Sublime - A quality in nature that inspires awe and terror simultaneously.

The narrator's reaction to this sight is one of fear and retreat. He turns the boat around and stealthily makes his way back to shore, now feeling like an intruder in nature's domain.

Example: The change in the narrator's demeanor is evident in the shift from confident rowing to "trembling oars" and stealing away "through the silent water".

Extract from, The Prelude
One summer evening (led by her) I found
A little boat tied to a willow tree-
Within a rocky cove, its usual home.

Page 2: The Aftermath and Psychological Impact

The second page of the Extract from The Prelude poem pdf focuses on the aftermath of the narrator's encounter with the mountain. It describes his return to shore and the long-lasting psychological impact of the experience.

Upon reaching the safety of land, the narrator leaves his boat and returns home. However, the experience has profoundly affected him, altering his perception of the world around him.

Quote: "But after I had seen / That spectacle, for many days, my brain / Worked with a dim and undetermined sense / Of unknown modes of being."

The narrator describes a sense of darkness and solitude that has settled over his thoughts. The familiar, pleasant images of nature that he once knew have been replaced by a vague, unsettling sense of something greater and more mysterious.

Highlight: This section emphasizes the transformative power of the sublime experience, showing how it can alter one's perception of reality.

The poem concludes with the narrator describing how the memory of the mountain continues to trouble his dreams. The "mighty forms" that now occupy his mind are contrasted with the "familiar shapes" and "pleasant images" that he can no longer see clearly.

Definition: Solitude - A state of being alone, often associated with isolation or reflection.

This Detailed analysis of the prelude poem line by line reveals how Wordsworth uses the encounter with the mountain as a metaphor for the loss of innocence and the gaining of a more complex, albeit troubling, understanding of the world.

Example: The lasting impact of the experience is similar to how a soldier might replay a battle in their mind, as referenced in other poems.

Extract from, The Prelude
One summer evening (led by her) I found
A little boat tied to a willow tree-
Within a rocky cove, its usual home.


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The Prelude Poem PDF with Detailed Line by Line Analysis and GCSE Notes

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Extract from The Prelude Summary: Wordsworth's poem describes a transformative encounter with nature, exploring themes of innocence, experience, and the sublime.

  • The narrator borrows a boat and rows out onto a lake, initially feeling confident and in control.
  • A massive mountain suddenly appears, creating a sense of awe and fear in the narrator.
  • The experience leaves a lasting impact on the narrator's psyche, altering his perception of nature and reality.



Page 1: The Boat Journey and Mountain Encounter

This page introduces the setting and initial action of the poem. The narrator describes a summer evening when he finds a small boat tied to a willow tree. He unties it and sets off across the lake, initially feeling confident and skilled in his rowing. The peaceful scene is described with vivid imagery, emphasizing the beauty of the natural surroundings.

Highlight: The poem begins with a sense of tranquility and innocence, which is later disrupted by the appearance of the mountain.

The narrator's confidence is evident as he rows towards a specific point on the horizon. However, this confidence is shattered when a huge, black peak suddenly appears from behind the craggy ridge he had been focusing on.

Quote: "When, from behind that craggy steep till then / The horizon's bound, a huge peak, black and huge, / As if with voluntary power instinct, / Upreared its head."

The mountain is personified, described as if it has its own will and purpose. This creates a sense of the sublime - a mixture of awe and terror in the face of nature's power.

Vocabulary: Sublime - A quality in nature that inspires awe and terror simultaneously.

The narrator's reaction to this sight is one of fear and retreat. He turns the boat around and stealthily makes his way back to shore, now feeling like an intruder in nature's domain.

Example: The change in the narrator's demeanor is evident in the shift from confident rowing to "trembling oars" and stealing away "through the silent water".

Extract from, The Prelude
One summer evening (led by her) I found
A little boat tied to a willow tree-
Within a rocky cove, its usual home.

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Page 2: The Aftermath and Psychological Impact

The second page of the Extract from The Prelude poem pdf focuses on the aftermath of the narrator's encounter with the mountain. It describes his return to shore and the long-lasting psychological impact of the experience.

Upon reaching the safety of land, the narrator leaves his boat and returns home. However, the experience has profoundly affected him, altering his perception of the world around him.

Quote: "But after I had seen / That spectacle, for many days, my brain / Worked with a dim and undetermined sense / Of unknown modes of being."

The narrator describes a sense of darkness and solitude that has settled over his thoughts. The familiar, pleasant images of nature that he once knew have been replaced by a vague, unsettling sense of something greater and more mysterious.

Highlight: This section emphasizes the transformative power of the sublime experience, showing how it can alter one's perception of reality.

The poem concludes with the narrator describing how the memory of the mountain continues to trouble his dreams. The "mighty forms" that now occupy his mind are contrasted with the "familiar shapes" and "pleasant images" that he can no longer see clearly.

Definition: Solitude - A state of being alone, often associated with isolation or reflection.

This Detailed analysis of the prelude poem line by line reveals how Wordsworth uses the encounter with the mountain as a metaphor for the loss of innocence and the gaining of a more complex, albeit troubling, understanding of the world.

Example: The lasting impact of the experience is similar to how a soldier might replay a battle in their mind, as referenced in other poems.

Extract from, The Prelude
One summer evening (led by her) I found
A little boat tied to a willow tree-
Within a rocky cove, its usual home.

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