








Tissue is an impressionistic poem by Imtiaz Dharker that comments on the conflicts and troubles of

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Tissue is an impressionistic poem by Imtiaz Dharker that comments on the conflicts and troubles of

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TISSUE CREATED BY HARRY WESTWORTH SUMMARY Tissue is an impressionistic poem by Imtiaz Dharker that comments on the conflicts and troubles of the modern world. The speaker looks out at the modern world and makes many comparisons between what she sees and tissue. CONTEXT Imtiaz Dharker was born in Pakistan and raised in Glasgow. She writes about issues such as terrorism, identity, freedom, and religion. The poem comes from her collection, "The Terrorist at my Table" which explores the roots of terrorism and fundamentalism. STRUCTURAL IDEAS Free verse - doesn't follow a rhyming scheme or meter. It represents humans' inability to control nature or even their own lives. Enjambment the overflowing of sentences show that the speaker is attempting to reflect the poet's desire for freedom. Or, it could reflect the lack of control humans have compared to nature. KEY CONCEPTS The poem explores a soldier's experience in war and the aftermath. It covers: 1) Cause of conflict a) There is a suggestion that humans cause their own conflict by assigning power to things that do not warrant it. 2) Importance of paper a) It explores the important of paper in our lives (e.g., maps, money, history books) but remarks how paper is ultimately fragile. 3) Nature of human power a) It explores the insignificance and ephemeral (short-lasting) nature of human power when compared to the power of...

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Alternative transcript:

nature. b) It encourages us to not hang on too tightly to power or control because, ultimately, nothing, including humans, are meant to last. KEY QUOTATIONS "Paper that lets the light shine through / this is what could alter things" Light metaphor / religious imagery The light could be a metaphor for God, this could be Suggests how humans are dominated and read as a comment on the power of religion to change things. controlled by money. Implies that humans have caused conflict by assigning significance to such things. "The marks / that rivers make, roads / rail tracks, mountain folds" Listing Highlights the idea that man is determined to control, dominate, and make sense of nature. "Shift" and "drift" Language related to transience Reminds the reader of the fragility of paper. KEY COMPARISONS Nature vs human power Ozymandias Exposure The Prelude Storm on the Island "What was paid by credit card / might fly our lives like paper kites." Simile "Pages smoothed and stroked and turned" "Paper that is thinned by age or touching" Images of delicacy and touching Implies that paper is particularly important and should be resourceful to everyone. "Paper smoothed and stroked and thinned to be transparent" Repetition Repetition of this line reinforces the idea that paper is fragile.