








1. biodiversity in an ecosystem includes genetics, species,
and habitat diversity
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1. biodiversity in an ecosystem includes genetics, species,
and habitat diversity
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1. biodiversity in an ecosystem includes genetics, species,
and habitat diversity
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1. biodiversity in an ecosystem includes genetics, species,
and habitat diversity
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1. biodiversity in an ecosystem includes genetics, species,
and habitat diversity
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1 APES UNIT 2: REVIEW - INTRO TO BIODIVERSITY. 1. biodiversity in an ecosystem includes genetics, species, and habitat diversity 2. more genetically diverse = better respond to environmental Stressors 3. Population bottleneck can lead to loss of genetic diversity 4. Loss of habitat loss of specialist species 7 10SS of generalist species 5. species richness = # of different species in an ecosystem GENERALIST SPECIALIST SPECIES 1. Specialist Species tend to be advantaged in habitats that remain constant 2. Generalist species tend to be advantaged in habitass that are changing. - Koal P Panda Specialiste • narrow nich • less adaptable • likely to become extinct • specific set of resources • easily affected by changing conditions •Advantange when conoctions are constant raccoon Generalists • bread niche •adaptable • less likely to be extinct • usa variety of resour • high range of tolerare advantage when Londitions change - Island Biography 1. Many island species tend to be specialist due to limited resources 2. When invasive species (generausts) arrive they tend to outcomplete specialists. -KPR-selected Species. 1. K-Species: large, few off spring, stable environment. long life span, reproduce more than once, mature after many years of parental care. exi -elephant (101) रहे हैं. -jelly sh 2. R-Species: small, many offspring, matore early, Short life span, reproduce once Competition for resources is usually high in their habitats -dandelion L competition for resources is relatively low 3 BIOTIC POTENTIAL: maximum reproductive rate of a population ECOLOGICAL TOLERANCE 1. refers to the range of conditions, Such as temp., Salinity, flow rate, and Sunlight. Zone of 4 Low tolerence awread High -ECOSYSTEM SERVICES. 1. Provisioning,...

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Alternative transcript:

regulating, coltural, and supporting PROVISIONING I SUPPORTING CULTURAL Regulating •Climate $1000 water food production •water • wood fiber • Fuel •Nutrient cycling Soil formation •Primary production Educational Habitat provision Recreational - NATURAL DISRUPTIONS TO ECOSYSTEMS- •Spiritual •Aesthetic ▲ mosses licheria, ang 1. Fires, floods, droughts, and disease outbreaks 2. sea level 3. Earths Climate has changed over time, but for many reasons ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 1. - Succession is the gradual change of species diversity, usually after disturbance. 2. There are 2 types: regulation regulation regulation PRIMARY • soll made by mosses/lichens Peroding rock. (long time!!) SECONDARY •soil already ex1545 Cand climax Community is reaches soonLY 3. Keystone species- Specles whose activity plays significant role in community Structure Indicator species-plant or animal that indicate certain qualities of an ecosystem Pioneer species - first species to move into unoccupted habit UNIT 2 EXTRAS Keystone Species diagram: of thot sodni Biodiversity WORD species Founder eveness Ecosystem Services effect Population the ecosystem bottleneck with wolves A AKA vocabulary: DEFINITION without wolves ge distribution of abundance across species in an area PROVISION ING definition: products obtained from ecosystems ******* 0 reduced gene diversity + population after new pop. by individuals Sharp reduction in population after ecosystem disturbance SUPPORTING definition: Services necessary for Production of all other services ex organic products, medicine anthro. disturbance: dumping of toxic waste into lakes limits Fresh water use EXAMPLE • Forest have many Species but few of each. • Pilgrim migration •honting species too much. (elephants) REGULATING definition: benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes. ex: pollination, desease control anthro disturbance: killing of of destroying habitat ilmits pollination baes COLTORAL definition: nonmatenal benepi45 obtained from ecosystems ex: carbon cycle, photosynthesis ex: aestheties, tourism ADI deforestation creates photo syntes is AB overhonting extinction ? problems which limit our oxygen no education on them UNIT 2: EXTRAS - ANTHROPOGENIC DISRUPTIONS 1. Extraction, transport, use of fossil fuel ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES ECOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCE -Increase of respitory Illness, illness = expencive Ecological Consequences ·Polluted airlwater from burning 2. Air Water Pollution 1 oil spills+ fuel decrease in biodiversity -expensive to clean - Increase or respitory illness or cancer - decrease in biodiversity - decrease in available freshwater + toxi water