


Understanding Schaffer's Stages of Attachment in Child Development






<h2 id="keystudyschafferandemerson">Key Study: Schaffer and Emerson</h2>
<h3 id="investigationofattachmentdevelopment">Investigation of Att

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<h2 id="keystudyschafferandemerson">Key Study: Schaffer and Emerson</h2>
<h3 id="investigationofattachmentdevelopment">Investigation of Att

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Key Study: Schaffer and Emerson

Investigation of Attachment Development


The study involved visiting 60 babies and their mothers at home every month for a year, and at 18 months. The mothers were asked about the protests babies showed towards separations and assessed stranger anxiety.


Schaffer and Emerson found that at 25-32 weeks, 50% of the babies showed separation anxiety towards a specific person. The attachment was most often with the caregiver who had the most interactions with the infant's signals, not necessarily the person who spent the most time with the infant. By 40 weeks, 80% of the babies had a specific attachment to a certain person, and 30% had multiple attachments.

Evaluation of Schaffer's Stages of Attachment

The study has good external validity because the behavior is likely to be unaffected as it was conducted in the participants' own homes with their mothers. It also utilized a longitudinal design where the same children were observed at each stage. However, there are limitations to the study, such as the limited sample characteristics, as all families were from the same place and the same social class.

Stages of Attachment

The study identified 4 stages of attachment:

  1. Asocial stage (first few weeks) - Babies show a preference towards familiar adults.
  2. Indiscriminate attachment (2-7 months) - Babies show a preference for people rather than objects and accept comfort from any adult.
  3. Specific attachment (7 months) - Babies display anxiety towards strangers or when away from particular people, usually their mother.
  4. Multiple attachments (8 months +) - Babies form multiple attachments with adults they spent a lot of time with.

Evaluation of Stages of Attachment

There are challenges in studying the asocial stage as babies are young and immobile, making observable behavior limited. There is also conflicting evidence on multiple attachments and measuring them, as it is not very clear when babies form multiple attachments. Schaffer and Emerson used limited behavioral measures of attachment, and some researchers believe the simple behaviors observed cannot completely define attachment.

Attachment theory, developed by Bowlby and Ainsworth, is a widely recognized and studied topic in psychology. Recent research on attachment theory continues to contribute to the understanding of human behavior and development. The evaluation and critique of Schaffer and Emerson's stages of attachment continue to be an important area of study in attachment theory research.

In conclusion, Schaffer and Emerson's study of the stages of attachment in child development has significantly contributed to the understanding of attachment theory in psychology. The study's findings and evaluation provide valuable insights into the early stages of human attachment and have implications for parenting and child development practices.

Summary - Psychology

  • Schaffer and Emerson conducted a study on attachment development in babies
  • The study identified 4 stages of attachment: asocial, indiscriminate, specific, and multiple attachments
  • The evaluation of the study found limitations and challenges in studying the stages of attachment
  • Attachment theory, developed by Bowlby and Ainsworth, is widely recognized in psychology
  • Recent research continues to contribute to the understanding of human behavior and development in attachment theory


Frequently asked questions on the topic of Psychology

Q: What are the 4 stages of attachment identified by Schaffer and Emerson?

A: The 4 stages of attachment identified by Schaffer and Emerson are: asocial stage, indiscriminate attachment, specific attachment, and multiple attachments.

Q: What did Schaffer and Emerson find in their study regarding the development of attachment in babies?

A: Schaffer and Emerson found that at 25-32 weeks, 50% of the babies showed separation anxiety towards a specific person. By 40 weeks, 80% of the babies had a specific attachment to a certain person, and 30% had multiple attachments.

Q: What are the challenges in studying the asocial stage of attachment?

A: The challenges in studying the asocial stage include limited observable behavior due to the babies being young and immobile.

Q: What are the limitations of Schaffer and Emerson's study on attachment development?

A: The limitations of the study include limited sample characteristics, as all families were from the same place and social class. The study also used limited behavioral measures of attachment.

Q: What are the key findings from the evaluation of Schaffer and Emerson's stages of attachment in child development?

A: The study has good external validity and utilized a longitudinal design, but there are limitations to the study, such as the limited sample characteristics. The evaluation and critique of the stages of attachment continue to be an important area of study in attachment theory research.

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