


sociology functionalist flashcards (part 3)




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Functionalism is a ‘structural-consensus theory’ meaning that Functionalists argue that there is a social structure that shapes individual behavior through the process of socialization and that Functionalists believe that a successful society is based on ‘value consensus’ – people agree around a set of shared norms and values. This value consensus enables people to co-operate and to work together to achieve shared goals.

Define the Core Beliefs of Functionalism

Sociology Functionalist flashcards (part 3)

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Rehan Deb





here are some sociology flashcards based on the topic of functionalists. hope it helps!




Sociology Functionalist flashcards (part 3)








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Rehan Deb


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Here are some sociology flashcards based on the topic of functionalists. Hope it helps!

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Number of flashcard in this set (10)

Define the Core Beliefs of Functionalism

Functionalism is a ‘structural-consensus theory’ meaning that Functionalists argue that there is a social structure that shapes individual behavior through the process of socialization and that Functionalists believe that a successful society is based on ‘value consensus’ – people agree around a set of shared norms and values. This value consensus enables people to co-operate and to work together to achieve shared goals.

Is Functionalism a Structural or Interpretive theory?


Define Socialisation

Where we are taught the appropriate norms and values

Define Value Consensus and how it’s helpful

where people agree around a set of shared norms and values value consensus enables people to co-operate and to work together to achieve shared goals.

Define Interdependent

Where everything is reliant upon each other

How does Society work in a similar manner to the human body?

Just how the body is made up of specific organs that are interdependent and contribute to maintaining it by keeping it healthy. Specific institutions in society complete a similar function e.g. (Family, Education, Work) are interdependent for a smooth running of society if one of the institutions breaks down it will affect the whole of society.

Give an example of how an instutuion in society helps society to keep functioning e.g. School and the Workplace

School helps teach Children socialisation as well as broader life skills. If there was no School to teach them these functions society will break down as if there was no school for example how would future workers pick up vital skills essential in the workplace, illustrating how society as a whole would break down

Define Anomie

The breakdown of norms and values in society.

Emile Durkheim’s beliefs on Functionalism

Durkheim believes that Society shapes the individual - Social facts include such things as beliefs, norms, and values which are passed from generation to generation and shared by individuals in society e.g. by the Media, Religion, Family etc.

Define Social Solidarity

The notion that people feel they belong to society, they feel part of a group.

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