The novella "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck explores the lives of various characters on a California ranch, each struggling with their own version of the American Dream. The story delves into themes of friendship, loneliness, and the harsh realities of the Great Depression era, showcasing how societal expectations and personal circumstances shape the characters' fates.
- Curley's Wife: A lonely, flirtatious woman whose death symbolizes the death of the American Dream
- Slim: A respected leader who embodies the failure of the American Dream due to lack of inherited wealth
- Curley: An insecure, aggressive man who objectifies his wife
- Lennie: A physically strong but intellectually challenged man dependent on George
- Candy: An aging, disabled ranch worker seeking belonging
- Crooks: A black man facing extreme racism and isolation
- George: An intelligent, caring man burdened by his role as Lennie's caretaker