


Ancient Greek Notes






Greece and Alexander the Great
A. Western Culture - develops a lot of culture ideas,
B.Early Greece -geography.
1. river valley - not a

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Greece and Alexander the Great
A. Western Culture - develops a lot of culture ideas,
B.Early Greece -geography.
1. river valley - not a

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Greece and Alexander the Great
A. Western Culture - develops a lot of culture ideas,
B.Early Greece -geography.
1. river valley - not a

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Greece and Alexander the Great
A. Western Culture - develops a lot of culture ideas,
B.Early Greece -geography.
1. river valley - not a

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Greece and Alexander the Great
A. Western Culture - develops a lot of culture ideas,
B.Early Greece -geography.
1. river valley - not a

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Greece and Alexander the Great A. Western Culture - develops a lot of culture ideas, B.Early Greece -geography. 1. river valley - not a Alina Negrin Period 4 river valley. each in conflict Important 2. peninsula - is a peninsula of (aka Med)3. Mediterranean Sea - travel, trading and fishing is very important 1 4. mountains-very mountainess 5. Fishing - big part of culture and diet 6. harbors - good& many harbors for trade & cultural diffusion 7. trade - traded with Italy, Egypt 11. colonies - developed colonies and other cultures going t 12 climate - Med. climate / like being in Florida -13. gov. City-States-polis-develop diff. types to fo 14. Farming & Herding -grapes 4 wine, olives 4 dive oil, sheep & goat C.Early History. of wool •meat ↑ odysseus tries to get back! home (takes 10 years) (mostly used for 1. Homer: Iliad and Odyssey - epic poems/ long stones meat trojan war (Troy us. Greece)-trojan horse Is greater walls better army lamps. dairy gou, philosophy, 8, resources - good amount of trade 9. import/export- export wine and olive oil, import wheat & cotton. 10. land. Greeces ६ ar- D. City-States-Hellenic - Greek culture (means) 25%. of words are Greek in Origin 1. polis-city-state (police, policy, politics, metropolis) s Common Ties of diferent → polytheistic, belief in many gods, Religion tried to get earthly benefits & to explain history, to underst 8. City-States (polis) types of government 9. kingdom-ruled by king or queen (monarchy) b.empire-rule your people & people conquered 2....

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Alternative transcript:

acropolis-hilltop where fortress' and temples are -3. agora - the market place (gou. bui blings temples), created stadiums, thea 4. characteristics - cities are small in size and pepple a citizens = adult male o 5. Athens-Parthenon (temple for Athena) L culture & democracy (< foundation of western achitecture)]] (the age of 21.5 6. Sparta-focused on military & their achievements Lwar state 7. Others Scanned by TapScanner *Delian League. •Hubris -are city-states forming an alliance against deal of confidence in ability (think. Alina great NegrParsia, are better than you actually are) Period 4 You as onits not individuals •phalanx-fight c. aristocracy-ruled by rich upper class d. oligarchy-ruled by a small group of people. (are our meaning f. dictatorship-ruted by one who does not share power. alsown benefit e.tyrant-ruled without anyone assisting (back then). g. theocracy-ruled by god or gods representatives (priest) used now) h. totalitarian - have i. democracy - demo- people rule by voting total control by Important 1. Persian Empire - largest & powerful empire for their time. Phidippidesz. Second Invasion: Battle of Marathon - (Persia us. Greeks). 3. Third Invasion: Battle of Thermopylae-Persia won - bever armor 4. Battle of Salamis Sparta • as a Unit •Greek wing a made alliance with life. Rewrite on diff. page? E. Persian Wars [1] direct democracy -vote for every issue [2] indirect democracy - Republic - vote for and they those decisions. make 300 spartans by sea Athens Alhenians Persial *5. Delian League: Anti-Sparta only Greeks peave forsig fought: Phalanx - fighting formation for the Greeks & TF. Golden Age of Athens, Pericles : Hellenic Age&cmans (Persians didn't learn from Marathon, did the same thing G. Peloponnesian War-Athens vs. Sparta by sea, Salamis) Navy Better Army Sparta Wins rebuilt Better because of Athens disease. I this time. H. Philip and Macedonia - Greece was weak, Persia helped Sparta also time of oni losophers Philip & Macedonia infiltrated and conquered the science. I. Alexander the Great Went all the & : Egypt & India, conquered way 1. Background-son/n most of the world they knew! of main queen, lived to be 33, conquered most of world they know 2. Greece trained to be king & educated by Aristotle, became Regent when Philip (father) was ruler of Freece in entire ar my, later on [>helped father conquer Greece Leccomes command Brd in helped Alexander saved fathers life at Charonea, Persian Empire pegotiate treaty, Greeks rebel once Alexander becomes PROD Prophecy. Greatmess but short Advantages of Macedont ·longer spears -heavy avan armor to .. Ice Crean city-states. (took 20 years). brought caruary. Longer spears, made alliances, bribed leaders Used the phalanx b. Battle of IsSUS in Syria, Persia has more men be Her strategies HARRY Charonca Philip vs. Athenian Greeks a. Battle of Granicus-was in Turkey, Alexander comes with 35,000 men attack carly. his own wouldn't leave war morning. Darius fled leaving his wife mom & children, Alex --Belleved that Alex was son of the Gods, conquers, Lebanon, Palistan, edypt (texanaria) is moving treats them as family Persian emporon is named Darius to conquer Persia. C.Egypt Scanned by TapScanner Lowon & became leader, was then assasinated. (India, Only if they were loyal d. Battle of Gaugamela - Alexander is outnumbered & Still wins 4. India-conquers parts of India, allowed Indians to rule parts of 5. China-army of Alexander rebelled because they wanted to go home. 6. Empire - Starts to create empire in Babylon, never actually attacked China a. mixed culture - Hellenistic culture suffered more coming back b. cities-center of trade Persia, India-base of Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Head to Babylon from India in & god., builF TO new cities, wants to collect taxes & Rome & western culture C. deity, dynasty iswants to be proclaimed as a God, enestrage trade imixed the races, married a Persian daughter 7. Death and after math. queen malaria -could've died from disease or poison, split up his land to 5 σε Darius -right to vote for next leader (Macedonians) diff. tribes" -Alexander is out numered 5 to 1 - Alexander's strategy is to kill the King (Persian peror). - - Emperor started to flee, 1-Alexander went to save. Killing the Emperor. Purple represents Alina Negrin Period 4 CT-Does not →-Alexander exander - Makes his left wing captures the Persian capitals. destroy the Persian capitals Babylon the capital of Persia. instead of Scanned by TapScanner Alina Negrin Period 4 E. Persian Wars 1. Persian Empire - largest & powerful empire for their time. Phalanx-Fighting formation for the Greeks and Romans 2. Second Invasion Battle of Marathon - Persians vs. Greeks -Greeks had better armor, they fight as a unit, Greek wins -Phidippides ran 26 miles to tell the Athenians that they won and to warn them. 3. Third Invasion Battle of Thermopylae - Greekswin Greeks vs. Persians -300 spartans fought 4. Battle of Salamis-Greeks vs. Persians -Sparta made alliance with Persia. -Persia went to Athens by sea to try to attack from -Greeks win 5. Delian League City-states forming an alliance against Persia. Age F. Golden Age of Athens/PERICLES: Hellenic -Persians made the same mistake as they did at Marathon, and Salamis. -Athenians started to rebuild the Parthenon. -time of philosophers and science. G. Peloponnesian War-Athens vs. Sparta. L>Better Navy -Sparta wins, because of Athens disease and Persia helping. Sparta "La Better Army Scanned by TapScanner Alina Negrin Period 4 [ and - took H. Philip and Macedonia - Philip & Macedonia infiltrated conquered the city-states when Greece was weak. 20 years to conquer the city-states Philip brought cavalry, longer spears, bribed leaders and also made alliances. Charone a Philip vs. Athenian Greeks. - Philip won and became leader & then was. assasinated.. Scanned by TapScanner