


Medicine through Time






HIPPOCRATES: idea of 4 humours,
Hippocratic Oath - doctors swear to respect life.
GALEN: theory of opposites, developed

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HIPPOCRATES: idea of 4 humours,
Hippocratic Oath - doctors swear to respect life.
GALEN: theory of opposites, developed

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HIPPOCRATES: idea of 4 humours,
Hippocratic Oath - doctors swear to respect life.
GALEN: theory of opposites, developed

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HIPPOCRATES: idea of 4 humours,
Hippocratic Oath - doctors swear to respect life.
GALEN: theory of opposites, developed

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HIPPOCRATES: idea of 4 humours,
Hippocratic Oath - doctors swear to respect life.
GALEN: theory of opposites, developed

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HIPPOCRATES: idea of 4 humours,
Hippocratic Oath - doctors swear to respect life.
GALEN: theory of opposites, developed

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HIPPOCRATES: idea of 4 humours, clinical observation Hippocratic Oath - doctors swear to respect life. GALEN: theory of opposites, developed human anatomy proved body is controlled by the brain not realt. Physicians: trained at uni, diagnosed and gate treatments. Very expensive. Apothecaries: no qualifications, mixed herbal remedies, cost money but less than a physician. Banker Surgeon]: no training amputated limbs. cost (medieval medicine? uss. 1250 - 1500 HOSPITALS • ran by the church • place to die than be treated • number increased Church's control • church controlled education & books that were read meaning no one was taught new ideas. discouraged dissection • promoted Galen's ideas. This meant medical research was neld back as no one challenged the church. The government thought public health was below them. 1 1 0 ● ● ● CAUSES Supernatural - god sent as a punishment. Astrology - alignment of planets • 4 humours being unbalanced ● Miasma prayer • blood letting & purging • herbal remedies PREVENTION TREATMENT • prayer flagellation - whipping yourself. punifying air BLACK DEATH 1348-9 • bubonic plague passed by fleas lying on rats. SYMPTOMS : BUĎoes & headache, vomiting. Treatment praying -draining Buboes - eating cool things Prevention ·lighting five quarantine clearing rubbish People thought Jews and foreign people were to became so there was massacres of Jews. CAUSES VESALIUS: dissected on humans, improved understanding • fewer believed in God and of human anatomy, Encouraged others to dissprove Galen's ideas. 1543 supernatural THOMAS SYDENHAM : focused on obsewing patients. Nrore observations Medical". 1676 ROYAL SOCIETY: 1665. Group were scientists shared ideas. Theones could spread quicker, PRINTING PRESS:...

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Alternative transcript:

invented by Guten Burg, Reduced churn's I control. Ideas were spread faster. Renaissance 1500-1700) PHYSICIANS: still trained and focused on books but better variety and dissection was legalised. APOTHECARIES + SURGEONS: no uni training but qualifications needed for a license. Hospitals • treated sick people, • 1536 Henry VII closed monasteries so hospitals closed. • Some set up and pest nouses set up ran by physicians. churche's control people challenged religious ideas making it harder for the church to promote their ideas. people looked for new explanations ● WILLIAM HARVEY 1 ♥ discovered blood circulation • miasma • 4 numours (getting less) animalcules-animals ie bacteria TREATMENT D • blood letting & purging 0 new nenoal remedies (tobacco) transference chemical cures • dissproned Galen's theories making others question him • work was taught in schools. D PREVENTION emphasis on removing miasma by draining swamps, GREAT PLAGUE 1665 • Same as black death. Still believed miasma was the cause. Now knew it I was passed person to person. 1 New treatments • camed out public dissections and taught importance 1 of observing and , recording symptoms changing clothes prayers. transference and sweating disease out Prevention • more government action= theatres closed streets cleaned crosses on doors beared for 28 days. fires bumed -dogs + couts killed. plague doctors FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE): believed in miasma but improved cleaniless of hospitals, wrote books + set up a nursing school. JAMES SIMPSON: anaesthetic-discovered chloro form 1847. Deeper more complex surgeries. nappened + death rate decreased some worried that it would kill patient and interefed with God. t ↑ JOSEPH LISTER: antisepnes - canbolic acid 1865. killed gems in the air by 1900, operating 18th + 19th theatres clean and coolS Stenelised. 1700- 1900 Hospitals • new hospitals opened funded, by councils and charities. • nurses focused on caring for patients. • improved cleaniless. • poor initially in wonkhouses but then infirmares set up. Public Health Act 1875 9 • previous laissez-faire " ittidude but changed because of multiple epidemecs. 1) clean water 2) sewers 3) public toilers 4) Street lighting 5) public parks Century GERM THEORY 1861- Louis Pasteur proved microbes in the air caused decay. L Robert Koch proved this theory right and identified the specific microbes that caused indivual disease like Chicera + TB. 1882 +83. L Pasteur realised weakened version of a disease-microbe could create immunity. Developed vaccines for anthrax + Chicken Cholera, JENNER • discovered vaccination for small pox. innoculations previously availource for the rich ↓ observed people who caught cow pox didn't couch small pox ↓ bested theory on local people and it worked. 1790s. -By 1800, 100%,000 wondwide vaccinated. SNOW found chillera was spread through water. 1854 1 discovered the deaths were Linked to the use of water pumps. removed the pump and realised I deaths fell dramatically. I The government didn't believe his 1 theong as he had no scientific proof. Later his work... 1 - meant sewers were built lede to the public health act enforcing clean water cholera: caused comiting & diarrhoea Small Pox - killed many left scars i | However... 1- he didn't know why it worked - it didn't lead to other vaccinations other diseases were still kalling. DIAGNOSIS Labortories to test skin or blood X-rays, scans monitors TECHNOLOGY • microscopes incubators ● • x-rays TREATMENT . ● MRICT Scans insulin pumps prosthetic limbs magic burets-chemical compound that killed microbes and nothing else could be dangerous. radiotherapy transplants pacemalcers makes diagnosis easier and more accurate. Antibiotics-drug made from bacteria that kill bacteria or prevent growth. + Chemotherapy PREVENTION NHS-1948. Provides free health care ... GENETICS 19th century Mendel showed numan characterist passed down through generations. (modern medicine) numan ORIA, 1990, DŇA, 1900 - now GP, operations, ambulance etc. however provision was unequal but took time to improve. ↓ 20th Century technology (electron miscroscopes, xc-rays) found every cell contained ONA. DNA = Recxyribonucleic acid codes controlling genes Vaccinations-governments fund so are free. controversial still, 1 Government - laws to prevent you getting !!!. Creating lifestyle. campaigns. Watson + Crick discovered structure of DNA (1953) ↓ Watson led Human Genome Project identifying and po mapping every gene in PENICILLIN 1 Flemming -noticed bacteria in a petridish was being killed by a pencillium mould found it was! good antibiotic. 1928 1 la ↓ Florey + chain continued his research. Tested on mice + numans proved it stopped infection. 1940 ↳ understanding genetic conditions discovery of stem ceus prediction of indivual risk of cancers 1942 us companies Regan mass producing it. Helped with war treatment, Better understanding of lifestyle | 1943 UK mass produced factors etc. smoking, drinking and diet. LUNG CANCER 1.diagnosis - CT scan, cells tested • treatment - 1° surgenj, radiotherapy chemotherapy. Prevention-Government involvement TV advertising banned heary rax • laws on where Icon smoke you ·legal age of buying 16-18 1• campaigns •packaging. I second most common cancer difficult to diagnose and treat, majority of cases caused by smoking. ● ● TRENCH SYSTEMS dugouts were troops could take cover Zig-zag pattem sand bags to prevent caving in muddy + water logged very overcrowded 7 INJURIES FILLNESSES Gas Attacks: caused bindness, coughing Rums. July 1915 gas masts issued. before this they used cotton pads Soaked in urine.` WN1 Head Injuries: mostly caused by schrapnel. Late 1915 Brodie Helmets issued. Shell Shock: mental breakdowns. men accused of cowardice. TRench Fever: full-like symptoms caused lice. 1918 troops & disinfected clothing by nåd both houses. Trench Foot: caused by water-logged trenches could lead to gangrene." Treated with amputation. Prevented by whale oil, spare socics, mechanil water pumps. WAR DECLARED AUG 1914 1st Battle of Ypres Oct - Nov 1914: defended calais + Qunkinc. gas. 2nd Apr - May 1915: German's first use of chlorine t. 3rd Jul - Nov 1917: captured Passchendale, awfull weather meant many drowned. The Somme Jul- NOV 1916: 60,000 casamunes on 1st day and 400,000 by end of battle. Arras Apr-May 1917 & use of underground caves. Initially successful but little progress. Cambrai Nov - Dec 1917: first large scale tank attack which proved effective out Britain lost almost all ground as they didn't have enough backup. Base nospitals near pons on the coast. many medical staff. Patients could stay before returning to front line. • 1 U ● Underground Hospital at Amas - close to the front line - very kig space for 700 Reds running water + electricity operating theatre Medical workers •RAMC initially vounteers from FANY V Stretcher Bearer → Regimental Aid Post → Dressing Stations mile from front line medical officers. Look after men for 1 week. casualty Clearing Station (ces) larger + better equiped. Doctors and nußes treated life threating injuries X-rays • 1895 Wilhelm Roentagen discovered x-rays and radiology departments WN1 opened there were probems! Blood Transfusions • 1818 first blood transfusion person-person but blood couldn't be stored and only 50%. survived. x-rays essential in locating bullets + Shrapnel, Static machines usea in base hospitals and ccs. Mobile units were used closer to the front line. Prevented many deaths. -photography wasn't developed so had to stay still for a long time high does of radiation were released some patients oured and lost hair. - large machines were to heavy to move ↓ 0 1901, landsteiner discovered blood groups and that blood transfusions only worked between people. of the same blood group. •1915, sodium citrate prevented blood could be stored for short time. clotting V • 1916, citrate guicose could store blood longer. Aseatic Surgery - the cores thouroughly cleaned - stereused clasing - Steam stereliser SO aseptic surgery was hard to achieve at CCS and Rressing Stations 1917 camel-Dakin method ment sterelised salt we were moved through wounds. • large number of facial injuries • Thomas Sprint (1915) reduced deaons from broken led to improvements in plastic Surgery limbs from 80%. - fewer than 20%.. This was because it cept the limb rigid and prevented Blood LOSS.